Year of the camel. Putin will be overthrown in the Year of the Camel - astrologer. Growing love of the people ...

In the spring we will meet another New Year- according to the Zoroastrian calendar, it will pass under the sign of the Camel, which will replace the year of the Badger, and will begin on March 21, 2017. About what it will bring to the inhabitants of the Earth, says astropsychologist Valentina Wittrock.

Year of Rashnu

The Year of the Camel is directly connected with Rashnu - the ancient Iranian and Zoroastrian god of law, order and impassive, unbiased and fair judgment, the cosmic judge, the angel of justice and retribution. The name Rashnu in translation means "bright", "brilliant", as well as "straight" and "honest". During his reign - in the year that passes under his sign - people more often than in other periods fight for justice, strive to restore lost moral values, restore justice and demand justice for those who oppress them. But at the same time, it is precisely in such years that there are most high-profile, demonstrative trials and unfair convictions.

Characteristics of the Camel

The totem of the coming year is the Camel, symbolizing such concepts as missionary work, asceticism, perseverance and, again, the restoration of order and justice. The ship of the desert is also the embodiment of moderation and sobriety - as a rule, during the years of his reign, people have to look at the world around them without rose-colored glasses and illusions, seeing it as it really is, which, perhaps, is not very pleasant, but useful .

During the years of the Camel, political life revives, new parties and movements appear, under the banner of which a large number of people become. If wars start at this time, they end quickly and with minimal losses, and those who started them - however, like any other warring groups - quickly reconcile.

The camel also brings skepticism in society - during its action, both people and various processes and ideological directions are attacked and ridiculed, often completely undeserved. This comes from Camel's habit of spitting (remember the old comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune"!) - in our case, ridiculing - everyone and everything, they say, the more he loves a person, the more he laughs at him.

The hardy Camel cannot be denied hard work, so in the coming year we will all have to work hard and hard, but the results, apparently, will be pleasant - we will get a lot of what we strive for and dream about.

Camel in history

If we consider the Zoroastrian years of the Camel in a historical context, we can conclude that at this time events take place that radically change the picture of individual countries in particular and the world as a whole. The cycle of the Zoroastrian calendar is 32 years, so we do not meet such a totem as the Camel so often, but every time such a year dramatically changes the conditions of our life. So, in 1953, Joseph Stalin died, which, although not immediately, led to the end of repression in the Soviet Union and the transition to the era of the thaw, and in 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, whose name is associated with the collapse of the USSR.

Symbolism of the Camel

Camel's motto is "I carry everything I have with me." This totem has nothing that would belong to it and to which it would be attached, therefore, in the coming year, many of us will understand: moral values ​​are much more important than material ones. The colors of the Year of the Camel are yellow and blue, this combination reigns on the Ukrainian and Swedish flags, which means that these countries can hope for the location of a new totem of the Zoroastrian calendar.

Thank you for the advice of the astropsychologist (

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Introduction to P.P. Globes for 2017

Hello dear readers!

Its feature is the synthesis of all the main astrological and calendar ways of knowing the future. These two groups of methods in this book give a three-dimensional view of the reality around us, which is now available to any person, even those unfamiliar with the techniques of astrology.

With the help of the forecast calendar, each of you can find harmony in yourself, as well as your personal the best place in our world for the coming year!

Let's start with the fact that according to the ancient Zoroastrian calendar, on March 21, 2017, the Year of the Camel comes into full force.

The calendar itself, leading its annual starting point from the day of the vernal equinox, is also called Persian. The full calendar cycle includes 32 years, and each year has its own repeatedly verified description and its own symbol in the form of a good animal, which is a kind of information conductor for us.

The 32-year calendar underlies the Avestan astrological system and is one of its important distinctive features from all other systems of astrology. The uniqueness of this calendar lies in the fact that it is focused primarily on revealing the individuality of a person, who, of course, adheres to the recommendations arising from the characteristics of each year. The calendar helps to reveal your personality, your talents, helps you get closer to understanding your destiny and find ways of self-realization in life.

There is still a long-known 12-year, so-called Eastern, or Chinese, calendar.

It has received the greatest distribution in the East due to the fact that in its meaning it reflects the "collective" psychology of the majority of Eastern peoples. This calendar already defines our relationship with society, shows ways of interacting with it.

According to the Avestan astrological tradition, 2017 is the Year of the Rooster. The name here is the same: the Rooster in the "Chinese" calendar, and the Rooster - in the Zoroastrian. Only now the "Chinese" Rooster is endowed with negative traits, such as cowardice, conservatism and the desire to "peck" others on the sly.

And in our tradition, the Rooster combines activity and courage with poise and common sense. He cuts off the shoulder, but he never really goes too far. This is precisely the guardian of the law, and he is also the incorruptible heavenly prosecutor. The rooster is considered the conductor of the influence of the archangel Sraoshi, who was a strict but fair judge. Rather, he is not so much a prosecutor, but rather a judge - the one who must make decisions, because it is believed that such a year sums up all the pros and cons and makes a decision of the highest court.

The Year of the Rooster usually almost completely coincides with the passage of the planet Jupiter in the sign of Libra, and Libra is the sign of judgment and justice. So the Persian calendar tradition and its interpretation is clearly better correlated with the actual movement of the planets in our solar system, that is, directly with astrology.

The Year of the Rooster does not begin at all with the beginning of the official calendar new year, as the media often tells us, but with the sunrise after the first new moon in the sign of Aquarius. This date varies, and in 2017 the Year of the Rooster will begin on January 28th.

So, in the Avestan astrological system, two calendars are used: 32- and 12-year. These cycles are not random and reflect the real picture of the universe, as they correlate with the cycles of motion of the two largest planets. solar system- Saturn and Jupiter.

To complete the picture of the forecast for the coming year, it is advisable to consider information on both calendars, and then place accents and priorities on your own, choosing what is more important for you at this stage of life.

The forecast for the 12-year calendar is especially relevant for people who are socially active, for those who do not think of themselves separately from society, for whom the opinion of others is important in order to act according to the will of the collective or even contrary to it.

But the 32-year calendar is applicable for individualists, people who strive for autonomy, whose activities in society depend little on the environment. If you strive to maximize your abilities, to know and personally fulfill your mission for which you came into this world, and also to become a professional in a previously chosen business, then you need to follow the predestinations of this particular calendar.

To use the calendar for forecasting, you need to know in which year out of 32 you were originally born. Since the Zoroastrian year begins on March 21 (in some years March 22), those born from January 1 to March 20 are also related to the symbol of the previous year. In other words, this applies to Capricorns born in January, as well as Aquarius and Pisces. Let's say if the birth in 1970 is the year of the Deer, but were born in February, then refer to the year of the Falcon, which began on March 21, 1969.

Knowing the symbol of the year of your birth according to the 32-year calendar is important not only for forecasting. It is the year of birth that determines our position in relation to the entire universe, our cosmic mission. It is believed that a person is able to receive charisma, mark from above, attract additional features in fate, to restore the lost integrity and harmony, if it corresponds to the sacred symbol of the year of his birth. But this information is already beyond the scope of this publication. WITH detailed specifications All 32 years of the Zoroastrian calendar can be found in my other books.

Please also note that in the interval between the beginnings of two calendar rhythms, namely from January 28 to March 21, 2017, there comes a sacred time when you need to work on your shortcomings, try to get rid of bad thoughts and unnecessary things. At this time, the most important future events are being laid - both for individuals and for society as a whole.

Let's now consider the calendar characteristics of 2017.

General forecast for the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar

The Year of the Camel is traditionally associated with Rashnu, the archangel of justice and judgment, and the judgment of the highest, heavenly.

As you can see, for both calendars (32-year and 12-year) the information is practically duplicated: both years are associated with judgment and retribution. And it seems that 2017 will indeed be a year of retribution for their deeds and restoration of justice for many. Moreover, this will be both at the level of individuals and at the collective level, at the level of countries and states.

This is a year of condemnation, which exposes many to obstruction, even ridicule and insults. The year is good for skeptics who take nothing for granted. There will be many revelations and legal processes, and for many well-known and not-so-famous figures, their careers will even end.

At the most different levels and on different scales, the struggle for the restoration of some lost values ​​is visible, the issues of ownership of the territories will be disputed. In such a year, for some reason, everyone thinks that they were offended earlier, they demand an amnesty, a trial of the oppressors. And if wars arise in this year, they usually do not last long and stop rather quickly. So this is also a year of reconciliation of many warring factions, a relatively peaceful resolution of conflicts. Amnesty or condemnation - the scales of Themis fluctuate.

We need to wait for revelations, show trials, hype. The importance of propaganda and the importance of related professions such as journalism is growing.

On a personal level, a year comes when austerity is required, limiting oneself to excesses - then the Camel (Rashnu) rewards us for moderation. Rewards strictly proportionally - to each his own.

An important recommendation is that it is better not to be a loner this year, but to look for your own team with which you can work together to do a common thing. There will also be new parties, movements that will attract a lot of people. This is because the Camel is a herd animal.

In the worst case, a lot of chatter, noise, cod, dust, senseless deeds are expected.

