Interpretation of runes when divining for work. The meaning of runes in fortune telling. Reversed position of the Thurisaz rune


wealth, property, possession, property, confidence.


receiving material rewards, well-being, taking a business or person under your control, concluding successful contracts.


stable, mutually beneficial relationships. Partners have something to give each other. They feel good and interesting together. In some cases, it may indicate a sense of possessiveness and jealousy.


rich, firmly on his feet, independent, selfish, down to earth.


seek your own benefit, do not forget about your interests.


poverty, loss, dependence, neglect of material goods.


failure of plans, financial losses, the need to ask someone for funds.


masochism, pleasure in one's own suffering. Relationships with a “psychological vampire” who is used to only taking and not giving anything in return. Wasted time, wasted abilities. Regret, self-doubt.


unable to earn money, unadapted to real life, head in the clouds, “tumbleweed.”


do not look for material or other benefits, become more honest and open.


excellent health, vibrant energy, strength, power, aggressiveness.


sudden, unplanned changes are usually positive. A surge of energy, the emergence of new plans and a passionate desire to bring them to life. Victory over competitors, rivals. Recovery.


passion, sensual attraction, earthly pleasures. Relationships based on erotic attraction to each other, from which you literally lose your head. The beginning of a whirlwind romance. Finding out relationships that end in bed.


hot, active, uncompromising, physically strong. First he does, and then he thinks.


you have enough strength to insist on your own. Any means are good. Get your way no matter what.


loss of strength, uncertainty about one’s rightness and ability to achieve a goal, the need to take a time out.


physical illness, nervous breakdown, exhaustion, defeat.


cooling of erotic attraction, loss of interest in each other.


passive, sick, shy, unable to defend their interests.


take a break and take care of your health urgently.


courage, belligerence, protection, passion, fight.


a conflict with enemies and ill-wishers, from which you will emerge victorious. The need to protect one’s property, interests, and loved ones.


relationships built on the struggle for power in a couple. Frequent quarrels that fuel passion. Strong, insatiable temperament. Jealousy.


aggressive, touchy, passionate, assertive, loving to look after and protect the weak.


don’t be ashamed of your own emotions, cut from the shoulder, be more frank. Be prepared for attacks from enemies.


false fears, suspicion, ill will, inappropriate aggression. Inability to protect yourself.


go against the grain, persist when you need to retreat. Uneven fight with opponents. Actions that are harmful to yourself. Complexes, feelings of guilt, which lead to energy blocking.


mistrust of people, inability to control one’s anger. Taking out aggression on innocent people. Self-aggression, oppressive guilt. Prohibition of erotic feelings.


complex, closed, gloomy, suffering from paranoia.


do not wave your fists after a fight, cool down, calm down.


communication, spirituality, information, signs, intelligence.


obtaining important information, starting training, acquiring new knowledge. Communication with like-minded people, reconciliation after a quarrel, finding a common language. Strengthening intuition, prophetic dreams.


relationships based on intellectual interest and spiritual kinship. Start of communication, flirting. Respect for each other, gratitude.


intelligent, educated, calm, religious, interested in spirituality.


show wisdom and restraint, ask for help from higher powers. Communicate more.


loss of mutual understanding, wandering in illusions, anger of higher powers.


receiving false information or its incorrect interpretation, deception, psychological manipulation. Actions against one's own conscience.


the partners are too different, they have different ideas about relationships, so they cannot find a common language. Confusion, thinking for someone else. Inability to hear your inner voice.


low intelligence, immoral, self-centered.


Don't look for hidden meaning where there is none.


road, journey, moving forward.


the beginning of a new path in life, the discovery of new opportunities, a trip.


a feeling of something new, alluring with its mystery. The feeling of “your” person, with whom you are on the same path. Interest, anticipation, readiness for change.


inquisitive, restless, fast, cannot stand stagnation.


don’t be afraid of new things, go on a journey, decide to make drastic changes.


obstacles on the way, stop, stagnation.


closed road, it's not up to the task. The return of something or someone from the past.


There is no development in the relationship, boredom and satiety, tired of each other. Inability to reach a new level. Fear of change, desire to hold on to the past at any cost.


afraid of new things, conservative, intimidated, passive, suspicious.


This is not the time to go in search of adventure, deal with old problems, analyze past mistakes.


fire, home, insight, inspiration, creativity, mind.


gaining insight, developing creative abilities, working according to one’s calling. Clarifying the situation, getting an answer to your question.


warmth, joy, admiration. Relationships built on trust and shared interests. Talking about starting a family.


ambitious, creative, clear-headed, with strong intuition.


be as sincere as possible, do what you like. Try to clarify the situation and talk directly.


wandering in the dark, loss of hope, fear, confusion.


unpleasant surprises, disruption of plans. Loss of interest, depression, disappointment. Problems with finding work and recognition.


cooling of sensual attraction, stagnation, predictability. Withdrawal, refusal to communicate, loss of trust.


