Chakra products. Opening the chakras: how to achieve inner harmony. Characteristic nutritional features for different chakras

Even if you are not engaged in meditative practices and in general a person is absolutely far from yoga, you have probably heard about chakras. And you know that there are seven main energy centers in the human body that are responsible for our emotional and mental state. They are located along the entire spine, each chakra has its own color aura. If they all work harmoniously, we are less susceptible to bodily ailments, less often we get tired, feel a surge of vitality and do not get hung up on troubles.

The failure of one or several energy centers at once leads to an imbalance of the entire system. As a result, we are covered with a wave of negativity, which is transformed into anger, then into irritation, then into a feeling of dissatisfaction, then into depression. A familiar story, right?

There is an original version that certain foods help to normalize the balance of all seven chakras. Moreover, they must match in color with each chakra. This diet is conventionally called the Seven Chakra Cleansing Diet.

Before deciding on a diet, we will assess our emotional state. Moving from the tailbone to the crown:

1. Chakra Muladhara

(located at the base of the spine)

  • The color of the aura is red.
  • Responsible for our inner support and prosperity.
  • List of complaints: acute feeling of fatigue, emotional burnout, laziness, lethargy throughout the body.
  • Add to the diet: beets, carrots, radishes, strawberries, red hot peppers, onion, potatoes, garlic and spinach.

2. Chakra Svadhisthana

(located just below the navel)

  • The aura color is orange.
  • Responsible for sensuality and sexuality.
  • List of complaints: loss of libido, lack of confidence in your attractiveness, feelings of sexual dissatisfaction, you feel that you are not worthy of love.
  • Add to the diet: mangoes, oranges, papaya, pumpkin, hazelnuts, milk, sandwiches with butter, honey, chocolate, pasta.

3. Chakra Manipura

(located approximately at the level of the navel)

  • The color of the aura is yellow.
  • Responsible for inner harmony and protection from negativity.
  • List of complaints: feelings of depression and sadness, low self-esteem.
  • Add to the diet: corn, bananas, pineapples, sweet yellow peppers, apricots, whole grains, cheese, yogurt, kefir, cereals.

4. Chakra Anahata (heart)

(located approximately at the level of the solar plexus)

  • The aura color is green.
  • Responsible for love, kindness and compassion.
  • List of complaints: irritability, anger, chronic fatigue, lack of appetite, indigestion.
  • Add to the diet: green peas, broccoli, cabbage, green salad, bean sprouts, couscous, tofu cheese, brown rice, lentils.

5. Chakra Vishuddha

(located at the thyroid gland)

  • The color of the aura is blue.
  • Responsible for emotions, hearing, communication skills.
  • List of complaints: anxiety, absent-mindedness, mental imbalance, pain in the cervicothoracic spine.
  • Add to the diet: blueberries, blackberries, herbal tea, ginseng, mushrooms, barley, seaweed, kelp.

6. Chakra Ajna (third eye)

(located in the center of the forehead at the level of the eyebrows)

  • The color of the aura is blue.
  • Responsible for intuition, imagination, visualization of thoughts, sixth sense.
  • List of complaints: resentment, anger, disappointment in life.
  • Add to the diet: eggplant, black grapes, prunes, black currants, plums, dark lettuce, wheat germ.

7. Chakra Sahasrara

(located at the top of the head)

  • The color of the aura is purple.
  • Responsible for the work of consciousness and subconsciousness, spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.
  • List of complaints: feeling that you are underestimated, loss of strength and energy, inability to think logically and fixation on trifles.

Advice: Experts say that balancing the violet aura is possible only through spiritual cleansing, so they recommend that you meditate or pray more often. A light detox diet will help you cleanse yourself at the physical level. Fruit and vegetable juices, a sufficient amount of mineral water without gas is the best option.

Plants have been used to treat various ailments for thousands of years, helping to gain wisdom and knowledge about how to connect with nature. For example, in India in the Vedas there are references to the treatment of diseases with herbs and plants. This ancient art is also transmitted in the traditions of all countries without exception.

Plants have vibrational frequencies that are in harmony with our body and psyche. These vibrational properties of plants, or the frequencies of plants, can aid in balancing, healing, cleansing, and energizing the seven major chakras. The components of herbs interact with our energy system and help remove toxic elements from our blood, increase blood circulation and regulate oxygen supply. Learning to use herbs appropriately can help maintain a balanced state of mind, body, and spirit. Here we will introduce some common plants associated with the seven chakras.