And in the best case, and this should be strived for, meaningful actions carried out with a specific goal.

Many situations should be treated with humor this year, which in this case will be a good defense against depression and despondency. You need to learn to look at any thing from different angles and develop objectivity, refraining from any one-sided interpretations. Lucky just such people.

The Heavenly Camel patronizes hard-working, faithful and reliable people. And this despite their mockery and seeming frivolity. So you need to be really serious and responsible, despite the outward sarcasm and mockery.

To achieve success, you need to match the qualities that are associated with the Camel. And this is incredulity; the desire to understand everything meticulously, independently; desire to show great perseverance in business; performance and vigilance.

Camels can sometimes be fanatics, and also carry a cross in the family: close people are forgiven for everything, despite the fact that they “ride” them.

The motto of this year is: “I carry everything with me!” - so you need to make the necessary supplies, save money. It is not necessary to make large stocks, but everyone in such a year should always have everything they need with them.

Many will break away from their homes and go on long-term work trips, much like a camel goes on a long journey through the desert. You don’t need to be tied to any one place of residence, but it’s better to always have a hiking suitcase with you, be ready to immediately hit the road.

Reasonable asceticism and the ability to be content with little are shown, and stocks are a must.

Good luck will accompany just such people in 2017.

Many people will both gain and lose wealth.

Also, for many people, the year will be very interesting and bright in terms of personal life, because the Camel has a special interest in love adventures, he never denies himself this. And here it is still recommended to be careful, since these love adventures will very often lead to addiction, the emergence of very large obligations and even subsequent suffering.

It is necessary to educate children, and in general the year is very good for childbearing, prolonging the family. So many of those who could not have children for a long time will receive them this year as a gift from above - you can expect a surge in childbearing.

Forecast for all representatives of the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar for the year of the Camel (from March 21, 2017 to March 20, 2018)

For people born in years badger(1952, 1984, 2016) and hedgehog(1954, 1986), the coming year will be a time of strengthening wealth and position in society. You will find success in the material field. Feel free to establish business contacts, establish partnerships, take risks and make big bets. Fate will surely provide you with a number of opportunities, using which you can significantly improve your financial situation.

people born in years Tura(1951, 1983, 2015) and Lani(1955, 1987), the coming year will put before the need to accomplish fateful deeds and make responsible decisions. Waiting for a renewal of feelings and a surge of creative activity. For people of creative professions, this will be the time of their self-realization. The incentive for disclosure will be long trips and the experiences associated with them. It is also a time of searching for ideals, rethinking one's place in life. In material terms, the year is not very good - it is better not to take big risks.

Representatives of the years Rooster(1950, 1982, 2014) and elephant(1956, 1988) you have to be ready to fight. For them, the Year of the Camel is a time of testing and strength testing. It will take self-discipline and the manifestation of military qualities. You need to be prepared for the fact that problems will arise that no one else can solve. There are more chances to win if you do not chop off the shoulder. You can break ties that have exhausted themselves. The year is tense, but it is able to bring quick achievements thanks to an active life position.

Those who were born in the years Crow(1949, 1981, 2013) and Horses(1957, 1989), the coming year will bring good luck in a variety of endeavors, especially if you rely on work in a "team". It will be extremely difficult to “break through” in business and realize creative plans alone. The coming year will be remembered as a time of successful partnership and finding harmony in relationships with others. Do not refuse to help others and do not reject offers of cooperation, and then positive changes in your life will not keep you waiting.

The events of the year will clarify the social status of people born in the years Squirrels(1948, 1980, 2012) and cheetah(1958, 1990). The significance of this time for them is very great. On the one hand, the period of working off karmic debts has come, and on the other hand, they will be moved to great social activity. We will have to solve legal issues, on which the situation in society will depend. There will be great opportunities for self-affirmation, but you need to work hard and pay off your past obligations.

Representatives of the Year magpies(1947, 1979, 2011) and Peacock(1927, 1959, 1991) the upcoming 2017 will be remembered as a time of intense struggle and active defense of one's interests. Postpone reflections until better times, because here the time has come for real deeds and accomplishments. Only those who do not bow their heads under the blows of fate will be able to emerge victorious from this crucible of fate. You won't be allowed to relax here. At the same time, be careful, beware of the machinations of enemies.

For those who were born in the years Turtles(1946, 1978, 2010) and swan(1928, 1960, 1992), the coming year will open the gates to a certain world of secrets and mysteries. You may witness inexplicable and strange events. It is possible that the coming year will be difficult, even critical. At worst, this is a year of fog, illusions and delusions, as well as the evil eye and corruption, and at best, prophecies and revelations, creative rebirth and the awakening of charisma. A year of secret love affairs, a lot of obscure and confusing things happen in personal relationships.

beavers(1945, 1977, 2009) and Lynx(1929, 1961, 1993) will be rewarded for being true to principle and getting things done. The coming year is harmonious, attract happy occasions, fortune smiles. You will be able to have time to take your own and find the use of creative abilities. A year of stability, confidence, success, manifestation of creativity. But one should not fall into permissiveness, so as not to lose strength. Also, you can’t rest on your laurels, because this will lead to complacency, lack of development, laziness. In other words, the benefits of this year's help will be if you know how to use the forces given to you, and do it!

For those who were born in the years already(1944, 1976, 2008) and Donkey(1930, 1962, 1994), it's time for testing. The year is critical, associated with intrigues, even the likelihood of betrayal. You may find yourself under some kind of supervision, being entangled in a network of intrigues. You should prepare for struggle and rivalry, aggression and stab in the back. Events at best temper you, this is a year of testing the strength of the spirit, they do not let you relax. Do not trust your feelings to strangers. You may have to part with someone from those who were previously trusted.

People born in years spider(1943, 1975, 2007) and the Polar Bear (1931, 1963, 1995), the entire year of the Camel will be almost constantly in work. A year requires patience, it is associated with social upheavals, but it gives opportunities for promotion, good luck in a career, and is good for self-affirmation. Various kinds of surprises are not ruled out. It is not recommended to take on debt obligations: do not give, do not borrow. It is necessary to solve the problems of the past, because there is a return to long-forgotten problems. The year is wonderful for studying philosophy and religion, it is possible to gain a spiritual path.

Representatives of the years stork(1942, 1974, 2006) and Eagle(1932, 1964, 1996) the year will bring a number of unexpected events that can affect the future course of their lives. You will not be bored, as this is the time of sharp turns in your destiny. You can start everything from scratch, start completely new things, using completely new approaches. There is a lot of anxiety due to the fact that situations are changing, inverting. In principle, you can expect anything, fussiness is dangerous, creating interference and obstacles. Do not get attached to clear plans and calculated schemes, live on a whim and create on inspiration. This is the year of big stakes, when you can either lose big or win big.

For those who were born in the years wolf(1941, 1973, 2005) and foxes(1933, 1965, 1997), the coming year will be ambivalent and strange. On the one hand, they “roast”, and on the other hand, they “cool” and there is no sense of stability. Implementation depends personally on your position, how well you act. That is, there will be happiness or unhappiness - it depends on your personal choice. You need to take responsibility. This is a time of difficult choices, and many things are on the verge between victory and defeat. Be vigilant, beware of enemies. You may encounter rumors and gossip. But there will also be positive - you will attract temporary help and support.

mongoose(1940, 1972, 2004) and Dolphins(1934, 1966, 1998) will taste the fruits of their own deeds this year. Fate will complete its circle and lead them to a new starting point or to the same one that they once started with. In the year of the Camel, they will be asked in full for their previous mistakes, and if they are aware of their problems, they will be able to get out of difficult situations. Year of retribution: from each according to his ability, to each according to his merits. Paying attention to the signs of fate, clarify many issues and then you can adjust your program, put things in order in life. The period is good for training and serious studies.

Representatives of the years Mouflon(1939, 1971, 2003) and boar(1935, 1967, 1999) the coming year will surprise you with mysterious events that can make a serious impression and deprive you of peace of mind for some time. Some incidents will present surprises that you most likely prefer to keep secret. There is a danger of falling into dependence on people who can have a psychological impact on you. It is recommended not to "get hung up" on one thing, you should act in many directions. We need a breadth of views and a somewhat greater ease in relation to life. You can achieve a lot in completely unexpected ways.

For those people who were born in the years deer(1938, 1970, 2002) and Filina(1936, 1968, 2000), an important choice will have to be made in the coming year, the consequences of which will be felt for quite some time. Not only their fate, but also the fate of loved ones will depend on their behavior in this difficult time. Actions in the near future will be the subject of close attention of the environment. Choose the right strategy and prioritize your life. Keep in mind that you can achieve success in business only with a group of like-minded people, sacrificing your personal interests. It is necessary to take an active life position and, having made a choice once, stick to it to the end. And this is also the year of finding harmony in love, the possibility of attracting your missing half.