“whiner”, a psychological vampire prone to depression. A person is out of place, playing someone else's role.


this is not yours, you are doing the wrong thing. Look for what matches your true desires.


union, gift, mutually beneficial exchange, equality, sympathy.


someone will help you, but be prepared to repay the favor. Receiving a gift. The beginning of a new relationship, flirting.


strong mutual interest. The feeling that partners have a lot to give to each other. Relationships built on mutual benefit, harmonious distribution of roles in a couple.


sociable, generous, noble, loving to help.


ask for help, but don't forget to show gratitude.


joy, happiness, a happy ending, an unexpected pleasant surprise, the ability to see the positive in everything.


receiving good news, changes for the better, fulfillment of a sacred desire. Victory over opponents.


love, euphoria, peace through rose-colored glasses, playfulness.


positive, easy-going, lucky, childish, cheerful, restless.


look for positive moments, reasons for joy.


depression, sadness, pessimism, inability to fulfill plans.


Be prepared for the fact that something may darken your mood. Not the best time to plan something big. The need to fulfill an unpleasant duty.


sadness, disappointment, melancholy. Inability to derive joy from life, habit of seeing the negative in everything. Relationships based on mutual reproaches and grievances, the partner is like a “punching pillow.”


gloomy, tired of life, extinct, unable to find himself.


do what you need to do, despite “I don’t want to.” Wait out the black streak.


chaos, destruction, dying of the past, unforeseen negative circumstances.


the collapse of plans and hopes, but only those that would harm a person. A sharp renewal, profound changes in personality. Destruction for the sake of future creation.


revelation of unexpected information that destroys relationships, breakups, conflicts, frequent scandals.


aggressive, valuing his freedom, not attached to anything, uncompromising, harsh, self-centered, not needing warmth and intimacy.


suddenly free yourself from what binds you, do not regret what you have lost.


need, duty, deprivation, responsibility, coercion, fate, willpower, self-restraint.


a test of strength under difficult circumstances, the need to cut costs, to be content with little in everything. Debt, unpleasant but necessary. Working off karmic debts.


a sense of duty to a partner, a relationship based on self-sacrifice. It’s hard to quit and hard to continue.


ascetic, limiting himself in everything, modest, submissive, fair.


accept what happened as a test, fulfill your obligations, learn from your mistakes.


complexes, psychological problems and traumas that interfere with life, repetition of past mistakes, guilt, masochism, self-aggression.


step on the same rake over and over again. Limit yourself to your own fears and complexes. The cause of the problems lies solely in yourself.


unequal relationships, where one partner manipulates the other, leads to feelings of guilt. Fear of breaking up, although a break is necessary.


with low self-esteem, inclined to blame himself for everything, shifting responsibility for his life onto fate and other people.


free yourself from complexes, stop limiting yourself, learn to enjoy life and be more active, and not complain about fate.


cold, peace, passivity, rest from business, withdrawal, insensibility, loneliness.


A period of stagnation in business or relationships awaits you. Prepare to put plans on hold indefinitely.


cooling, loss of interest in each other, fading of erotic attraction. Lack of emotions, indifference.


cold, withdrawn, indecisive, living with his mind, not his heart.


cool your feelings and return to the problem with a cool head. Take a break, freeze things. Don't try to force things.


cyclicality, harvest, the fruits of one’s own efforts, the need to wait until they ripen, slow movement, gradual changes, the unity of opposites.


results from long-term work or relationships, global plans for the future, laying the foundation for change. This rune is reminiscent of the old saying “what goes around comes around.” Coming events will show how good your “seeds” were. Getting what you deserve.


grinding-in period, checking each other for compatibility. In some cases, it speaks of a future addition to the family. Stable, deep relationships where partners are equal and give a lot to each other.


serious, responsible, generous, far-sighted, thrifty, economical, hardworking.


make enough efforts for your own future, be patient and don’t expect instant results.


test, initiation, test of strength, period of stagnation, deep internal changes.


There may be delays, delays and difficulties in your affairs. Treat them as a necessary test during which you will realize many important things.


crisis in relationships, confusion, difficulties with choice and decision making. Psychological adjustment to each other.


indecisive, always doubting, passive, shy, complex.