First chakra (mooladhara). This is the root chakra, located at the base of the spine. It connects us to the earth, through it we receive all the vital nutrients necessary for our survival, and this is also the area of ​​the body through which toxins are eliminated. Chakra does not just ground us physically, but by grounding it keeps us in the present moment. An unbalanced root chakra can cause problems in the legs, rectum, coccyx, the immune system, depression can occur, and autoimmune deficiencies are possible.

Dandelion root tea is very effective in treating depression, gallbladder or high blood pressure. Dandelion will help restore the root chakra. You can also add foods such as carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, onions and garlic, and other roots that can calm and even out mooladhara.

Second chakra (Svadhishthana). Scakral chakra. It is located below the navel, between the ovaries in women and near the prostate gland in men. The main quality of this chakra is pure creativity, attention, sensual expression, free from ego. When this chakra is blocked, it can lead to eating disorders, urinary tract problems, reproductive disorders, recurrent headaches, fever, and emotional imbalances.

Calendula enhances your creativity in all walks of life and is a plant that is easy to grow. Another plant that is very beneficial for sacral chakra is a gardenia. Flowers have a very calming effect on our senses, it is even called "the grass of happiness." We have gardenia - indoor culture, it is grown in pots on windowsills.

Sandalwood helps in the treatment of many types of infections, as it stimulates the growth of new cells. You can apply sandalwood oil to your body before showering, or you can use it in an aroma lamp to create good mood in your house. Other herbs and spices that are suitable for the sacral chakra: coriander, fennel, licorice, cinnamon, vanilla, sweet paprika, sesame, cumin.

Third chakra (Manipura). Solar plexus. Leaves have a strong effect on the third chakra.
rosemary. Manipura is a center of strength, positive emotions and self-control. If this chakra is blocked, we tend to feel unworthy and have low self-esteem. Our emotional state can be prone to depression and anxiety. When the energy in this center is disturbed, we have doubts and distrust in relation to other people. This can lead to a variety of physical problems: poor digestion, ulcers, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, anorexia, bulimia, and even intestinal tumors.

Lavender, bergamot, or rosemary can be used to unblock the flow of energy. Bergamot is great for the digestive system as it speeds up the digestion process while reducing the strain on the intestines. In the Mediterranean region, people believe that rosemary is a very healthy herb for the stomach and intestines, so it is often used as a spice. You can add rosemary leaves to a variety of dishes, or use rosemary oil for cooking.

Althea officinalis relaxes the third chakra and weakens our need to control life completely in all areas. It will help you relax your diaphragm and connect our natural breathing. Others useful herbs and spices: anise, celery, cinnamon, lily of the valley, mint, ginger, lemon balm, turmeric, cumin, fennel.

Fourth chakra (anahata)... Heart chakra. The closest to this center are hawthorn berries and flowers.
This chakra is the center of love, compassion. When this chakra is blocked, we tend to feel disconnected from the world, it is difficult for us to love and accept ourselves and others. We tend to have poor circulation on a physical level, a lack of empathy on an emotional level, and a lack of devotion on a spiritual level.

The ability to heal oneself and others is concentrated in the fourth chakra. Tea or tincture of hawthorn berries (flowers) increases our confidence in the process of Life and encourages us to feel safe in our hearts. It also helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

You can also use for anahata: pepper, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, rose, basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley.

Fifth Chakra (Vishuddha). Throat chakra. Red clover flowers correspond to this energetic zone. The throat chakra is mainly responsible for self-expression and communication. When this chakra is clear, our speech becomes inspiring, wise and we can communicate our intentions clearly and distinctly. An unbalanced throat chakra leads to thyroid problems, laryngitis on the physical level, strong dependence on the emotional level, unclear thoughts may suddenly appear on the mental level, and dangers on the spiritual level. We often speak without thinking, and this is also a problem, since such words lead us away from the true path.

Vishuddha is also responsible for nervousness, fear and anxiety. Red clover can help release the free flow of communication and self-expression in a person. Red clover tea can unlock emotions and thoughts that are waiting to be expressed or spoken aloud.

Another plant - lemon balm is able to heal many diseases, including the thyroid gland, which is a sign of imbalance in vishuddhi.