For those born in the year camel(1953, 1985) their upcoming own year means the need to reflect on the past and take stock. You will withdraw into yourself, and you will need to concentrate on something important, because this is the time to find yourself. Every 32 years, the calendar symbol is repeated - the ruler of your year of birth. And this is an opportunity, as it were, of a new birth, a return to normal. Retire, focus, take care of yourself. You should not deal with other people's problems, because you are reminded of your old mistakes and unresolved problems. This year it is necessary to put your affairs in order, resolve all neglected and urgent issues, get rid of the unnecessary and the old. And then you can achieve a lot, lay a new cycle of development and ensure many positive changes in the future.

Adam Smith - Scottish economist, ethical philosopher; one of the founders of modern

Why does Camel spit?

It is known that a camel is a faithful and hardworking animal, patient and purposeful, but sometimes it spits for some reason. Let's try to find out who and what the Camel will be dissatisfied with in 2017, of which he is the owner.

The forthcoming period, according to many astrological indicators, is associated with the planet Saturn, as well as with the Sun, which in any case illuminates the path for us throughout the entire solar year, which begins on the day of the spring equinox on March 21.

I propose to consider the indicators of the Heavenly Chart in an unusual way, using the Ized tips, coded in degrees of the planets of Novruz 2017.

So, Saturn meets us on the threshold of the Year of the Camel, illuminated at its zenith by the noon Sun at 28 degrees Sagittarius, which is ruled by the Sun. There are several interesting points here.

First, the symbol for the degree of Saturn "The Man Sitting on the Chamois" what sends us to hell Arte Heavenly, in the Novruz chart - this is first of all, and the totem of the degree of Saturn is Boar Babirussa, which absolutely speaks of the need to listen to the voice of the ized, is secondly, especially since the Sun itself every year begins its movement from the first degree of Aries, whose totem is boar.

In turn, it relies on the vigilance and uncompromisingness of the Ized, which does not allow injustice to happen and measures its own for each.

So it turns out what awaits those who, relying on ideology, strive to pass a sentence or in anticipation of it.

And he will spit on those who will continue to serve two masters, corresponding to the sin of the Blue race, which allowed itself to be pleasing to both White and Black.

This is evidenced by the position of the Planet Chiron at 26 degrees Pisces. ("A woman splits the head of a sleeping warrior"), which is responsible for the sleep of the mind, which it is time to stop, so as not to be captured by a new suffocating round of history. Why suffocating? Because the Black Moon and Chiron are in degrees of snakes (King Cobra and Anaconda), very interested in the fact that the person, the collective and society as a whole remain in their power and be completely subordinate to the system of Evil, continuing to mix the concepts of Good and Evil and strive for solving problems by constraining or binding methods, since others are allegedly ineffective. Evil will be especially aggressive in the Year of the Camel. (the color of the year of the Camel is red, the same as the color of the year of the Rooster), because earthlings have real opportunity start everything from scratch, since the Sun and Chiron are able to turn on a new cycle on the dial of life ( Upper zodiac sign Hours). And it will be especially successful for those who have learned to divide, choose and judge by actions and results, using the will to overcome their own doubts, and not to suppress the opponent’s opinion for the sake of exaltation and victory at any cost.

An interesting fact is that the White Moon, being one of the most important indicators of the right path in the coming year, begins the year of the Camel at 18 degrees Taurus with the symbol "Two bulls head-butting, whose totem is Falcon-balaban, and the ruler of the degree, already known to us, is Saturn. And this means that Hvarshat - ized year of the falcon, sure to help those , who strives to match Hvarne, which is prescribed by Day, Month or Year of Birth. So it turns out that in the coming year, as always, The calendar is everything.

, take us to the representatives of the years , and

I propose to observe the life and activities of people born in these years at the present stage of development of our civilization.

Here are some of them:

Pavel Globa, Andrei Makarevich, Boris Grebenshchikov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Alexander Ovechkin, Danila Kozlovsky, Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

Sergei Shoigu, Nicolas Sarkozy, Anatoly Chubais, Mikhail Barshevsky, Larisa Dolina, Valeria Lanskaya, Maria Sharapova.

Oleg Tabakov, Raymond Pauls, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Philip Kirkorov.

Edita Piekha, Iosif Kobzon, Dmitry Malikov, Stas Mikhailov, Lara Fabian and many others.

People of art, one way or another, will be carriers of some very valuable information, do not forget that they patronize people of art, whose activities and civic position are very much in demand by the forces of Light during this period, but it is also important to meet their requirements. But it just waits for a person or society to stumble and choose its path, which will be expressed in an incorrect social or ideological orientation fueled by lies.

The Year of the Camel patronizes those who adhere to moderation in desires, strive to achieve goals by reasonable means, look at life with humor and faith in a happy outcome.

Song "The Lame King"

The coming year will be very burdensome from a karmic point of view. The negative experience of the past will be put under attack, which can be very regrettable (because it was convenient), but parting with it is necessary in order not only to survive, but to start living like a human being. This is evidenced by the configuration of tense aspects from the Lunar Nodes to the Black Moon, the degrees of which require a clear and concretized position from humanity. The destruction of the old is already inevitable, and the construction of the new is urgently needed.

This is said by the Setting Lunar Node in the 4th Destructive degree Pisces and the Ascending Node at 4 degrees Virgo with the symbol "The Man Driving the Carriage", this is the degree of Performance, which is achieved by clear planning and thoughtful tactics, initiated by the leader of the collective or state.

The 4th degree of Virgo reminds us of the holiday of the Heavenly Host, under the auspices of Kshatra-Varya - the festival of swords, deliverance from fear. The holiday is also associated with the harvest of a new crop, with bread.

Returning to the Izeds of the Calendar, it should be noted that (Kshatra-Varya,) points the way to a better future with a sword for those who are able to hear and see new horizons, which in the year of the Camel should be the goal for everyone who wants to live happily and satisfyingly.

Ized of the year.

The Ized of the coming year is Rashnu, with which, since childhood, we have come across more than once when we heard the phrase: “Do not ask for trouble!” or "What the hell?" Rashnu embodies the principle of justice, the principle of justice, he pronounces a sentence, sometimes acquittal, and sometimes very strict, toughening.

You have already understood that we are in for a “fun” year. Indeed, in the years of Rashnu, proceedings begin, especially considering that we are now at the junction of the Epochs of Mixing and Separation, in projection on the Zodiac at 0 0 Libra. On the other hand, this 16 year Zoroastrian calendar, numerologically corresponding to the sign of Libra, in the calendoscope it is sector from 18 0 45'Virgo to 0 0 Libra. The sensitive point (the sole of the sector) falls exactly where all of humanity is now. The year of Rashnu repeats every 32 years, but only this time we found ourselves on this very edge, in this transitional state.

It turns out that of all the years of Rashnu that have been on the globe for many millennia, the coming one is the most important and even key from the point of view of the Supreme Court. In projection on the Zodiac Rashnu is now at 15 0 11'Scorpio. This is the point Osiris, which in Egyptian mythology corresponds to Rashnu and is also associated with the posthumous judgment. The degree is interesting, connected with the October Revolution, and now there is the ruling planet of the coming year. Events that took place 100 years ago locally in Russia may unfold now on a global scale. There was a revolution, ie. the complete demolition of the old system and the transition to a new one, now we are on the verge of something like that, especially at the end of the year, when we will symbolically approach 0 0 Libra.

Also interesting is the symbolic passage of the calendoscope point along the royal 25 0 Virgo and the degree of the Möbius strip and the fall of Venus 28 0 Virgo, and these are the periods from September 11 to October 13 and from December 15 to January 17, respectively. The first period falls on the symbolic boundary of the beginning of the sector of the year of the Camel, a special emphasis will be placed when the Sun will pass through the royal degree, but its vibrations will be turned on a week earlier and continue for a month. This is the positive that we can take from the coming year. In the second problematic period from the point of view of Venus, material and financial values, the New Year 2018 falls, which means that information on it will be significantly supplemented: when the degree of the Möbius strip flip is turned on, there may be problems with the rotation of the earth. The angle of inclination of the axis of rotation of Venus in the projection on the zodiac falls at 28 0 Virgo.

It would be worse if this situation hit Novruz, because unlike the social January 1, invented by people themselves, this New Year is natural and original. It is important that the possible shift of the earth's axis does not become the result of human activity. Let's hope that those in charge of decision-making will hear our warnings, and of course let's be careful on an individual basis.

And it's all about Rashnu. This means that in the coming year we can expect a large number of domestic, international litigations, revisions of previously adopted decisions, including as a result of mass demonstrations of those who disagree. Who understands justice, this is a separate question, rather subjective. If it seems fair to someone that there should be no blacks in some locality, he will seek their expulsion by all means, and someone needs perverts to be in power, and he will try to legislate their equality. If not God is chosen as a standard, but some kind of monkey, and a person is equal to such behavior of animals, then his place is in the zoo, and not in parliament.

Questions of justice are not unambiguous, it is measured by scales and compared with the standard. If the Divine Cosmic Law is taken as a standard, the Holy Scripture is one thing, but if this standard is a monkey and everything that is allowed to it, then excuse me ...