Be patient and don't rush in. Wait until the situation corrects itself.


secrets, occultism, magic, pregnancy, something hidden, secret power, rock, destiny.


meeting with something mysterious and incomprehensible. Receiving signs through dreams and premonitions. The need to keep a secret.


mystical, spiritual relationships. Karmic life partner, destined by fate. Long-distance union, dating on the Internet. Relationships that are kept secret. Next to the Berkana rune is an indication of pregnancy.


possessing a mystical gift, secretive, mysterious, living a rich inner life, with a developed imagination.



loss of your path, confusion, fear of the future and getting stuck, inability to understand what you really want. Secret revealed, trust betrayed.


meeting with the past, its unfinished affairs or unfulfilled desires. The need to let go and take a step towards the future. Receiving important information that will come as a shock and completely change your outlook on life.


a partner's suddenly revealed secret that will change the relationship. Suspicion, betrayal, deception, fears. Meeting with a past lover.


stuck in the past, immoral, unable to keep secrets, unspiritual.


get to the bottom of it, get the truthful information. Don’t overwhelm yourself with faith in signs and omens, ground yourself.


protection, peace, tranquility, trust, intuition.


receiving protection or patronage from a significant person. Opening up new perspectives, getting the results you expected.


relationships where complete mutual understanding and trust reign. One partner protects, protects the other, and takes on a parental role. Comfort, tenderness.


attentive, sensitive, kind, capable of noble deeds, with strong intuition.


take care of your own protection, pay attention to dreams and premonitions.


defenselessness, threat (justified or far-fetched), fear, wandering in illusions, paranoia.


stab in the back, betrayal by a loved one. The catch is where you didn't expect it. Attack of ill-wishers. Vulnerability, weakening, deterioration of affairs.


there is no sense of security, constant suspicions of each other, deceived expectations and hopes. The partner constantly needs control in order not to do anything stupid.


timid, defenseless, fragile, in need of constant care from others.


don’t beat yourself up, stop worrying, beware of betrayal and manipulation.


success, joy, fulfillment of desires, self-realization, intelligence, consciousness, justice, confidence, creativity.


fulfilling a cherished dream, working according to one’s vocation, starting one’s own business. Raising self-esteem, gaining self-confidence, solving psychological problems.


warm and reliable relationships filled with positive emotions. Soul mates, partners with perfect compatibility.


successful, realized, creative, intellectual, calculating, strong-willed.


insist on your own, listen to your true desires, protect your interests.


struggle, aggression, pressure, belligerence, justice, competitors, masculine energy.


You have a fight ahead of you, from which you will emerge victorious. The situation will require a lot of your energy, rush forward and stop at nothing. Courage is the key to success now.


relationships based on the dominance of a man or the male role of a woman. Conflicts for power in a couple, competition. However, the spirit of competition does not worsen the relationship, but gives it zest. Self-confidence, sensuality, aggressive conquest of a partner.


militant, decisive, active, aggressive.


fight for yourself by any means, show strength.


loss of strength, passivity, refusal to fight, surrender to enemies, problems with men's health, uncertainty.


your forces and those of your opponents will be unequal, you will have to retreat. Suppression of will by someone stronger. The need for submission and humility.


feminine behavior in men, lack of healthy aggressiveness. Manipulations designed to create feelings of guilt and dependence on a partner. Emptyness, weakness, lack of faith in yourself and your abilities.


dependent, weak, pliable, spineless.


surrender, moderate aggression.


femininity, fertility, growth, softness, comfort, security.


meeting a nice woman. Women's self-realization: meeting a potential husband, entering into a serious relationship, pregnancy. The emergence of new fans. Business growth, reaching a new level, getting the first fruits.


a relationship where a woman dominates, but in her original female role: inspirer and keeper of the home. A woman's strong influence on a man. Trust, tenderness, peace, comfort. Close to nature.


feminine, reliable, attractive, generous, economical.


show gentleness, achieve your goal in roundabout ways, become more feminine. Take help from a woman.


arrest in development, intrigues on the part of an evil woman, road closures, problems with women's health, rejection of the female role.


meeting with an unpleasant, dangerous woman. Slowdown in business growth, failure in new projects. Interference in life by an evil woman.


in some cases, it may indicate a love triangle or the negative influence of a relative (most often the mother) of one of the couple. Squabbles and conflicts out of nowhere. Reluctance to adapt to each other, to compromise. Complexes about appearance, uncertainty about one’s attractiveness, stinginess, coldness.

Human: Advice:

Beware of women who are ill-wishers. There are not people around you who you can trust.


vehicles, transport, road, animals, speed, union, cooperation, relationships, marriage. Adaptation to changing circumstances.


the beginning of profitable cooperation, finding friends, like-minded people, associates and help from them. Rapid development of the situation. Change of social circle, new friends, sometimes moving, change of job.


passionate, fast-growing relationship with marriage prospects. Partners complement each other, each plays their role. The feeling of being in the right place, the pleasure of what is happening. Inspiration.


restless, impetuous, quickly adapting to new people and situations, sociable, he constantly needs to move forward.


ask your trusted friends for help, cooperate with someone to achieve your goal.


unexpected obstacles along the way, downtime, stoppage, breakup of a union, problems with transport or pets.


slowdown of important things, disruption of plans and agreements. Deterioration of relationships with family and friends. Inability to adapt to the situation. Rejection from society. Mind your own business.


psychological or sensory incompatibility. The partners are too different: one is more active and assertive, the second needs a calmer life. Alienation, loneliness, fear of change.


intractable, unable to cooperate, stubborn, conservative, afraid of losing stability.


Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, someone may be deceiving you.


man, ancestors, society, cooperation for the common good, like-minded people. Culture, intelligence, service sector.


meeting with an important person, help from him. Making new friends, joining a public organization. Improving relationships in a group of people. Success in society, strengthening authority.


relationships based on equality and deep friendship. The presence of common goals and ideals. Meeting through friends or companies. A sense of community, cohesion, brotherly love.


kind, open, always ready to help, with a strong intellect, cultured, reserved.


look for like-minded people, turn to wise books, philosophy, psychology.


cruelty, inhumanity, loneliness, magical influence.


Often this rune suggests that the root of your problems lies in the spiritual, superhuman sphere. The influence of karma, magic, ancestral spirits. Discord in the team, loss of loved ones.


both or one partner can use the other for selfish purposes. Abuse, violence. Feeling of isolation, abandonment, lack of like-minded people.


aloof, mysterious, not like everyone else, loving solitude, distrustful.


look for the source of negative magical influence, beware of ill-wishers. Solve problems independently, without the help of others.


youth, girlhood, intuition, creativity, water, subconscious, variability, fluidity, magic, emotions, psychology.


falling in love, the beginning of a new, tender and romantic relationship. A new period in the life of a couple. Meeting with a young, mysterious girl. Sometimes it indicates magical influence from the outside, a love spell. A surge of inspiration, the beginning of creative work. Prophetic dreams.


enchantment, admiration, love. Strengthening intuition, sensing at a distance, reading thoughts. Tenderness, trepidation, fragility.


emotional, magical, creative, quiet, able to influence people.


become softer, use your charm and intuition to achieve your goals. Resort to magic.


deception, illusions, psychological manipulation, escape into the world of dreams, mental illness.


falling under someone's negative influence, magical or psychological. False or misinterpreted information. Empty fears, false premonitions.


mistrust, jealousy, envy, suspicion in a couple. Using a partner for your own purposes. Friendly attitude on the outside, anger on the inside.


insincere, entangled in one's own fantasies, passive, dependent, withdrawn.


Beware of negative magical influences. Be more reasonable.


fertility, transformation, profound changes, elemental energy, completion of a life stage.


this rune portends a radical renewal. Almost in the blink of an eye, everything can change in ways you never expected. Intervention of otherworldly forces, karma, fate. Lessons learned. Insight, understanding of the meaning of what is happening.


strong erotic attraction in a couple, sensuality, liberation. A long-standing karmic connection with each other. Getting to know your partner's secret side. He behaves completely differently with you than with others. Transition to a new level of relationship: marriage or separation. Pay attention to the adjacent runes.


sensual, brave, loving extreme sports, leader by nature, risky.


complete all unfinished business. Bring to life what you previously lacked the confidence to do.


house, clan, family, real estate, completion, power of authorities.


strengthening family relationships, purchasing your own home, beginning a sedentary lifestyle, the need to obey elders, retirement, successful completion of a project, long-awaited vacation. The rune indicates that an important stage in your life is coming to an end and a new one is looming on the horizon.


a feeling of belonging to a large family (family, clan, team). Patriotism, interest in studying one's origins. Conservatism, support for old traditions, appeal to the experience of ancestors.


mature, calm, adhering to traditional values, authoritarian, tough, closed.


listen to your conscience, ask your elders for help, keep what you have.


destruction of family foundations, a sharp transformation of the outlook on life, violation of the rules.


damages and losses associated with real estate, land. Quarrels with family members up to complete severance of ties. Liberation from the shackles of the past. Going beyond your own moral standards and principles. Moving to another country, leaving the parental home.


easy relationships without plans for the future, reluctance to start a family. Poor relationships with parents and the need to live differently from them. The desire for freedom from conventions and stereotypes.

Human: Advice:

decide on something new, look at the situation differently, free yourself from the influence of imposed authorities, do not do what society and family say.


dawn, change, opposites, renewal, hopes for the future.


the situation will turn out the opposite way, in a way you did not plan. The beginning of a new life stage. Promising projects, new contacts and relationships. Change in social status. You will open new doors for yourself.


profound changes in relationships. What has been building up for a long time will finally come to the surface. Dawn after a long dark night. Renewal, radical change in personality, liberation from barriers. Lightness and freedom.


original, combining opposites, not fitting into the framework, going his own way. Experimenter, innovator, open to everything new and unusual. Unbending, hardened.


boldly step towards the unknown, allow yourself to behave differently, become a different person - the real you.

