Prefixed verbs. Open lesson "prefixed verbs". Some interesting cases

Theme: "Prefixed verbs".

Target: Refine and expand the predicative vocabulary.


    Enrich the children's dictionary with prefixed verbs on the topic "Transport".

    Teach children to differentiate the meaning of verbs that have different prefixes and a common stemdrive.

    To consolidate the vocabulary on the topic Transport, the ability to classify transport into water, land, air.

    Continue to form an idea of ​​the polysemy of words.

    Continue to develop coherent speech.

    Strengthen the ability to reconstruct the sequence of events based on picture material.

    Develop visual perception, logical thinking, memory.

    Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Cultivate interest in learning activities.

Material: model of the road from Bibishka's house to the Truck's house; pictures depicting different types of transport, wing, tail, nose; cut pictures: a rocket, a boat, an airplane, a helicopter, a boat, a steamer; a set of pictures for restoring events in the story, red pencil.

Course of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

Finger gymnastics. Children stand in a circle.

One, two, three, four, five -

Squeeze and unclench your fingers

Bus, boat and moped,

Motorcycle, bike,

Car and plane

Ship, train, helicopter.

Alternately squeeze the fingers of both hands into fists, starting with the little finger of the left hand.

    Main part.

1. Classification of pictures depicting transport into water, air, and land.

Children are invited to visit the transport exhibition.

On three easels, one picture is attached: a boat, an airplane, a bicycle. The rest of the pictures are spread out on the table near the easel. Above is a note:“We couldn't organize the exhibition. Everybody got sick. "

Children are offered to help organize the exhibition. Choose suitable pictures for the displayed pictures.

2. Working with cut pictures.

Children sit down at tables. On the tables, trays with cut pictures (boat, plane, boat, helicopter, rocket, steamer) and a black and white sample picture.

Children with a low level of development - pictures with vertical division into 4 parts.

Children with an average level of development - pictures with vertical-horizontal division into 4 parts.

Children with a high level of development - pictures with a diagonal division into 4 parts.

3. Working out the ambiguity of words.

The speech therapist shows a picture with a nose, wing, tail and suggests to name a vehicle that also has a nose, tail, wing (based on split pictures).

4. Practice of prefixed verbs.

Children are invited to hear a story about a small car and are invited to the model.

Look, here in the garage lives a small car, it is very funny and always beeps loudly when it meets someone. ( Children examine the car, think of the name Bibishka for it) Bibishka decided to go to visit her friend Lorry. She left the garage and drove along the road. He sees a big puddle on the road. Bibishka drove around the puddle and drove up to the bridge. I drove onto the bridge, left the bridge, drove on and came to visit. All actions are demonstrated by a speech therapist on a model, children pronounce prefixed verbs. On the way back, in turn, the children drive each segment of the path and pronounce the corresponding verb.

Then the children are offered to return to the tables, where everyone has a picture showing some segment of Bibishka's path. Children talk about what Bibishka is doing in their picture.

Children with a low level of development - went, arrived;

Children with an average level of development - moved in, moved out;

Children with a high level of development - drove up, drove around.

5. Development of fine motor skills.

The children's attention is drawn to the ladybug, which is crawling along the road. So that the car on herdid not run , children are offered to paint it with a red pencil.

Why did you paint the ladybug red?

6. Restoring the sequence of events.

The board shows a picture plan of the story of Bibishka's journey, with some links missing. Children talk about Bibishka, finding a place for their picture in the general picture plan.

    Lesson summary.

As a keepsake, children take the pictures they have painted.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined type kindergarten №26 "Fairy Tale".

Educational area: Speech development.

Summary of the lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and the development of speech in the older group for children with mental retardation.


Prepared by:

Speech therapist Shibanova I.V.

Target: Strengthen the understanding and correct use of the prefixed verbs of movement in the speech of children.