But the appropriate calls, nevertheless, will be, because the revolutionary degree of the Parrot 16 0 Scorpio is turned on, because it was the person with this degree L. Trotsky who started the October Revolution, and they still argue whether it was fair or not. Us with school years it was suggested that the economy was in decline, and now it turns out that it was almost the first in the world even during the First World War, which exhausted all European countries. Nevertheless, the average peasant maintained a large family and a strong household, and along with gymnasiums for noble children, there were also schools for workers. With the abdication of Nicholas II, too, not everything is clear: the document consists of two halves, printed on three typewriters and does not contain a seal, which should be mandatory, the signature is made in pencil and outlined in ink. In addition, Deputy Shulgin, who witnessed this document, in his own words, was not present when it was written, and the Manifesto itself was not published by the Senate to enter into force under the Law, and, in fact, is illegitimate.

Totem of the year.

Totem of the Year Camel, and the antitotem is a poisonous spider Karakurt who really dislikes camels and camel hair. If in the desert it is necessary to protect oneself from karakurt, then the place of parking or dwelling is surrounded by a ring of camel thread, he cannot cross it. I remember the film "Viy", where Khoma defended himself from evil spirits by chalking a ring.

In the worst case, revenge, anger, poisoning, committing terrible crimes under the guise of justice. In order not to succumb to such phenomena, one should develop the qualities of a totem in oneself, try to find for oneself a standard for assessing justice. This is asceticism, the desire to work, to be neat, careful, not to be tied to a familiar place, not to rush, not to fuss, to develop reasonableness, prudence, logic in oneself. Representatives of the Year of the Camel tend to have a special sense of humor, with a serious face they can make fun of the situation. At worst cynicism, at best criticism and satire.

Now let's go over some years of the Camel to see what events happen and, by analogy, can be this year.

Historical cross-section of the years of the Camel.

993- On July 15, all the lakes in Europe froze. Can you imagine what the temperature must have been? Perhaps it had nothing to do with the year of the Camel, but more with eclipses, but if we now began to describe the Camel astrologically, I think one of the planets would be Saturn: asceticism, patience, determination. Then negative temperatures are quite real in summer. It won't necessarily happen every year of the Camel, so we'll see.

1025- Yaroslav the Wise married two daughters in one year, later Anna became the Queen of France, and Elizabeth the Queen of Norway. The theme of unions and marital relations is close to the year of the Camel, numerologically associated with the sign of Libra, and, indeed, in these years there were many interesting international marriage unions designed to consolidate interstate good relations. It was noted that the wars that began during the years of the Camel were fleeting, relations were still more allied and good neighborly.

1089- a terrible earthquake in Palmyra, as well as the strongest earthquake in the history of England. Earthquakes are associated with Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. If we see in the Novruz map indications of these planets, their destructive connections with each other, this may resonate even now.

1217- one of the shortest Fifth Crusade.

1345- one of the first strikes of wool combers in Florence, also resonates with the Year of the Camel. In the following years of Camel, there were more than once strikes of workers, mainly textile enterprises, who were dissatisfied with the payment for their hard work. We associate workers with the sign of Virgo, in which the sector of the year of the Camel is located.

1409- The Council of Pisa, the heads of the Catholic Church tried to overcome the schism, as a result of which Pope Gregory XIII and anti-Pope Benedict XII were overthrown, and Alexander V was elected, who turned out to be an anti-Pope due to the illegitimacy of the process, as a result, instead of two, there were three Popes. The theme of the year of Rashnu can be clearly seen: religious figures sought to correct injustice, but it did not work out, this does not always work out.

1441Golden Horde fell into decay and collapsed, the Crimean Khanate was formed. The topic of Crimea is far from being closed; now, with new features and nuances, it can be resumed.

1473- N. Copernicus was born, the construction of the Sistine Chapel began, and the theme of the Vatican and the Last Judgment inevitably intersect, because, in addition to the individual, there is a collective Judgment of God;

- the Pskov-Caves Monastery, one of the most important in the Orthodox world, was founded.

1505- Poland adopted the Radom Constitution, now it may be in some other countries, there may also be a revision of the constitution.

1569– Union of Lublin, union of two state structures Poland and Lithuania, the formation of the Commonwealth. Not the last role here was played by the Lithuanian princes, who at some time redirected their vector from the east, where for a number of reasons the union did not take place, to the west.

1601- in Moscow in the middle of summer, the Moscow River "rose". This is the second similar event in the Year of the Camel. Ice on the lake is one thing, where the water is mostly stagnant, 4 degrees of frost is not enough to freeze the river, you need good minuses, and in summer.

1633- the court of the Inquisition took place over G. Galileo, here you have Osiris, Rashnu, trials.

1665-1666- the great plague in London, which claimed 20% of the lives. In a strange way, Neptune comes to the fore: there are earthquakes, here is an epidemic. We will follow that in any system of knowledge there are theoretical and practical components. Theoretically, we talked about what can be expected, and now we look at what happened in practice. If this real begins to take shape in some pattern, then something is underestimated in the theory, perhaps it needs to be corrected a little.

1697- The Great Russian Embassy in Holland, headed by Peter I. In modern terms, we went to learn from experience;

- in the Commonwealth, the Law on the status of the Polish language in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was published. Why did the fuss flare up in Ukraine? Because of the narrow language moment, when at the legislative level Ukraine abandoned Russian as a second language, despite the fact that half of the country's population speaks it. A good example of this is Finland and Sweden, in both these countries both languages ​​have the same status. Why was everything so aggravated in Ukraine?! As a result, they no longer have Crimea, it is also not clear with the Donbass, they are on their own empty place created a problem, although it was possible to safely move on.

1729- Catherine II, the most charismatic figure of the female emperors of Russia, and the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov were born. Both Ophiuchus, and the year of the Camel, of course, is associated with this mystery and with the Upper Zodiac in general, because its sector includes one of the seven royal degrees, as well as half of the sign of the Upper Zodiac Shepherd;

- in Holland there was a strike of cloth workers, at that time there was still no proletariat as a class. The camel is not only a carrier of goods, its wool is one of the most valuable raw materials for the manufacture of matter.

1761- a family pact between France and Spain, not a war, but a peaceful union.

1793- a revolutionary tribunal over Marat, a resonant trial, similar to Nuremberg, as well as Galileev. Different courts, but captured in history.

1825- the uprising of the Decembrists on the Senate Square in front of St. Isaac's Cathedral, so his theme this year can also hook.

1889- The Paris Congress of the II International, already an international association;

- born A. Akhmatova, V. Mukhina, who in her monument "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" reflected the theme of the union of a man and a woman, hand in hand going to some goal, A. Hitler, C. Chaplin, who parodied Hitler in one of the films , between their birthdays the difference is only 4 days, how was it not to play?!

1921- Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and Persia. And now we are working with the Persian calendar;

- a landmark trial of Baron R. Von Ungern-Sternberg, a Russian general, a prominent figure in the White movement in the Far East, the author of the idea of ​​restoring the empire of Genghis Khan from the Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea.

1953- after the death of Stalin, the trial of Beria and a large amnesty, which led to the aggravation of the criminogenic situation in the country.

1985- M. Gorbachev becomes the last ruler of the Soviet Union. As Stirlitz said, the first and last phrase. The first were Lenin and Stalin, and the last was Gorbachev, it is worth considering his personality, events related to him are possible this year.

To get a feel for what it is, let's get acquainted with famous people, who were born in the year of the Camel and showed his totem in their work, i.e. Again, we will try to confirm the theory with examples.

Camel people.

Let's see how the quality of "struggle for justice" lost in E. Proklova. One of her first roles was Gerda in The Snow Queen, whose main quality and demand for herself and life is justice. The Snow Queen, having invaded the world of people, violated justice: the roses withered, Kai began to see everything in a distorted light. She tried to fix it all. In the palace, communicating with the prince, princess and the treacherous king, she sought to ensure that everything was fair.

In the film by I. Kheifits “The Only One”, her heroine sings in amateur performances under the guidance of the hero V. Vysotsky, and her husband, performed by V. Zolotukhin, finds them at home in an unambiguous scene. One of the highlights of the film: the divorce court hearing. She sincerely wonders why her husband decided to convict her of treason, after all, she only touched the creative sphere, but she loves her husband. In the film “Be My Husband”, she indignantly stands up for the hero A. Mironov, whom the hostess is trying to expel from rented housing, not thinking that this can harm herself. The theme of justice is above all for her.

If the features of the year are lost in the qualities and character of a person, then Khvarna is lost, and this is serious, and the demand from a person is higher, does he use this Khvarna correctly ?!

If you scan the roles A. Abdulova, his heroes also often became fighters for justice: in “Kill the Dragon”, his Lancelot fights the Dragon, in “Wizards” he rebels against magic and demands: “What right do you have to bewitch my bride ?! This is unfair, disenchant now!” Again, he does not think with whom he argues, against whom he raises his voice, although he himself may become a victim of witchcraft. People-Camels endure for a long time, but, brought to the last line, they are literally ready to spit in the face of the violator of justice. You can recall his other roles: “Do not part with your loved ones”, etc.