Runes have their origins in the ancient Norse alphabet, which was used for writing, divination and magic in Scandinavia, the British Isles and Iceland. Fortune telling with runes is not fortune telling in the usual sense. This is work with the subconscious, the meaning of the runes represents your personal Universe, symbolizing one or another archetype of the subconscious. When you ask a question, the subconscious finds the answer in the world of subtle energies and communicates it through one or another rune that you choose. This is not an accident, but a choice made by the subconscious.

People often use runes to tell fortunes about the past. Remember that runic fortune telling provides an opportunity to look into the subconscious, they give advice, not a direct answer, they allow you to look at what has already happened, but do not evaluate events. If you are guessing for the future, take into account that the future is just being formed, it is unstable and changeable, so you get one of the possible futures as an answer. In love fortune telling, runes show what is happening now and in which direction you are moving. Thus, they do not predict, but allow you to see causes and effects, indicate a likely outcome.

Below are interpretations of each of the 24 runes and their images.

Meaning: wealth

The Feu rune portends success and a lot of good things: achievements, recovery, monetary gain or new love. But this is not luck, but achievements that you will achieve yourself. Share your happiness with your loved ones.

Advice from the Feu rune: Be careful, there are unkind people around you.

Meaning - strength

Uruz is associated with the subtle worlds, powerful psychic energies, self-healing and endurance. She reveals powerful subconscious energies, but warns that unbridled creative forces can be dangerous. The rune says that you need to use your abilities correctly so that they are for your benefit. Uruz sometimes foretells that you may lose someone or something. Thanks to this, you will be resurrected and you will be able to start something new.

Rune advice: do not refuse opportunities and do not retreat.

Symbol - gate

This is a powerful but heavy rune, it is associated with Saturn. Be observant, every minute and every detail matters. Thurisaz says that you will receive the support of the forces of the Universe and then cross the boundaries of the current situation.

The rune advises - look into the past before making decisions about the future.

Interpretation - forces of the Universe

Ansuz has the energy of Mercury, fast and changeable. If this rune appears in fortune telling, changes await you; be prepared for the unexpected. You need to be observant, in the near future you will receive a sign that will show you the path in the right direction. This is a positive rune for students and learners, helping to absorb knowledge and making the learning process smoother.

Ansuz's advice: Explore the depths of your own personality.

Meaning - travel, movement

Raido has the energy of Mercury and marks the beginning of the active period. Everything is in motion, the time has come to act, the obstacles are left behind. Allow yourself to understand what your heart desires. The Raido rune symbolizes reunification after a period of separation, voluntary or forced. Conflicts will soon end with reconciliation, lovers will be together.

The rune advises: Trust the course of events and follow your intuition, but do not forget about common sense.

Symbol - fire, torch

Kano symbolizes fire. She has a powerful energy that reveals your abilities and gives clarity. In fortune telling, she predicts the end of a period of darkness in your life and the onset of favorable changes. Your passion and sensuality may be a sign of an upcoming marriage, which is good in love fortune telling. It is considered the rune of artists, helps creative people in matters of art.

The rune advises: Direct all your energy in the right direction, you will receive the support of the forces of the Universe.

Meaning: gift, love

Gebo means alliances and partnerships of any kind. It’s good if she appeared in a love fortune telling. It portends difficult ways to find mutual agreement, a compromise between freedom and responsibilities in relationships, and a strong union in the future.

Meaning: joy

Vunyo is a positive and bright rune that has the energy of Venus and Jupiter. You have gained wisdom and an extended period of joy and success is about to come. In fortune telling, it portends success and positive changes in many ways: in love, in work, in family.

The rune advises: Accept yourself as you are.

Interpretation: flow

Hagalaz is the rune of spontaneous change, has the energy of Mars and Uranus. Heralds a period of change, but you have no control over it. Leave material reality aside and look into your inner world. Intensive self-development should lead you to the next stage of life.

Runa Hagalaz advises: If things are out of control, breaking up may be a good idea.

Meaning - necessity, need

Nautiz is of the nature of Saturn, she has complex and heavy energy. Insecurities and dark sides of your personality make you weak. Think about what attracts failure to you. Runa Nautiz suggests looking around you and finding opportunities to start something new in life.

Rune advice: Get rid of anger and negative emotions, maintain a balance of energies and be more optimistic.

Symbol - ice

Isa symbolizes ice, its property is to freeze. The rune symbolizes the period of stagnation that is necessary before achievements. Isa says that your plans are frozen and are not developing, and you yourself are, as it were, in limbo, although you do not understand this. Don't overexert yourself. Try to find out what keeps you in this situation, discard the old and unnecessary. Refusal means wisdom.