1. Expand and activate the dictionary on the topic "Wintering Birds".

2. To form skills of word formation: the formation of onomatopoeic and prefixed verbs.

3. Teach children to choose words with opposite meanings (adjectives, verbs).

4. Work on a sentence with a prefixed verb.

5. To develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, the volume of verbal memory.

6. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature, to develop the ability of children to observe the flora and fauna.


  • pictures of wintering birds;
  • chips;
  • action word symbols on the board;
  • cardboard decorations: house,
  • feeder, tree;
  • ball; cardboard titmouse on a stick, Dunno;
  • pictures of birds;
  • pencils;
  • crackers.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment: - What time of year is it now? (- Winter.)

What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? (- Wintering.)

The speech therapist shows pictures of wintering birds (woodpecker, bullfinch, sparrow, magpie). Invites children to guess riddles.

In winter, there are apples on the branches!
Hurry up to collect them!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this is ... (bullfinches).

Jump for a grain!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this? (Sparrow).

And knocks in winter, hollows trees,
But they are not crippled, but only healed.
Who is this? (woodpecker).

It spins, chirps,
He's busy all day. (magpie)

II. Consolidation of lexical material.

Quiz. - I will ask questions. Whoever answers first gets a chip. The one with the most chips is the winner!

1) Answer the questions:

What bird sleeps during the day and flies at night? (- Owl.)

Why does a crossbill need a cruciform beak? (- To peel the buds and get the seeds out of the buds.)

2) The task "Finish the sentence":

The owl sleeps during the day, and at night ... (hunts).

The magpie has a long tail, and the jackdaw ... (short).

The titmouse is yellow-breasted, and the bullfinch is ... (red-breasted).

3) Task "Remember, repeat, find an extra word and explain why you think so":

Bear, woodpecker, badger, fox.

Starling, tit, rook, swallow.

Crow, bullfinch, nightingale, sparrow.

4) The task "What can birds do?"

"Match action words to the word" birds. "What are the birds doing?

(fly, sing, peck, drink, wave, knock, ...)

5) Task "How do birds talk?"

The crow says "kar-kar", so what is she doing? - Croaks.

A sparrow - ... (chirping), an owl - ... (hooting), forty - ... (chirping),

tit - ... (whistles), dove - ... (coos).

The quiz is over. Let's count the chips and find out who is the winner.

III. Explanation of the new material.

The speech therapist invites you to listen to a story about a sparrow:

"The sparrow slept soundly, got up early, out of the nest flew out... The sparrow flew, looked for food. Suddenly I saw a feeder. Around the trough flew around, into the feeder flew, chewed up the crumbs. Sparrow from the trough flew out... To the nest flew up... Into the nest flew... I spent the whole winter like that. "

1. Acquaintance with the symbols of action words.

The speech therapist pays attention to words-actions:

Guys, what kind of bird is in my hands? (- Tit.)

(The speech therapist shows a picture of a tit.)

I will begin a sentence, and you will end it with an action word. These action words are indicated by an arrow on the cards. Try to decipher them.

(On the board are cards with action word symbols.)

Speech therapist: - Tit To feeder ... (flew up), from feeders ... (flew off).

Tit v feeder ... (flew in), from feeders ... (flew out).

Tit across feeder ... (flew over), under feeder ... (flew over).

- Around feeders ... (flew around).

2. Selection of words-actions with the opposite meaning.

Ball game "Reverse":

3. Consolidation of new material.

I will tell a story about a flock of sparrows, and you will suggest words-actions. (Speech therapist, telling the story, points to the corresponding symbol of the word-action, the children finish the sentence.)

"The sparrows slept soundly, got up early, from the nest ... ( flew out). Sparrows flew, looking for food. Through the trees ... ( flew over). Under the trough ... ( flew by), into the trough ... ( flew in), pecked the crumbs. From the trough ... ( flew off), around the tree ... ( flew around), again to the trough ... (flew in). They flew all day, getting food for themselves. And in the evening in the nest .. ( flew in)... We spent the whole winter like that! "

IV. Physical minute. "Sparrows". Visual gymnastics.

Now you are sparrows - "merry flock of sparrows, fly out for food!"