Eucalyptus oil can help very well in this case, it can unload this chakra energetically by simply rubbing a few drops of oil into the throat. Other herbs and spices that may help with throat chakra include coltsfoot, peppermint, and sage.

Sixth chakra (ajna). Third Eye. Eyebright is good for ajna. The sixth chakra or third eye is associated with intuition and the pineal gland. When this chakra is blocked, we tend to experience lack of imagination and intuition, as a result of which our level of decision-making is reduced and we become prone to self-deception.

Physically, weakness in the ajna chakra can manifest itself in the form of eye or ear problems, headaches, migraines, insomnia, or even nightmares. Peppermint, jasmine and eyebright herb are used to open the sixth chakra.

Eyebright helps you see the light and dark sides of life as part of a whole. It is used to treat eye problems. Peppermint is considered beneficial in the treatment of depression, migraines, and memory loss. It also increases the connection between mind and body.

Herbs and spices that can invigorate and heal any imbalances in the third chakra: juniper, wormwood, poppy, rosemary, lavender.

Seventh Chakra (Sahasrara). Crown chakra. It connects us to the universal Divine energy.
This chakra is associated with wisdom, enlightenment and transcendence. When our crown chakra is cleansed, it reveals to us the experience of divine Union and cosmic love. Our own unique frequency, vibration is in harmony with the space orchestra.

And when our crown chakra is blocked or closed, we feel spiritually disconnected from the world, as if we are living without any direction or purpose. On a physical level, this can lead to depression, frustration nervous system, migraines, amnesia, dyslexia, and in the most extreme cases, cognitive delusions and mental illness.

Lavender and lotus flowers will help in opening the seventh chakra. Lavender is a plant that is used to improve meditation. As for the lotus, its leaves and stems are widely used in Japanese and Chinese cuisine, and each part has its own set of properties.

Lavender is yours the best choice because it works well on all chakras.

Thus, you can incorporate plants into your life by simply drinking teas with them, or taking a bath with them, or using them as aromatherapy. You can enhance the effect of the herbs by tuning in to their vibrations. The frequencies of plants can be felt, being next to them in nature, dry herbs also carry the energy we need.

Like everything, food has energy. The food we consume affects the energy of our personal ecosystems or our chakras. To stay healthy, we need to have balanced and fluid energy from head to toe. When our energy system or chakras are in balance, we feel positive in well-being, in the rhythm of life, and we have enough energy that we must process during the day. We know that food affects our mind, our mood, our energy levels and our health. To find the optimal balance, we must eat high vibration foods that help restore balance and provide energy to our cells. Below are nutritional tips to help balance or open each chakra. Note that working on chakra alone is generally not ideal practice as all energy and health work holistically from the bottom up.

Chakra-Based Diet

There are seven major chakras in your energy system, and while there are many more chakras, these seven are often referred to as energy vortexes that govern our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. When the chakras become unbalanced, blocked, or overcharged, the chakras exhibit corresponding unbalanced energies, which often manifest as poor health and / or mental and emotional discomfort. To find balance and recovery, you can try to adjust your diet according to the guidelines below.

1st chakra

High protein foods (including animal protein, if appropriate in your diet) and healthy foods fatty foods help stabilize and ground the energy of the root of the first chakra. Root vegetables, red and dark leafy greens also help restore the balance of the first chakra.

2nd chakra

Avocados, dark chocolate, herbal oil, and nuts are good options for the second chakra. Higher fibers and vegetables, as well as easily digestible grains, are beneficial for the second chakra.

3rd chakra

Herbs and mildly spicy foods such as ginger, pepper, cinnamon, paprika, and bitters help activate the solar plexus chakra. Citrus fruits and other yellow vegetables also help. Food enzymes and lighter foods are recommended. Room temperature liquids and lemon water also help cleanse and repair.

4th chakra

All types of greens are great for the heart chakra. Boiled vegetables and cabbage soups, Brussels sprouts, greens and beans are excellent choices.

5th chakra

Soothing herbs and foods are good for the throat chakra. They offer blueberries, raspberries and warm teas. Trees also resonate with the fifth chakra. Reduce the amount of dairy and other inflammation-causing foods. It is recommended to use a sea salt rinse if necessary.