Advice from the Isa rune: do not count on the help of friends and family.

Symbol - year, harvest

Yer promises speedy completion and harvesting of fruits. It foretells a positive development of the situation and invites you to be optimistic. But remember, nothing happens quickly, every action has its own cycle. There is no need to rush; just as the harvest takes a long time to ripen, circumstances in your life require time to develop.

Yer advises: trust what is happening and persistently pursue your goal; without your personal efforts, success will not come.

Meaning: liberation

Eyvaz portends a turn for the better. No matter how difficult the part of the path you are going through now, expect a positive outcome. Circumstances have developed to test your resilience and courage, and you have passed the test.

Runa Eyvaz advises: There is no need to be afraid or worry, the forces of the Universe will support you on your path.

Meaning - mysticism

Perth has the energy of Mars and Pluto. She says that in your life there are mysterious forces or circumstances over which you have no control. Soon the meaning of what is happening will soon be revealed. The near future is an ideal time for reflection and practice. Think positive and don't lose your sense of humor.

Rune advice: Expect special changes when your personality is ready for them.

Symbol - protection

Algiz means protection. When doing fortune telling, it foretells victories, new opportunities and challenges, but for this you need to be strong and take control of your emotions. Act wisely and everything will work out for the better.

Algiz advises: Be careful, problems should not be ignored.

Meaning - Sun

Soulu portends victory and success. It's time to accept what you have been denying or not allowing yourself to do for a long time. Soulu has the energy of the Sun and has the ability to clarify confusing and dark situations. Sometimes it means that ahead of you lies a journey into the depths of your inner world to find understanding and balance.

The rune advises: Listen to your intuition. If you feel like you're losing too much energy over something, Soulu suggests backing off.

Symbol - warrior

Teyvaz has the energy of Mars and is considered the rune of warriors. Indicates the onset of a period of active action. She promises victory: in competitions, at competitions and in any situation where there is competition. If you are reading fortunes about love, you and your loved one need to work hard to improve your relationship and realize common goals.

Teyvaz's advice: Take your time, haste hinders success.

Meaning - new beginnings

Berkana represents fertility and abundance and has the energy of Venus. It portends something new: new things to do, the birth of a child or a new idea. Be prudent and attentive; some properties of your character may block progress.

Runa Berkana advises: Pay attention to the needs of the people around you. This is how you will find your way.

Meaning: movement

Evaz has the energy of Mercury. Runa says that the period of stagnation is over, it is time to move on. Changes are ahead of you. It could even be moving to another city or another country. Good for travelers. If you doubt anything, Evaz says that your decisions are correct.

Rune advice: any change is possible if you are ready for it.


Interpretation - humanity

Mannaz means improved relations with the world, but they will not happen overnight. Your task is to forget old habits and old grievances. Be modest and moderate, and you will pass this period with dignity.

Mannaz advises: Look deep inside yourself and around you, ask: who are your real enemies?

Symbol: water

Laguz is of the nature of Mercury and foretells a quick resolution of conflicts and reconciliation. Runa Laguz encourages you to follow your intuition and not give up on your desires. Forget about negative consequences. Laguz says that there is a supernatural power within you that gives protection.

Rune advice: Listen to your heart, cherish your dreams.

Symbol - hero

Inguz has the positive energy of Venus and means a positive ending to something in your life. Inguz portends newness, she says that you are ready for change, it’s time to reconsider your life and see new perspectives. Maybe it's time to break old habits or get rid of limiting relationships. Sometimes it promises quick changes and even the birth of a child. This rune can be dangerous if you are not ready for change or are unwilling to accept it.

Inguz advises: Be in a good mood and accept new things that are on your doorstep.

Meaning - day

Dagaz symbolizes positive changes in life. It could be a new love, a new job, a lucky break, or a change in lifestyle. Dagaz says that the dark period is over, and the Sun is brightly illuminating your path again. A good sign for those who are sick - she promises a speedy recovery.

Runa Dagaz advises: Prepare yourself for the arrival of a bright period of life.

Meaning - failure

Otal is the rune of separation, has the energy of Saturn, Mercury and Uranus. Means parting with something or someone. But thanks to this, you will be able to achieve your dreams, whether it concerns love, position in society, money, material wealth. Reconsider your beliefs, you may need to give up some of them so that positive changes come faster.

Otal rune advice: Think twice before deciding on something important!

Fortune telling using runes is considered to be the most accurate and truthful. And this can be confirmed by anyone who has at least once in their life observed oval stones or small wooden tablets on which a unique design is applied or carved. What is the meaning of runes in fortune telling?

In total, there are 24 runic symbols in the classical ancient interpretation, but in modern layouts there can be up to thirty-three. Each outline has its own symbolic name, for example: sun, birch, man, God, joy, birch, gift, etc. In addition, the rune can be interpreted both positively and negatively (inverted).