(The speech therapist gives tasks, and the children do them.)

The sparrows flew up to the tree, flew away from the tree, flew around the tree, flew behind the tree, flew to the feeding trough, flew to the house, flew into the house. And now, the little sparrows, blinked their eyes, closed them tightly, opened them, looked left and right, up and down. They waved their wings, flew to their places.

V. Work on prefixed verbs in sentences.

1. Game "Correct the mistake in the sentence".

Help Dunno - say the word-action correctly.

1) Ravens flew up from the trough. (flew off)

2) Crows through the bush flew away... (flew over)

3) Owl in a hollow flew off... (flew in)

2. Game "Think of a proposal"

I will say the word-action, and you come up with a sentence with this word.

Speech therapist:

Have arrived. (The ravens flew to the feeder.)

I flew around. (The woodpecker flew around the tree.)

Vi. Consolidation of the concept of "Wintering birds".

(A speech therapist distributes a picture with an outline of the birds.)

Find wintering birds and circle them.

Pictures: swallow, bullfinch, dove; woodpecker, bullfinch, crane.

(Children complete the task.)

2. Consolidation of case construction: nouns Gender. units of number.

Whom did you circle? (- I circled the bullfinch. I circled the pigeon. Etc.)

Vii. Outcome of the lesson: Assessment of the work of children.

Surprise moment: - Guys, what do birds love? - (Seeds, grains, crumbs.)

You were my little sparrows and I am giving you crackers.

(Children are offered croutons "from the trough".)

Organization: GBOU School number 415

Locality: Moscow

The enrichment of the child's life experience, the complication of his activities and the development of communication with people around him lead to a gradual quantitative growth of the vocabulary. In the literature, there are significant discrepancies in terms of the volume of the vocabulary and its growth, since there are individual characteristics of the development of the vocabulary in children, depending on the living conditions and upbringing.

According to A.N. Gvozdev, in the dictionary of a four-year-old child there are 50.2% of nouns, 27.4% of verbs, 11.8% of adjectives, 1.9% of numerals, 0.9% of prepositions.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, the structures of the meaning of verbs are not formed. The greatest difficulty in children with OHP is the grouping of verbs. Children with OHP often choose the wrong word in such, for example, a series of words: ran up, ran out, approached, arrived, drove up. Very often they do not understand the meaning of the verbs. A child with OHP will point to the same action picture when asked to show, for example, where it drove up, left, moved out (car).

When conducting speech therapy work on the development of vocabulary, it is necessary to take into account modern linguistic and psycholinguistic ideas about the word, the structure of the meaning of the word, the patterns of vocabulary formation in ontogenesis, and the peculiarities of vocabulary in preschoolers with speech pathology. Taking these factors into account, vocabulary formation is carried out in the following areas:

Expansion of the volume of the dictionary in parallel with the expansion of ideas about the surrounding activity (thinking, perception, memory, attention, etc.);

Clarification of the meanings of words;

Formation of the semantic structure of a word in the unity of its main components (conceptual);

Activating the dictionary, improving the processes of searching for a word from a passive active dictionary.

At the initial stage of speech therapy work, it is recommended to develop verbal vocabulary as follows: 1) Explain the meaning of verb words.

The speech therapist names the verb and asks the children to explain what this word means;

A). Show its action with the help of movements, facial expressions, pantomime:

B). Recall cases from my own experience when children performed these actions, for example, sewing - sewing on a button, sewing a shirt, sewing a suit for the New Year's holiday;

V). In order to actualize the recollection of events, the child can mentally (to himself), and on paper, record each situation with a stick or a schematic drawing.

2) .Name other actions that are part of the original, or name which actions "help" this action.

Sew-take a needle and thread, thread, stick, pierce, pull, watch, pull out.

JUMP - accelerate, stretch your legs, brake, breathe, rest, fly.