Y. Nikulin in the film Scarecrow, she makes the difficult decision to leave and take her beloved granddaughter away from her hometown, where her classmates treat her unfairly. Before leaving, he donates all the paintings to the local museum, and one with a portrait of his wife, like two drops of water similar to his granddaughter, to her class. The situation turns around, he manages to direct the guys to a true understanding of justice, they repent and write on the board "Forgive us, Scarecrow!" The girl will no longer see this inscription, but for them this repentance is very important.

In a less serious version, the hero Nikulin in the film “When the Trees Were Big” makes a choice: he goes to the village and is called the father of a lonely orphan girl, whom he accidentally heard from her friend, in order to make her life easier and somehow decide for herself. And we understand that the theme of justice is not complete without a choice, a vital decision.

L. Yarmolnik in the Zakharovsky film “The Same Munchausen” he plays the son of a baron who is rushing about, in his character an understanding of justice that has not yet been determined is clearly visible. He is told that his father is bad and is ready to challenge him to a duel. The situation unfolded in reverse side, all: “Dad! Dear!”, ready to kiss him, then back again. Such unscrupulousness in understanding and proclaiming justice is the worst version of the Year of the Camel.

B. Grebenshchikov, B. Moiseev with your vision A. Makarevich, who openly criticized Putin and the Russian authorities a couple of years ago, believing that they were doing wrong, unfairly. Questions of justice for people born in the years of the Camel are fundamental, and they defend them in every possible way.

Scientists associated with the sky, flights: A. Mozhaisky, I. Sikorsky, K. Tsiolkovsky. We said today that the Camel is not tied to his home, these people are an example of this.

K. Zetkin advocated for the rights of women, which, in her opinion, are not taken into account, and this injustice must be eliminated.

A. D. Sakharov He quit nuclear physics when he realized that the hydrogen bomb he invented could lead to serious consequences, and began human rights activities. Returning from exile to Moscow, he was eager to take the podium in the State Duma when he felt that something terribly unfair was going on here, and he needed to prove and correct this. They interrupted him, turned off the microphone, but he still did not calm down, because he was a fighter for justice like a true Camel.

Now we need to say a few words about people who have the Sun in the sector of the year of the Camel, and they have the opportunity to express themselves this year. Art exists to help us in our lives. . We look at these pictures, listen to this music, and we must absorb them, so that later any element can be used, people laid down their lives to give it to us.

This Z. E. Gerdt and his last cameo role as Sharapov's neighbor in the film The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed. To G. Zheglov's statement that only punitive bodies can defeat crime, he objects: “No. Only mercy! In fact, the question was about justice, and Gerdt's position in this case can be called Christian. The role is episodic, and his words are included in the title of the book on which the film was made: “The Era of Mercy.” He claims that in the future there will come a whole Era of Mercy, due to which there will be no place for evil, violence, aggression.

I would see in this somewhat utopian point of view a seemingly paradoxical fusion of Christianity and communism at the theoretical and strategic level. In the theory of communism, it sounded that in the future the world would be absolutely fair, all benefits would be distributed at will, but the internal level of consciousness of each person would be such that he could not help but work and give his abilities to society. Hence “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”, and this paradoxically merges with the Christian idea, and the basic principles of the builder of communism are literally written off from the Gospel. In practice, they have diverged, although we understand that atheism is also a kind of religion.

T. Doronina in "Big Sister" defends the right of her younger sister to become an actress: she prepared it herself and is sure of the justice of her requirements. In the film “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, they are partners with O. Efremov, but in life they parted, each turned out to have his own understanding of justice.

D. Tukhmanov, his CD "On the Waves of My Memory" made a real revolution in our musical life in the 70s. His music is featured in the film This Jolly Planet. Not every person born in the year of the Camel or having the Sun in the sector of this year can lose its qualities, but only those who carry and manifest this type of Hvarna in themselves. In the fate of D. Tukhmanov, his song "Victory Day", written for the 30th Anniversary and not passed by the then artistic council, and then accidentally got into the television broadcast of the concert with the suggestion of L. Leshchenko, and immediately found its way to the hearts of listeners, was played symbolically. It turns out that it was written in a minor key and, according to officials, was not suitable for a holiday.

At K. E. Tsiolkovsky not only the year of the Camel, but also the Sun in this sector, moreover, in the royal 25 0 Virgo, so here we can talk not just about individual issues of justice, but also touch on higher levels. He was given knowledge about space flights outside the solar system.

In the 1st course, we considered him as an example of a person, a representative of the planet Vulcan. M. Sebastian has a play "The Nameless Star", in which the hero is also an astronomer, also lives in a provincial town, everyone considers him a city madman, and he discovers a new star. For humanity, Tsiolkovsky discovered the ideas and technologies of space flights. He described in detail how people will feel in space, this is already on the planet Vulcan.

Now the ruler of the sign of Libra is the planet Chiron, which projects the Cosmic Law onto the Earth. The Highest Justice lies in the fact that we take the principles of the Highest Divine Cosmic Law as a standard and compare our thoughts and our lives with them. Vulcan himself personifies these principles, therefore, when he is discovered as a planet, he will be a full-fledged ruler of the sign of Libra.

I want you to understand what relation the mystery of the year Rashnu has to Tsiolkovsky, who, of course, knew this Cosmic Law. In his works, he considers moral and ethical issues. And he fought for people to know what he knew. He was not interested in purely technical aspects, but in global things. He is an author of science fiction works, a supporter and promoter of the development outer space. By origin, he is from a Polish noble family, an estate of the 17th century, led his genealogy from the Cossack Severin Nalivaiko, the leader of the peasant uprising in the Commonwealth, which we have already talked about today.


03/20/2017, 10:29 GMT.

Consider the main accents of the coming year.

Sun at 0 0 Aries.

Moon at 280 Sagittarius.

Mercury at 130 Aries.

Venus retrograde v degree of the abode of Mars 9 0 Aries . In general, the sign of Aries, as is often the case in Novruz, is very full, and 9 0 Aries indicates that the year is coming from Mars, with sharp conflict situations, wars provoked by Venusian economic causes, previous financial and economic situations, attempts to revise previous agreements, allegedly unfair prices for oil, gas, coal, etc. Sports theme, undertakings in general, the start of some processes, reforms in the army, sports, doping and anti-doping issues. By the way, R. McLaren's infamous report, which caused our Olympic team to suffer, turned out to be a mistake, which was recognized, but that's all, nothing has changed, and after all, medals for previous competitions were taken away from people.

Mars in the sign of Venus at 8 0 Taurus . Mars and Venus are in reception by mansions, and at the same time in reception by exiles. In the first case, it strengthens the positions of both planets and the map as a whole, and in the second, it turns out that two flawed characters, for example, blind and deaf, unite and help each other.

Jupiter in degree of exaltation of Saturn 21 0 Libra.

When we interpret the presence of a planet in a particular structure, we follow a certain algorithm: the planet itself asks a question, and the scene of its location gives an answer to it.

According to Jupiter, the question is the following: how can social relationships related to issues of power, the creation and enforcement of laws be built, and also how can relationships with authorities and power structures be built, and specifically, how will the year turn out for Jupiterians (Sagittarius, Cancer and Pisces)? The answer will concern the sign of Libra, but we will focus on the degree, because it is an order of magnitude more significant. The year will deal with the alignment of strategic goals, methods for achieving them in matters of socio-political structure.

Jupiterians need to tighten their belts, discard everything superfluous, try to find the main strategic direction and start moving, having previously chosen the optimal path of movement, i.e. not to try to embrace the immensity, as the Jupiterians love, but to finally choose the main thing, unusual and unusual for them, in fact, the exact opposite.

The easiest way to solve this problem is Sagittarius. Being a representative of the movable cross and Dean's zone, he already potentially within himself has the desire to move in one strategic direction. Everything is complicated by being in the Sagittarius sign of the Black Moon. If the Jupiterians succeed in concentration, they will be able to gradually recreate that same destroyed Phaeton through themselves.

From the audience: - Travel less ...

PAV: It is possible to travel, but with a specific purpose, which will be aligned with strategic plans.

Saturn in conjunction with the Moon at 28 0 Sagittarius . He is in mixed reception with Jupiter, which mutually strengthens both and can serve as a lifesaver for each of us to restore Phaethon, and, therefore, our integrity, it will be easier for us to move in a more correct direction. Saturnians (Capricorns, Libra and Aquarius) are called to deal with Lunar matters, other things being equal, it is quite difficult for Capricorn to do this, because the Moon is expelled in Capricorn. Even if it's in front of you, you can't see it. By and large, Capricorns should say “thank you” this year for the opportunity to learn to work out the Moon, wherever it is in the radical chart. A wonderful teaching aid: pay attention to your past, ancestors, parents, your own house, dwelling, the theme of the IV House of the horoscope, put things in order there. Maybe it will be a renovation in the apartment. You will find the answer in your own chart, depending on the control of this pair of planets by one or another House of the horoscope and their falling into some kind of House.

Lunarians (Cancers, Taurus and Leo), especially Cancers, are also given a chance to work through Saturn, learn how to develop internal protection in themselves, work with time, and strategically plan their lives for the future. This is the perfect year for Capricorn and Cancer to work together to find common ground.