Origin of runes

Translated from ancient German, the meaning of the word rune can be translated as "secret". Secret signs were used by the Celtic tribes, and then they spread widely in the Scandinavian countries. The runes themselves, according to one version of scientists, arose in the 1st century among the ancient Goths, who used the Greek and Latin alphabets.

However, in addition to scientific versions, there are also a lot of legends and myths associated with the origin and spread of runes. Thus, according to one of the Scandinavian legends, the runes were first seen by the supreme god Wotan (Odin) when he, having pierced himself with a spear, hung on Yggdrasil (the World Tree, reminiscent of a huge ash tree, symbolizing the Universe). After hanging on the tree for 9 days, he climbed down and wrote the first runes on the tree with his own blood. Since then, runes have come into use among the Scandinavians, with the help of which ancient shamans treated people and predicted the future; they applied runic symbols on pebbles, on sticks carved from wood, tree bark (birch trees) or the remains of pottery.

In those days, both men and many women owned runic magic.

Today anyone can tell fortunes using runes, because it can even be done online. Of course, online fortune-telling cannot replace the mystery of laying out runes from a bag by a specialist, but you can find out the answer to the simplest questions online.

Basic meanings and descriptions of runes for various fortune telling

Currently, there are several types of the most effective layouts: situational, general layout, mini-fortune telling by one rune, answering any specific question posed. From one to 7 runes can take part in the layouts, while each will interpret a separate issue, and as a whole, a picture of the past, present and will be drawn. Only a runic specialist (oracle) who studies runes can combine all the interpretations into one whole and draw a definite conclusion. Such a specialist will also take into account the fact that the meaning of runes when divining relationships may differ in a particular situation.

So, the meanings of each rune are individual and can be interpreted depending on the chosen alignment and the position adopted during the fortune-telling process - upright or inverted. However, out of the 24 runes, there are 8 (9 if you count the new Odin rune) that are always upright and have the same meaning. Such runes are called irreversible. These include:

  • Odin or an empty rune that appeared not so long ago (in the mid-80s of the 20th century). It is considered optional and even superfluous, however, it is often used in layouts. It symbolizes both the beginning and the end, and favors all new beginnings and any changes. Sometimes it is interpreted as a sign of the divine principle. In a situational scenario, it may mean that this issue does not depend on the person. The decision will be made by God.
  • Soulu or the rune of the Sun, indicated by a sign similar to lightning. This is a positive rune, meaning a favorable outcome of any undertaking. She points the fortuneteller to a certain path that should be followed in order to be in harmony with himself, but at the same time he needs to find time to restore vital energy. There is another meaning for this rune. In some situations, with a certain question, it can mean the recovery of the sick person and his healing.
  • Isa or ice, winter, if it appears in the layout, means a certain period of stagnation in the life of the questioner. This rune looks like a vertical stick. It does not carry negative energy, but at the same time it warns that at the moment it is better for a person to “freeze” his plans and wait for a more suitable time. The rune symbolizes slow, hidden development, which will certainly occur at a certain time.
  • Dagaz(day) is a very positive rune, meaning the beginning of any action. This is a breakthrough, a new round in the development of a relationship or situation, a new turn of events. The rune looks like two triangles connected horizontally by one vertex. She literally tells a person that the time has come for active action, for development and new beginnings. The rune is a harbinger of good luck and prosperity.
  • Halaz(hail) – destructive rune. She says that plans for the near future will be destroyed for unforeseen reasons. At first glance, the rune may seem negative, but not all destruction can have a negative meaning. Sometimes development requires complete freedom and liberation from accepted rules and obligations. The appearance of a rune, in outline reminiscent of the Slavic letter H only with an uneven central line, may mean breaking the old to find the new.
  • Inguz- rune of fertility. This is a symbol that the time has come to finish what we started. At the moment, the questioner has enough strength to complete it. In addition, the rune can mean helping a person from the outside, finding peace of mind by overcoming anxiety. It means a period when you can get out of a state of stagnation and begin active action. In some cases, the appearance of a rune can mean the birth of a child.
  • Eyvaz(protection, World Tree) is an unusual rune, indicating that obstacles will soon be overcome, but only if you show patience and do not succumb to any temptations. She says that there may be delays in plans that are beyond a person’s control, so in order for everything planned to come true, you should not take active actions, but wait a little and be patient. Sometimes a rune appears at a moment when a person is faced with the most difficult choice in life. In this case, the rune recommends not to rush into making a decision and to completely trust your intuition so that a truly correct decision is made.
  • Yera(year, harvest) is a rather favorable rune, indicating to a person that any undertaking in his life will be successful. The rune means success in both love and business, but it warns that you should not expect instant results. Some time must pass before a person can “reap the fruits of his activity.” During this period, you need to be patient and move towards your goal, constantly making efforts.
  • Gebo(partnership, gift) – a rune that means the appearance of some help to achieve a result. The rune looks like the letter X and appears when a person tries to implement some plan alone. She says that the success of the enterprise will take place in the case of fruitful work of the entire team (friends, loved ones, partners, employees). At the same time, each participant must have a certain freedom. The rune symbolizes the unity of people (partnerships, marriage, conclusion of an agreement). In addition, the appearance of a rune may mean receiving some kind of gift.