Word formation is, on the one hand, a special way of vocabulary development, one of the main means of replenishing the vocabulary of the language, and on the other hand, it is an integral part of the morphological system of the language, since word formation occurs by connecting, combining morphemes.

In the millet of the formation of word formation among preschoolers with OHP, it is necessary to pay main attention to the organization of the system of productive word-formation models.

Speech therapy work is aimed at the formation of word formation of nouns, verbs, adjectives. In this case, word formation of various parts of speech occurs sequentially - in parallel.

Formation of word formation of verbs. Differentiation of derivational forms is very difficult for preschoolers with OHP. This is due to the fact that the verb has more abstract semantics than nouns of specific meaning, and the semantic development of the word-formative forms of the verb is more subtle and complex: it does not rely on specific images of objects, unlike those nouns that are learned by a child in preschool age.

In this regard, in the process of speech therapy work with preschoolers suffering from OHP, it is mainly carried out to consolidate word-formation models that are simple in semantics using the most productive affix models.

The formation of word formation of verbs in preschoolers with OHP is carried out in the following sequence.

1) Differentiation of perfect and imperfect verbs:

A). Formation of perfective verbs using prefixes:

C - (play-play, sing-sing, eat-eat, do-do),

HA- (draw-draw, write-write),

PO - (have lunch - have lunch, have dinner - have dinner),

B). Formation of imperfect verbs with the help of productive suffixes - willow, -yva, -vo- (zip-zip, wash-wash, push-push).

2). Differentiation of reflexive non-reflexive verbs.

3). Differentiation of verbs with the most productive prefixes;

Comes in, goes out, fits, leaves

Flies up - flies away

Flies up - floats away

Flies in - flies in and out

Enters - leaves closes - opens

Comes running - runs away pours - pours

Arrives - Leaves

Arrives - Flies

1). Differentiation of perfect and imperfect verbs.

The speech therapist invites children to show in pictures where the action is already perfect, and where it takes place:

Soaps - washed paints - painted

Catches - caught

Draws painted erases - washed

Catching up - catching up hanging - hanging up.

2). The speech therapist asks the children to show in pictures who ...

Washing - washing shoes - shoes

Hides - hides shakes - shakes

Dresses - gets dressed, combed - combed

The conclusion is drawn: the words wash, hide, put on shoes, get dressed, mean that a person is doing something to himself.

Listen to these words again and tell me, what is the common part to be heard at the end of these words? (_sya)

For the purpose of consolidation, children call various actions from pictures.

3). Differentiation of verbs with prefixes (pictures).

A) .In an impressive speech.

The speech therapist names words for actions, children should show the appropriate picture.


Flies up, flies off

Suitable-moving away

Flies in, flies in


Lotto is played in the same way.

Children have cards with pictures depicting actions. Speech therapist calls the words

Designating actions, children cover the corresponding picture with a token.

B). In expressive speech.

The speech therapist invites children to name the actions from the pictures, and then come up with sentences with these words.

4) .Add an action word based on the pictures:

Into the cage ... (flies in), across the road ... (crosses over)

From the cage ... (flies out), from the tree ........ (Leaves)

The cage .... (Flies over), to the house ... ... .. (approaches)

5). Find the common part in words (by pictures)

Goes over, goes over,


Suitable, running up; suitable - leaving

Flies up, flies off.

"Enriching the vocabulary of older preschool children with prefixed verbs"

Dyatlova Zh.V., Golovkina M.A., Sokolova O.I.

For fluency in speech, the child must first of all have a sufficiently large vocabulary. The more nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs in his vocabulary, the more accurately and fully he will be able to express his thoughts, the easier it will be for him to communicate with the help of oral speech, and in the future to master the written language. For this reason, you should not spare your efforts and time for special exercises and games to enrich vocabulary, especially since the results of such exercises will not take long.In this article, we want to bring to your attention games and exercises to enrich the child's vocabulary with verbs and word formation of verbs ... The need to enrich the vocabulary with verbs is explained by their important role in the sentence. After all, our whole life and the life of the nature around us is associated with continuous movement, with some kind of changes, events. Almost no sentence can be built without a verb. The speech of a child who does not have a sufficiently large and varied stock of verb words looks infinitely impoverished. So, your attention is offered various games, poems, exercises that allow you to introduce prefixed verbs into the child's speech.