If representatives of opposite signs learn to be together, live and work, thereby, voluntarily or involuntarily, they will work out each of their problems and restore their integrity. This is the key to working with synastry.

uranium in the first trap of aggression and violence 24 0 Aries.

Neptune at 130 Pisces.

Pluto at 200 Capricorn.

Chiron in degree of Days of Sorrow and Lamentation, dedicated to remembrance and repentance for the mistakes and sins of the Blue Race 26 0 Pisces (5 0 hours). The year of Rashnu is associated with issues of justice, for which Chiron is responsible at the planetary level. At the level of mysteries, Andersen's fairy tale “The Road Comrade” is played here, one can also recall the beheading of John the Baptist, and this is the day of September 11, which we have already designated today. It would be nice to get to know this story better, maybe visit one of the places where this head was found, for example, in the mountains of Abkhazia, especially for those who resonate with this picture.

Proserpina in degree of exaltation of the Black Moon and the abode of the Green Vakshya 17 0 Scorpio.

Incoming Node in destructive 4 0 Pisces associated with the danger of destruction of the Good element Man (Saturn). From the entire past, at least 32 years, all the most destructive destructive catastrophic situations will be collected in a common package and transferred to us in the coming year - get it, sign it. If we quarrel with someone, create problems in human relations in the family, at work, on a national scale, it is stored somewhere, and someday it will be pulled to the surface. It is necessary to carefully analyze your past life for these 32 years, and not grumble about possible problems.

From the Hall: — If others have done me wrong?

PAV: These are their problems, they will deal with them. It is important to understand that destruction in this case is connected with the human principle, problems and our misunderstanding of the place of a person, ourselves in this world, violation of the moral and ethical law in relation to other people will return, which could cause their negative reaction: someone was deceived , they stole from someone, called someone names, got into a fight with someone. This is not worthy of a Man with a capital letter, now you have to answer for it.

Ascending Node at 4 0 Virgo.

Black Moon in degree of exaltation of the Setting Node 4 0 Sagittarius , and this is a continuation of the theme of the destructive 4 0 Pisces. Destructive degrees are associated with the destructive consequences of our mistakes, primarily of a moral and ethical nature. The Black Moon is also associated with errors, it is she who knocks us out of the correct understanding of what is good and bad, and is in the degree of exaltation of the Setting Node.

It turns out that at 4 0 Pisces there is not only the Setting Node, but also the Black Moon symbolically in an invisible way, and it registered there with special energies. On the one hand, we will pay for our mistakes and sins in full, but the form of this redemption will be shown twice by the Martian aspect of 90 degrees between them. These will be sharp unexpected blows, for which one must be prepared, not be afraid and not surprised by them, and worthy of holding. At least something like this for 32 recent years we did it ourselves.

White Moon at 20 0 Taurus. Let's look at his characteristics, which, like a tuning fork, will help us tune in to positive moments, cultivate them in ourselves with the help from above.

At first glance, not fun: degree of aggression, intrigue, ambition, envy, arrogance, claims; two fighting dogs. I immediately recall the fairy tale “12 months”, where the stepmother and daughter, turned into dogs, constantly bark among themselves. This is a negative feature.

A more neutral description looks like this: magpies and crows sit in front of a bucket of water(Setting Node symbol). I do not think that they will not have enough buckets of water, there may be disputes about the order. But here is the White Moon, so if it occurs during the year similar situations of a controversial nature, one must think how not to quarrel, not to fight, not to turn into dogs, in order to remain at least these magpies and ravens. Let me remind you that in the Avestan tradition, these birds are the totems of the solar calendar, i.e. the least defiled animals.

How can we manage not to quarrel and share the water fairly? Obviously, it is necessary to remember the standard in the form of the Divine Cosmic Law, in this case this universal advice is especially suitable. Everyone has his own guideline: a Christian will remember the New Testament, a Muslim the Koran, in any parable there is a clear sequence: first give in dead water, then accept in living water. We are well aware of everything, and if we want to go on a normal path from our not always normal attitude towards other people, perhaps this year, this will be the most effective.

Vakshya in destructive 10 0 Leo associated with the danger of destruction of the Good element Water (Moon).

In general, the map is dynamic, with a large number of quadratures and even tauksquares, which is good for active actions and sports. If we don't work with these Martian energies, they will start working with us. If we are in a relaxed state, their action will be perceived as blows, stress, conflicts, quarrels.

Horoscope coordinates.

There is a rule that we always adhere to: we build the Novruz horoscope in the Jamaspa system, in the Placidus system at the everyday level it works as something secondary.

Ascendant to Moscow in conjunction with the brightest star in the sky, Sirius. In this degree fakir magically paralyzes a snake, the number of the degree corresponds to the magical aspect of the biseptile of 102 degrees, and we know that the magical aspects are associated with the White Moon through the main aspect of the septile of 51 degrees, which in the projection on the zodiac falls into the degree of exaltation of the White Moon 22 0 Taurus. This means that this fakir at 13 0 Cancer is actively working to limit the system of evil. Most likely, this is a clergyman who prevents the spread of the evil system. Paralyzing her outwardly, he does not allow her snake nature to escape from this snake. Evil is limited, it does not have the ability to spread its poison to others. In the coming Year of the Camel, events in Russia may have this theme in development. What it will result in, it is now difficult to imagine.

In Riga, superNovruz comes at noon, when the Sun is at its zenith, which means that the supreme power of Latvia this year will appear in some kind of solar form, clearly manifested through high-profile shows, PR campaigns.

For Vyborg, the degree of the Ascendant is not easy, Dog, demonic, associated with the desecration of the Earth element (Venus), and according to one version, Vyborg is a city of Taurus. Efforts must be made to prevent this desecration, not to promote this degree. We must be vigilant and make sure that these demons do not clear up, periodically catch them (in themselves) and block them.

The Ascendant to St. Petersburg is also in the Canine degree, associated with the desecration of the Animal element (Mercury), and the black cat-rat Akiman is engaged in this. There is a danger of distorting information, juggling facts, problems with communications and transport. Venus retrograde is at its zenith, the city authorities must return to their previous economic projects, and only after their final decision to move forward.

Now we have to figure out where on the globe this year the Supermeridian will pass, the longitude at which people will be the first on the globe to meet Nowruz at this very moment of time 10:29 GMT.

super meridian

Since our longitudes are now close to noon, so to get the situation of sunrise, we need to move west by the number of degrees between the Sun and the Ascendant, because the number of degrees of the zodiac and the globe is the same and makes a full circle. This is not for any day, but only for the day of the equinox, because that was before the desecration of the world, when the earth's axis was vertical and the world was perfect. Now we can count in this way only twice a year on the days of the equinox, on any other day we cannot calculate the Ascendant at one or another longitude without a computer.

So, we shift to the West approximately 96 degrees from the civilizational Pulkovo meridian and get to 66 0 17’ app. duty . Now we will review them. Those countries and settlements that fall on this meridian, even with minor events, can have a serious resonance with the entire globe, and we must definitely pay attention to them.

In the very north we pass through the lands Canada, associated with Aquarius, we cling Greenland , large settlements not here, then again Canada sparsely populated, mostly stones, provinces New Brunswick, N. Scotland further the sea, and we fall into the very core

Bermuda Triangle. This is a theme for the whole year for the entire globe. You know that incomprehensible anomalous processes are taking place there: ships entering there leave safe and sound, but without a crew, or planes disappear. We call this a space-time anomaly, although there is evidence of some other processes: an inexplicable feeling of fear and panic in people who get there, somewhat similar to those that we discussed a couple of years ago, when the New Year's supermeridian hit the island of Palmyra, a small island in the Pacific Ocean with a flag reminiscent of Ukrainian, and how it resonated with Ukraine itself. Bermuda is an overseas territory of Great Britain, on the coat of arms a ship in a stormy sea runs the risk of crashing into a rock, and the whole picture is held in its paws by a contented lion-like red character. Bermuda has 181 islands and reefs (in the zodiac, that's the devastating 10 Libra), and we've definitely gone through two points of that triangle.

The coat of arms of Bermuda depicts a red lion holding a shield depicting a sinking ship. Adopted as the coat of arms of the colony in 1910. The lion, which is the symbol of the metropolis of Bermuda, England, is depicted in a very unusual position - sitting on the grass full face to the viewer. The lion holds a shield depicting the wreck of the Virginia Company frigate Sea Venture, which sank in 1609 off the coast of Bermuda. All of its passengers escaped, establishing the first settlement on the islands.
The red lion, clinging to the heraldic shield with its front paws and holding it with its hind legs, is a symbol of Great Britain. Her possession - she keeps.
Under the shield on the ribbon is the motto: "Quo fata ferunt" (lat), meaning "Where fate will take [us]".

Further south Puerto Rico and its capital city San Juan , St. John, perhaps the Forerunner, whom we have already spoken about today, perhaps the evangelist who wrote the Apocalypse, Last Judgment. The resonance is very serious, so we need to study not only the Gospel of Luke and Matthew (according to the map of the 1st of the January New Year), but also the Gospel of John.