6th chakra

Lighter food helps restore balance in the third eye chakra. Berries and nuts, herbs like chamomile, lavender and sage or rosemary are useful in tea or cooking. Reduce your sugar and alcohol intake.

7th chakra

To restore balance to your crown chakra, pay attention to the nourishment you can get from higher vibration sources such as nature, music, sunlight, relationships, and love. It's like “feeding your soul,” for which food is as important as it is for the body!

You have probably heard a lot about the existence in our body of invisible energy centers - chakras. ... And today we will talk about how to develop chakras.

Energy centers are the fine tuning of our existence. They, like our body, are influenced by stresses, negative attitudes and emotions, experiences. And in turn, the state of the chakras directly affects us and our life.

According to the ancient Ayurvedic treatise "Chakravidya", which examines the connection between human life and the action of the chakras, every 7 years we move to a new level of development thanks to our seven main chakras.

All of our energy centers begin to form in the first years of life. But every seven years, one chakra is actively included in the process of our development, starting with the first, then the next one is activated. So, "turning on" one after another, the chakras help us gradually and fully realize ourselves.

Each chakra has its own special properties and is responsible for specific areas of our emotional and physical nature. Each leaves its mark on our interaction with the world and the implementation of our goals.

Therefore, in order for us to fully realize our potential, achieve our goals, live a full creative life, it is vital for us to develop our chakras.

You need to start with the lowest chakra - Muladhara, then move on to the next and so rise to the seventh chakra - Sahasrara.

To do this, it is not necessary to immediately begin to engage in yogic practices aimed at working with the chakras, it is enough pay attention to your inner world. Examine it for the presence of blocks and remove everything that interferes with the pure perception of yourself and the world around you.

Let's take a closer look at how to develop chakras on your own.


This chakra is actively developing from birth to 7 years. Through her we get vital energy from the Earth. Muladhara is responsible for physical stability, activity, will to live. A well-developed first chakra helps us to stand firmly on our feet, thinking about spiritual things.

The energy entering through the Muladhara moves up to the crown, filling other chakras with itself.

How to develop this chakra:

  • Practices to restore connection with the family,. Compilation of the family tree. Meditations on the family tree, on connection with the family;
  • Correct and healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, established daily routine;
  • Rewriting childhood memories and birth scenarios. The point is that our consciousness connects the past and the future. Therefore, we can return to the moments of the past, when we experienced negative emotions, and help our little one from the position of an already knowing adult to experience these moments (to comfort, to encourage that everything will be fine);
  • Accepting the idea that the world cares about you, that it is abundant, and we get everything we need to live. Work through the fears and feelings that resist the thought. it great way develop chakras;
  • Study of the laws by which this world, the Universe operates;
  • Yoga classes, physical and breathing exercises, walking, as well as barefoot on the ground;
  • Caring for those who need help and protection. And we ourselves need to learn to accept care and patronage - this helps not only to develop the first chakra, but also to balance it;
  • Working with the land, treating it with respect and gratitude. Think about how it feeds us, gives us support;
  • Fostering trust in God, the world, people.


From 8 to 14 years old, we feel the influence of the second chakra - Svadhisthana. She is responsible for feeling of physical comfort, for the ability to enjoy life in all its manifestations. Svadhisthana helps us to sincerely express our feelings, to establish harmonious relationships. From this age, we begin to express our feelings in creativity.

How to develop this chakra:

  • Treating your body as a temple, the dwelling place of the soul;
  • Practices that allow you to feel the body, get in touch with it. Feel the wisdom and help of your body;
  • Working out your complexes, accepting yourself. Ask yourself more often “Will (thought / action) be a manifestation of love, and if not, then what to do with love?”;
  • Meditation on the feminine and masculine energies in order to understand their principles, reconcile and balance in oneself;
  • Allowing yourself to be, create, enjoy. It is useful to write down exactly what you allow yourself, starting with the words "I allow myself ...";
  • Working out relationships with dad and mom (forgiveness, acceptance, release) helps a lot to develop the chakras;
  • Practice, femininity, sensuality;
  • Sweet and juicy foods;
  • Beautiful clothes and jewelry;
  • Reading books about feminine nature;
  • Beautiful flowing music and dancing.


From the age of 15 to 21 under the influence of the third chakra - Manipura - we begin searching for ourselves, our place in life, we want to realize our talents... We choose our own path. Clarity of consciousness, self-confidence, in the correctness of one's activity and in the chosen path, success in communicating with people depends on the development of this chakra.