Ball game "Say the other way around"

The child, having caught the ball, pronounces the verb with the opposite meaning.

Comes in, exits

Flies in, flies out

Runs in, runs out



Arrived, drove away

Put-laid out


Slow-fast game

Instructions: "Boy Vasya does everything slowly, but you can do it quickly and correctly. I will tell about Vasya, and you tell about yourself "

Vasya draws, and you already ... (drew)

Vasya is reading, and you have already ... (read)

Vasya breaks a stick, and you already ... (broke)

Vasya writes a note, and you already ... (wrote)

Vasya washes socks, and you already ... (washed)

Vasya counts, and you already ... (counted)

Vasya is having dinner, and you have already ... (had dinner)

Game "Add a word"

The teacher pronounces an unfinished sentence, and the child adds a verb that is appropriate in meaning.

They enter the porch, and the tree ... (climb)

They cross the road, and across the river ... (swim across)

Water is poured into a jar, and cereals ... (pour in)

Milk was accidentally spilled, and salt ... (scattered)

The car drives up to the garage, and the boat approaches the shore ... (swims up)

They didn't hear everything with their ears, but not everything with their eyes ... (examined)

Grandma knitted a scarf, and a dress ... (sewn)

The game "How did it end?"

Instructions: "Listen and tell me how it ended"

Mom salted and salted porridge and ... (salted)

Kolya ate cutlets and ... (overeat)

Dad swam across the river and ... (swam)

Tolya sawed and sawed the board and ... (sawed)

They built a house on our street and ... (built)

The cat climbed a tree and climbed ... (climbed)

The son grew up and daddy ... (outgrown)

Game "Attentive ears"

Instructions: “Listen to the poem. When you hear words that sound like fly, clap your hands.

Birds can fly high, fly over blue lakes, fly away from their nests far, soar skyward over beautiful mountains, they can fly around the forest, fly over high towers, fly under a low canopy and fly from roofs into deep pits.

Game "Helpers"

Instructions: “Help me come up with words that are similar to the word walk. I will say the beginning of the word, and you add the word walk in turn.

For… walking, crossing… walking, you… walking, at… walking, on… walking, about… walking, about… walking.

Children are encouraged to come up with words similar to the word dig.

Playing with water.

The teacher invites children to play with water. Names the actions the child should perform and report on. Places a glass, a cup and a jar in front of the child, into which water is poured.

Teacher: “Pour water from a jar into a cup. Pour water from a jar into a glass. Pour water from a cup into a glass. Add water from a jar to a glass. Pour water from a glass into a jar. Fill a flower. "

The child talks about performing an action.

Car Travel Game

For the game you need to make an impromptu garage for a car, a road, a bridge. Put a tree in the way of cars, you can put a puddle on the road.

First, the teacher tells about the movement of the car, and the child adds verbs similar to the word go. Then the children perform actions with the typewriter and independently repeat the story about it.

“Once upon a time there was a car in the garage. She became bored and decided to travel. The car left the garage, drove along the road, drove up to the bridge, drove onto the bridge, drove across the bridge, drove off the bridge, drove along the road, drove to a tree, drove around the tree and drove back to the garage. "

Butterfly Travel Game

Instruction: “A butterfly flew into our group. Help me come up with a story about how she traveled. "

“A butterfly flew into our group…. The group ... flew. She flew to Masha ... and flew to Masha ... sat down, flew from Masha ... and flew to Katya ... flew over, sat. Around Katya ... flew around and to Masha ... flew away. Over Masha ... flew and through the window again ... flew away. "

Game "Writers"

The teacher reads the text, and the children add single-root platonic verbs that are appropriate in meaning.