Then comes Venezuela (associated with Venus), we do not meet large cities, we cross the equator, Bolivia, Argentina and city San Juan (again St. John), which received its name in honor of John the Baptist, it turns out that the Christian theme that we came up with, and what is written in Christian texts, with a very high degree of probability, can happen this year. If we do not know something from these 4 Gospels and the revelations of John the Theologian, we need to work with this and reckon with it.

Asteroid of the Year

Associated with each solar year is an asteroid, a virus system that symbolizes the mistakes we can make by succumbing to its influence. For the Year of the Camel №24 Themis opposing Rashnu, the Lord of the Cosmic Court, the keeper of justice, balance, righteousness. In particular, this asteroid was noted among people who committed judicial arbitrariness. He pushes for unfair decisions. Themis in mythology is the goddess of Judgment, blindfolded.

open April 5, 1853 when he was v degree of exile of the moon 9 0 18'Cancer. On Novruz, this asteroid will be v degree of exaltation of Venus 27 0 13’Fish.

Asteroid discovered by Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis, (04/09/1819, Bunyara - 03/21/1892, Naples) In addition, he discovered the asteroid of the year of the Cock Psyche and the asteroid of the year of Tura Evnomiya. From the Year of the Tour lectures:

Sun at 19-20 0 À , near Ascending Node at 21 0 À , perhaps again an eclipse.

Moon in Libra , therefore, during the day came the Lunar Eclipse (#1 on Ketu). A man was born on a Lunar Eclipse, discovered an asteroid on a Solar Eclipse, Eclipses and the Solar Calendar are tightly tied "brothers forever".

The theme of Venus and the Moon sounds to him. 5 planets in Pisces: Venus, Mars , Saturn, Chiron and Pluto. Saturn and Chiron are the rulers of Libra, Mars and Pluto are the rulers of Aries, so the sign of Pisces is very strong due to the rulers of the Nodes and the luminaries.

In the sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, Black Moon at 2000 a, hence, his discoveries, including this asteroid, may carry the worst features of the sign of Cancer. This is a misunderstanding of one's history, the history of one's ancestors, a perverted concept of patriotism, which can turn into neo-Nazism, etc.

But what seems more interesting to me is not the map of his birth, but the map of death, by which one can judge what a person has done in this life.

03/21/1892, Naples.

The man left for Novruz, which means that by the solar calendar he has direct relation and, above all, their lives. He discovered 3 asteroids related to the solar calendar, i.e. calendar cheaters. On the other hand, he did not hide these asteroids, on the contrary, he opened them to everyone - "you need to know the enemy by sight"!

Sun with Jupiter one degree 2 0 À , the degree of the "iron wolf" and Vilnius, which we have already talked about today.

There are two planets in the sign of Taurus: itself Venus at 14 0 _ and Ascending Node at 18 0 _. It turns out that the purpose of his life was to earn Venus, because

uranium in degree of exile of Venus 6 0 e , and a single degree weighs much more than a planet in the sign of its abode or exaltation. Venus is very much unfinished here, he could create problems for himself with his Uranian actions.

This degree also reminds us of Comet Shoemaker-Levy. The comet was discovered on March 24, 1993 at the Mount Palomar Observatory by Eugene and Caroline Shoemaker and David Levy. Calculations showed that before its discovery, on July 7, 1992, the comet passed 15,000 km from the cloud cover of Jupiter, and tidal forces broke it into 21 separate fragments, up to 2 km across, stretching in a chain for 200 thousand km.) ,

According to the second ruler of Taurus, Chiron, he also has problems, in the degree of his fall 8 0 `Pluto. Distant planets clearly dotted all the "i" here.

White Moon in Cancer , at birth there was a Black Moon, obviously, many mistakes in terms of assessments of the past, roots, ancestors were corrected by him.

Black Moon in Libra, on radical Jupiter at 18 0 d: in matters of justice, legality, as well as with the family, everything turned out to be very, very not the way we wanted.

As part of the conjunction of the Sun with 0 0 0'Aries to Moscow 43 minutes corresponding to 5 and 24 nakshatras.

5 lunar parking of Rakhaven (22 0 Taurus-5 0 Gemini), subtlety, vulnerability, mediumship, lack of independence. Tendency to harmony, beauty, joy, laughter, contact, talkativeness. Internal fluctuations, mood swings, suspiciousness. Man confuses good and evil. Too much lightness, illegibility, confusion, restlessness. In the worst case, infantilism, capriciousness, insecurity. Totem - Tour.

Parking Demon - Locust. A demon is associated with this station, causing pathological infantilism. Such a person remains a child even at the age of 50, while retaining the worst childhood traits: carelessness, lack of seriousness, cruelty towards loved ones, capriciousness.

24 lunar parking Bund (26 0 Capricorn-9 0 Aquarius), deep knowledge, learning, meditation, the ability to forgive, generosity, collectivism, generosity Totem - Dolphin.

Knowledge, wisdom, deepening, learning, as well as meditation, painstaking studies are associated with this station. Gives pedantry, pettiness, scrupulousness, diligence, great vitality and the ability to recover from any life's trials.

Parking Demon - Shark. Parking is associated with persecution mania. It seems to a person that he is being followed, that his phone is tapped, etc. He has a fear for his life, a desire to protect it by any means. This usually happens with schizophrenia.

To St. Petersburg 44 minutes, corresponding to 4 and 25 nakshatras.

4 lunar parking Papavaz (9-22 0 Taurus ), good contact, the desire to draw many into its orbit, to rise above everyone, great strength and even power. In the worst case, anger, rage, unbridled. But it is through these manifestations that a demon enters a person. It also gives too much passion, haste in judgment, talkativeness. There are many speakers among such people. At best, a person is distinguished by high professionalism, and at worst, a demon of discord and contradiction sits in him. Totem - Boar.

Parking Demon - Black Mule. A demon is associated with this parking lot, causing morbid jealousy and the thirst for possessiveness, or the thirst for possession. This feeling can manifest itself not only in relation to the wife, but in general to anyone and anything: to a dog, to a thing, to a flower ...

25 lunar parking Kashtar (9-22 0 Aquarius), healers station. Gives insight, independence, as well as trials and the need to overcome them. The life of such a person is very tortuous: travel, missionary work, unexpected twists of fate, abrupt changes in the circle of communication are possible. Danger of parking: the temptation of freedom (too much is given), confusion of plans and the collapse of the hierarchy. The best people go through tangled paths and, overcoming many temptations, go out on a straight road, becoming doctors, healers. Totem - Beaver.

Parking Demon - Black bear. A person with this parking all the time finds imaginary illnesses in himself, is treated just in case, drinks a lot of medicines he does not need, is afraid of catching an infection with food, although he has a very poor idea of ​​​​the nature of the infection.

Camel in heraldry

One-humped camel on the coats of arms of the Svetlinsky district of the Orenburg region, the city of Chelyabinsk and the state of Eritrea:

Coat of arms of the Semipalatinsk region:

Coat of arms of the city of Baku:

Monument to the Camel in Elista:

In Chelyabinsk:

General forecast for the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar

The Year of the Camel is traditionally associated with Rashnu, the archangel of justice and judgment (the highest, heavenly court).

For both calendars (32-year and 12-year) the information is practically duplicated: both years are associated with judgment and retribution. And as you can see, in reality, 2017 for many is the year of retribution for their deeds and the restoration of justice. And this will be both at the level of individuals and at the collective level, at the level of the country, the state.

This is a year of condemnation, which exposes many to obstruction, even ridicule and insults. A good year for skeptics who do not take anything for granted. There will be many revelations and legal processes, and for many well-known and not-so-famous figures, their careers will even end.

At the most different levels and on different scales, the struggle for the restoration of any lost values ​​is visible, the issues of ownership of the territories will be disputed. This year, for some reason, everyone thinks that they were offended earlier, they demand an amnesty, a trial of the oppressors. And if wars break out this year, they usually do not last long and end very quickly. So this year is also the year of reconciliation of many warring factions, relatively peaceful resolution of conflicts. Amnesty or condemnation - the scales of Themis fluctuate.

We must expect revelations, show trials, hype. The importance of propaganda and the importance of related professions such as journalism is increasing.

On a personal level, 2017 - when austerity is required, limiting oneself to excesses - then the Camel (Rashnu) will reward us for moderation. Rewards strictly proportionally - to each his own.

A valuable recommendation is that it is better not to be a loner this year, but to look for your own team with which you can work together on a common cause. New parties will also appear, movements that will attract quite a lot of people. This is because the Camel is a herd animal.

At worst, you can expect a lot of chatter, noise, cod, dust, senseless action.

And in the best case, and it is necessary to strive for this, meaningful actions carried out with a specific goal.

Many situations this year should be treated with humor, which in this case will be a good defense against depression and despondency. We must learn to look at all things from different angles and develop objectivity, refraining from any one-sided interpretations. Lucky just such people.

The Heavenly Camel gives its patronage to hard-working, faithful and reliable people. And this despite their mockery and seeming frivolity. So it is necessary to be really serious and responsible, despite the outward sarcasm and mockery.