How to develop chakra:

  • Comprehension of your feelings, desires and hopes to understand your destiny;
  • Write down your goals, determine if they interfere with each other;
  • Answers to the questions: "What do I really want to do, who do I want to become?", "What business brings me happiness?", "What prevents me and what helps to achieve this?", "What do I need to take to achieve the goal?" How can I help people in my activity? ”,“ What can I do selflessly? ”;
  • Working out fears, attitudes, thoughts that slow down the movement towards the goal and prevent the development of chakras;
  • Understand and accept your inner strength, your aspirations and desires;
  • Techniques for releasing your feelings, emotions, desires;
  • Understand the reasons for power, dissatisfaction, desire to manipulate, control, if you have it or you are experiencing all this on yourself;
  • The search for your purpose, the true purpose in your life helps to develop a person's chakras;
  • Give freedom of action and movement towards goals not only for yourself, but also for other people;
  • Accept the idea that achieving goals is possible at any age.


From 22 to 28 years old wakes up in us need to love with heart certainly. Anahata is responsible for subtle sensitivity. A well-developed fourth center gives us excellent intuition, we can see with the heart. We feel that we are part of the world and are able to receive and give.

How to develop chakra:

  • The practice of opening and cleansing the heart;
  • Study of the psychology of relationships;
  • Search for the purest source of knowledge on how to build relationships and reveal spiritual love;
  • Keeping a diary to record your experiences and feelings;
  • Working out fears that interfere with the manifestation, acceptance of love and interfere with building relationships;
  • Build relationships with people from a position of love and acceptance;
  • Learning not only to give, but also to receive love, which sometimes can be expressed in a language we do not understand, but this does not cease to be love;
  • Develop maternal qualities in yourself (with love to cook food, feed, take care);
  • Meditate on female deities;
  • Look for a society of women who are successful in family life;
  • Wear light-colored clothing.


From 29 to 35 years old awakens in us desire to share your experience, to create... Vishuddha is responsible for how we express ourselves through speech that we transmit to the world. The need for harmonious communication with oneself, with the people around, with spiritual aspects develops.

How to develop chakra:

  • Write down your thoughts, share them, discuss, discover new things in the thoughts of other people;
  • Music, singing, drawing, voice practices;
  • Development of beautiful speech and getting rid of rude, swear words;
  • Try to speak truthfully, so that your words are supported by deeds, this is good, in principle, affects your relationships and contributes to the development of all chakras;
  • Search for a society of people with high spiritual and moral values, communication with them;
  • Reading books about the spirituality of female nature, about predestination, about karma and the rules of spiritual life;
  • Search for a mentor;
  • It is unobtrusive to share the knowledge gained.


From the age of 35 to 41, under the influence of Ajna, we open ability and desire to harmonize their internal and external space. This chakra is responsible for deep knowledge of the surrounding world and global plans for the future.

How to develop chakra:

  • Search for a spiritual teacher;
  • Meditation on the unity and divinity of everything around;
  • Energy sessions aimed at purification (Reiki, Cosmoenergy);
  • Visiting places of power (but not anomalous zones);
  • Spiritual yoga classes;
  • Communication with natural forces - talk with trees, with flowers, feel the unity with nature;
  • Creation of amulets and talismans, giving them protective power in order to protect their loved ones and not only;
  • Communication with those who are engaged in self-development, learning from them;
  • Reading scriptures, legends and spiritual books.


From 41 to 49 years of age, the energies of the seventh chakra are included in our development. This chakra gives us a state of calmness and happiness, a state of unity with higher powers... We are able to realize ourselves and help others, realizing and understanding the divine purpose. Sahasrara always provides us with a connection with the spiritual world.

How to develop chakra:

  • Choose a spiritual tradition for yourself and follow it while developing;
  • To see the manifestation of God in everything;
  • Communication with spiritual people;
  • Reading prayers glorifying God;
  • Reading books about God, about his essence. Striving to build an ever deeper relationship with God.

After 49 years, a new round begins in our development, from the first chakra, but already at a higher level.

Having correctly passed all the stages of growth through the chakras, you get the opportunity to create reality on a new level, easily comprehend new knowledge and able to improve not only your life, but also the life of everyone around you.

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