“The bunny wanted cabbage and decided to go to the village for the garden. Here is a bunny from the forest ... ran out to the village ... ran to the garden ... ran up. I ran around the garden, saw cabbage and into the garden ... ran. The hare gnawed, gnawed, ate cabbage, ran out of the garden and back to the forest ... ran "

You can invite the children to come up with a story about how children walk on the site: “Sveta on the site ... came, came up to the swing, swayed, got off and walked away from the swing, walked around the house and went to the veranda, went to the veranda and began to play with dolls ". Teacher: “And Denis and Vitya love to run for a walk. Let's tell you how these boys walked. "

Game "What's right?"

The teacher offers the child a sentence and two verbs with different prefixes to choose from. The child repeats the sentence, including the correct version of the verb.

Do you need to take out or bring in old furniture from the house?

Did Roma make an elephant from plasticine or stuck it?

Misha spread or folded the textbooks in his briefcase?

Did Dasha learn how to tie or tie shoelaces herself?

Game "Fix the mistake"

The teacher offers children sentences with an irregular version of a prefixed verb. The child must independently remember and use the required verb in the sentence.

Daddy sailed the river.

Mom is embroidering a hole in the T-shirt.

Grandpa dug a hole.

Grandma fried cutlets.

Olya poured water into the watering can.

Picture game "Find a Pair"

Paired pictures are used for the game. The teacher lays out a picture where the action is still taking place, and the child, among his pictures, finds the one where this action has already been completed. Paired pictures can contain opposite actions.

The boy is painting the fence - The boy is painting the fence.

The child is building a tower. - The child built a tower.

The girl draws a butterfly. - The girl drew a butterfly.

Paired pictures can contain opposite actions.

Grandpa enters the house - Grandpa leaves the house.

Boy pours water into a bucket - A boy pours water out of a bucket.


  1. Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech among preschoolers. - M., 1985.
  2. Kosinova E.M. Grammar book number 3 for lessons with preschoolers: Complex prepositions. - M., 2016.
  3. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general underdevelopment in preschoolers. - SPb., 1999.
  4. Paramonova L.G. Vocabulary development in children. - SPb., 2007.
  5. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in the children's sakda. - M., 2006.
  6. Tkachenko T.A. In the first grade - without speech defects. - SPb., 1999.
  7. Kulikkova E.V. "Preschool Pedagogy" No. 1 2018

The synopsis presents the experience of using a city model and toys in a speech therapy lesson to exercise children in the correct use of prefixed verbs. Didactic games and exercises, finger gymnastics and dynamic pause are also aimed at consolidating generalizing concepts: air, water, land transport. games contribute to the development of spatial orientation, visual perception, and thought processes.

Outline of a lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language. (senior group, first year of study)

Topic: Transport. Use of prefixed verbs.

Target :

  • activation of the predicative dictionary.


correctional - educational:

  • to consolidate the skill of using verbs formed with the help of the prefixes -za, -you, -under, -from, -y, -p;
  • exercise in the adequate use of simple prepositions in, from to., from, to;
  • learn to use available antonymic pairs of verbs;
  • continue to learn to make sentences with an adversarial union a.

correctional and developmental:

  • improve the accuracy, integrity of visual and auditory perception;
  • develop voluntary attention, expand its volume;
  • improve the accuracy of memorizing and reproducing verbal material;
  • expand the amount of memory;
  • continue the development of basic mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification
  • develop speech and motor coordination,

correctional - educational:

  • foster a steady interest in classes;
  • to cultivate a respectful attitude towards comrades, accuracy.


  • Verbs: to carry (to bring in, to take out, to give a lift, to take, to take away, to bring) to go (to call in, to leave, to drive, to leave, to leave, to arrive) to fly (to fly up, to fly off, to fly away, to arrive) to swim (to swim, to sail, to sail away, to sail) take off, land.
  • Nouns: transport, bus, trolleybus, tram, car, train, ship, boat, plane, helicopter, rocket;
  • cockpit, body, wheels, steering wheel, wings, tail, steering wheel, feed, paddle, sail. Adjectives: land, air, water, cargo, passenger, fast, convenient, useful.