What would you need to match the qualities that are associated with the Camel. And this is incredulity; the desire to understand everything meticulously, independently; desire to show more perseverance in business; performance and vigilance.

Camels can sometimes be fanatics, and they also carry a cross in the family: everything is forgiven to loved ones, despite the fact that they “ride” them.

The motto of this year is: “I carry everything with me!” - therefore it is necessary to make the necessary supplies, save money. There is no need to make large stocks, but everyone in such a year should always have everything they need with them.

Many will break away from their homes and go on long-term business trips, much like a camel goes on a long journey through the desert. You don’t have to be tied to one place of residence, but it’s better to always have a travel suitcase with you, be ready to hit the road immediately.

Reasonable asceticism and the ability to be content with little are shown, and stocks are a must. Good luck will accompany just such people in 2017.

Many people will both gain and lose wealth.

Also, for many people, the year will be quite interesting and bright in terms of personal life, because the Camel has a special interest in love adventures, he never denies himself this. And here it is still recommended to be careful, since these love adventures will often lead to addiction, the emergence of very large obligations and even subsequent suffering.

We need to be more involved in the upbringing of children, and in general the year is very good for childbearing, prolonging the family. So many of those who have not been able to have children for a long time will receive them this year as a gift from above - it is possible to expect a surge in childbearing.

Horoscope for all representatives of the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar for the year of the Camel (from March 21, 2017 to March 20, 2018)

For people who were born in the years of the Badger (1952, 1984, 2016) and the Hedgehog (1954, 1986), this year will be a year of strengthening prosperity and position in society. You will be successful in the material field. Feel free to establish business contacts, establish partnerships, take risks and make big bets. Fate will surely give you a number of opportunities, using which it is possible to significantly improve your financial situation.

For those born during the years of Tour (1951, 1983, 2015) and Lani (1955, 1987), this year will put before the need to accomplish fateful deeds and make responsible decisions. Waiting for a renewal of feelings and a surge of creative activity. For people of creative professions, this will be the time of their self-realization. The incentive for disclosure will be long-distance trips and the experiences that are associated with them. It is also a time of searching for an ideal, rethinking one's place in life. In material terms, the year is not very good - it is better not to take big risks.

Those born in the years of the Rooster (1950, 1982, 2014) and the Elephant (1956, 1988) must be ready to fight. For them, the Year of the Camel is a period of testing and strength testing. It will take self-discipline and the manifestation of military qualities. We must be prepared for the fact that there will be problems that no one else can solve. The chances of winning increase if you do not chop off the shoulder. It is possible to break ties that have exhausted themselves. A busy year, but it can bring quick achievements due to an active life position.

Born in the years of the Raven (1949, 1981, 2013) and the Horse (1957, 1989), this year promises good luck in a variety of endeavors, especially if you rely on work in a “team”. Alone, it will be quite problematic to “break through” in business and realize creative plans. This year will be remembered as a period of successful partnership and finding harmony in relations with others. Do not refuse to help others and reject offers of cooperation, and then positive changes in your life will not keep you waiting.

The events of the year will clarify the social status of people who were born in the years of Squirrel (1948, 1980, 2012) and Cheetah (1958, 1990). The significance of this time for them is quite high. On the one hand, the time has come to work off karmic debts, and on the other hand, they will be moved to great social activity. We will have to deal with legal issues, on which the situation in society will depend. There will be wonderful opportunities for self-affirmation, but you have to work hard and pay off your past obligations.

Those who were born in the years of Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011) and Peacock (1927, 1959, 1991) will remember 2017 as a time of intense struggle and active defense of their interests. Postpone reflections until a better time, because here it is time for real action and accomplishments. Only those who do not bow their heads under the blows of fate will be able to emerge victorious from this crucible of fate. There will be no relaxation here. And you should be careful, beware of the machinations of enemies.

Representatives of the year of the Turtle (1946, 1978, 2010) and the Swan (1928, 1960, 1992), the year of the Camel will open the gates to a certain world of the mysterious and mysterious. You can become eyewitnesses of inexplicable and strange phenomena. It is possible that this year will be difficult, even critical. At worst, this is a year of fog, illusions and delusions, as well as the evil eye and corruption, and at best, prophecies and revelations, creative rebirth and the awakening of charisma. A year of secret love affairs, a lot of obscure and confusing things happen in personal relationships.

Those born in the years of Beaver (194-5, 1977, 2009) and Lynx (1929, 1961, 1993) will be rewarded for their loyalty to principles and the ability to achieve their goals. 2017 is a harmonious year, attract happy occasions, fortune smiles. You can have time to take your own and find the use of creative abilities. A year of stability, confidence, success, manifestation of creativity. However, one should not fall into permissiveness, so as not to lose strength. Also, one should not be complacent on what has been achieved, because this can lead to complacency, lack of development, laziness. In other words, the benefit of this year's help will be if you know how to use the forces given to you, and you will do it!

People born in the years of Uzh (1944, 1976, 2008) and Osla (1930, 1962, 1994), the time of trials will come. The year is critical, associated with intrigues, even the possibility of betrayal. You may find yourself under some kind of supervision, being entangled in a network of intrigues. We must be ready for struggle and rivalry, aggression and stab in the back. Events at best temper you, this is a year of testing the strength of the spirit, they do not let you relax. You should not trust your feelings to unfamiliar people. It may be necessary to part with someone from those who were previously trusted.

For those born in the years of the Spider (1943, 1975, 2007) and the Polar Bear (1931, 1963, 1995), the whole of 2017 will be almost constantly in work. The year will require patience, it is associated with social upheavals, but it provides opportunities for promotion, good luck in a career, and is good for self-affirmation. All sorts of surprises are not ruled out. It is not recommended to take on debt obligations: do not give, do not borrow. It is necessary to solve the problems of the past, because there is a return to long-forgotten problems. A wonderful year for studying philosophy and religion, there is a possibility of gaining a spiritual path.

For those born in the years of the Stork (1942, 1974, 2006) and the Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996), the Year of the Camel will bring a number of unexpected events that can influence the future course of their lives. You will not be bored, as this is the time of sharp turns in your destiny. You can start everything from scratch, start completely new things, using completely new approaches. There is a lot of anxiety due to the fact that situations are changing, inverting. In principle, it is possible to wait for anything, but fussiness, which creates obstacles and obstacles, is dangerous. Do not get attached to clear plans and calculated schemes, live on a whim and create on inspiration. This is the year of the big stakes, when you can either lose big or win big.

Born in the years of the Wolf (1941, 1973, 2005) and the Fox (1933, 1965, 1997), 2017 will be a dual and strange year. On the one hand, they “roast”, and on the other hand, they “cool” and there is no sense of stability. Implementation depends personally on your position, how well you act. That is, there will be happiness or unhappiness - it depends on your personal choice. You have to take responsibility. This is a period of difficult choices, and much is on the verge between victory and defeat. Be vigilant, beware of enemies. You may encounter rumors and gossip. But there will also be positive - you attract temporary help and support.

The representatives of the Mongoose (1940, 1972, 2004) and Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998) years will taste the fruits of their deeds this year. Fate will complete its circle and lead them to a new starting point or to the same one that they once started with. In the year of the Camel, they will be asked in full for past mistakes, and if they realize their problems, they will receive opportunities to get out of difficult situations. A year of rewards: from each according to his ability, to each according to his merits. Paying attention to the signs of fate, clarify many issues and then you can adjust your program, put things in order in life. A good period for learning and serious studies.

For those people who were born in the years of Mouflon (1939, 1971, 2003) and Boar (1935, 1967, 1999), the year of the Camel will surprise with mysterious events that can make a serious impression and deprive of peace of mind for some time. Some incidents will present surprises, which, most likely, you prefer to keep secret. There is a danger of falling into dependence on people who can have a psychological impact on you. It is recommended not to "go in cycles" in one thing, it is necessary to act in many directions. A broad outlook and a somewhat greater ease in relation to life are needed. It is possible to achieve a lot in completely unexpected ways.

Representatives of the years of the Deer (1938, 1970, 2002) and Owl (1936, 1968, 2000), in 2017, will have to make an important choice, the consequences of which will be felt for quite a long time. Not only their fate, but also the fate of loved ones will depend on their behavior in this difficult time. Actions in the near future will be the subject of close attention of the environment. Choose the right strategy and prioritize your life. Keep in mind that you can achieve success in business only with a group of like-minded people, sacrificing your personal interests. It is necessary to take an active life position and, having made a choice once, stick to it to the end. And this is also the year of finding harmony in love, the possibility of attracting your missing half.

For representatives of the year of the Camel (1953, 1985), their own year means the need to comprehend the past and take stock. You will withdraw into yourself, and you will need to concentrate on something important, because this is the time to find yourself. Every 32 years, the calendar symbol is repeated - the ruler of your year of birth. And this is an opportunity, as it were, of a new birth, a return to normal. Retire, focus, take care of yourself. Do not deal with other people's problems, because you are reminded of your old mistakes and unresolved problems. This year, you should put your affairs in order, resolve all neglected and urgent issues, get rid of the unnecessary and the old. And then you can achieve a lot, lay a new cycle of development and ensure many positive changes in the future.