Equipment and materials:

  • a picture with 4 intersecting images of two types of transport;
  • subject pictures; plot pictures;
  • layout of a part of the urban landscape, transport models;
  • plot picture-layout for the game "Find a place", subject pictures-inserts;
  • The "split" picture is a surprise.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.

Motivation: for each task well done, open a part of the postcard with a picture of a surprise.

4th extra? (crisscrossing images)

What do you see in the picture? What's extra in the picture? Why? How to call it a common word?

Upload a fragment of a picture 1.


What did the artist confuse?

In front of the children, a mock-up painting with incorrectly positioned inserts is displayed (air, water, land transport).

What items did the artist place incorrectly?

Name them? What is a common word?

Where should they be? (an airplane in the sky, a boat in the water, a car on the road ...)

What are they doing? (the plane is flying, the boat is sailing, the car is going ...)

Upload a fragment of the picture 2.

Dynamic pause.

Finger gymnastics "Boat".

I will press two palms. Connect the palms with a "Boat"
And float along the river. Move your palms forward in a wave-like manner "
Two palms, friends, palms up.
- This is my boat. "Boat"
I will raise the sails, palms up.
I will float in the blue sea. Move your palms forward in a wave-like manner "
And with me along the waves Wave-like movements with both palms
Fish swim here and there. Claps right and left.

Upload a fragment of the picture 3.

H. The main part.

The use of prepositions.

Children are standing around the model. A speech therapist manipulates models of transport on a model of a part of the city (railway station, bridge, highway, river, pier, airport), and children answer questions by commenting on his actions. Then the children independently follow the instructions of the speech therapist teacher.

  • sail on, sail to, swim to, sail from;
  • fly over, take off with, land on ',
  • drive along, drive up to, drive away from, drive in, drive out from;
  • walk on, walk up to, get out.

Game "Say the opposite".

Purpose: to exercise in the use of simple verbs-antonyms, in the formation of verbs using prefixes using pictures depicting opposite actions (give paired pictures to children).

I will say a sentence, but you say the opposite.
My car drove into the garage. - And my car from the garage ... left.
My plane has arrived. - And my plane ... flew away.
My train left the station. - And my train to the station ... approached.
My ship sailed to the pier. - And mine from the pier ... sailed away.
The tram drove up to the circus. - And the trolleybus from the circus ... drove off.
Some of the guys left the rink. - And the other guys ... came to the rink.

Upload a fragment of the picture 4.

Dynamic pause.

"Rocket" (movement and speech).

And now we are with you, children, (light running with arms spread apart)
We fly around the planet.
Right wing forward (move right hand forward)
Left wing forward (left hand forward)
Our plane has arrived. (stop, hands down)
And now we are with you, children,
We fly away on a rocket. (a few steps back)
Stand on your toes, (stand on your toes, hands up)
And then hands down. (main rack)
So the rocket will fly up! (jump)
1,2,3,4,5 - we flew again (light running with arms spread apart)
We flew, we flew
We landed, arrived. (stop, sit down)

Upload a fragment of the picture 5.


Find the mistake game.

Purpose: the development of auditory attention, the consolidation of grammatical categories (to form verbs using prefixes, using the correct preposition).

The bus drove off to the bus stop (drove up).
The boat sailed to the shore (swam).
Cars drove to a traffic light (drove up).
The plane arrived at the airport (in).
The rocket came from the Earth (flew away).
Car exit from the garage. (from)
Upload a fragment of the picture 6.

Lesson summary.

What did you talk about?

What they were doing?

Assemble the cut picture. Consider a picture assembled from fragments, answer questions.

Assessment of the activities of children. A treat.

I.A. Lesnaya,
teacher speech therapist