Of course, the meaning of the runes when divining a situation will depend directly on the situation being considered by the questioner. Sometimes one rune at a time is used to get an accurate answer using reversible runes that change their meaning depending on the position. In such cases, the upright position of the rune will mean the answer “yes”, and the inverted position will mean “no”.

The meaning of reversible runes

Reversible runes include 16 runes, which have two meanings:

  • Turiaz, Turisaz(gate) - in the upright position it means the beginning of a new stage in life at the end of everything old, and in the inverted position - the weakness of the questioner, the hopelessness of the situation. In the second case, a person needs to pull himself together and completely master the situation.
  • Raido(road, unification, path) means harmony and reunification. She shows the path you should follow, trusting only your intuition. When reversed, it can mean a break in the relationship. This meaning of runes when divining love can help maintain a relationship, if you do not focus on little things, try to smooth out the situation and show patience with your partner.
  • Laguz(water, stream, source) - the rune is a symbol of intuition, which can bring a person to the level where he can get what he wants. When reversed, the rune indicates possible overexertion and fatigue. In this case, its appearance indicates that you need to relax a little, calm down and go with the flow.
  • Otil or Othal(separation) is a rune that means giving up something important in order to acquire something new. Its appearance is often interpreted as the help of old or more experienced friends, the acquisition of property or large things for money. The negative meaning of the rune is a disruption of plans. In this case, no one will come to help.
  • Uruz(masculinity, femininity) – the rune of power over change. It is associated with new beginnings and acquisitions, although it may seem to a person that this is a loss. In a negative meaning, the rune warns of anxiety. She says that an important moment, an opportunity, was missed.
  • Perth(initiation) is a mysterious rune that speaks of the strong intuition of the questioner. It portends a rebirth literally from the ashes (like a phoenix). In an inverted position, it indicates that you need to reconsider your life priorities, since the chosen path has already exhausted itself.
  • Nautiz(necessity) is a complex rune that predicts to the questioner that a period is coming in which he will have to deal with coercion. She tells a person that he needs to constantly work on himself and rethink his plans. In an inverted position, it warns of cleansing. The rune warns that the questioner has chosen the wrong path.
  • Algiz or Algiz(protection) - a rune symbolizing a new turn of events. However, new prospects and opportunities must be accepted with caution. In an inverted position, the rune means defenselessness, the impossibility of implementing plans.
  • Feu(property, food, possession) - a rune that foreshadows not only a possible acquisition, but also the fulfillment of dreams, desires, and the receipt of a reward. In an inverted position it means loss, loss (not only material).
  • Vunyo(joy, light) is a positive rune, foreshadowing the period when it is time to reap the benefits. This is the time when joy comes, and all adversity is behind. When reversed, it can mean disappointment or embarrassment. In this case, you need to wait out the time to find a way out of the situation.
  • Kano(opening, fire) - a rune that was used by healers in the past, speaks of good health and new beginnings. By the way, in a love scenario it may mean that it’s time to start a new relationship. Negative meaning: deterioration of the situation, separation.
  • Teyvaz(warrior energy) is a rune that means victory in everything, overcoming difficulties and the beginning of new relationships. In an inverted position, it means obstacles in business, a break in friendship or relationship.
  • Berkana(birch, growth) – a symbol of prosperity and rebirth. A favorable rune indicating the emergence of a new idea, business, and sometimes the birth of a child. Negative meaning: disagreements with loved ones, problems in the family. Often such problems are associated with the character traits of the questioner.
  • Evaz(movement, progress) – a rune meaning movement: moving, changing activities or place of residence, developing ideas or relationships. In an inverted position, it may mean the appearance of some obstacles on the way.
  • Mannaz(person) is a sign that a person’s thoughts are becoming clearer, he is changing, but at the same time the rune advises maintaining modesty and moderation. In an inverted position, the rune calls for honesty with oneself and a review of the chosen line of behavior.
  • Anguz(signs) - a magical rune that foreshadows the receipt of gifts, messages from outside, the acquisition of wisdom. She warns a person that he needs to be attentive to the signs he receives. Reversed means lack of clarity, lies, deception, obstacles.

Here are the basic meanings of runes that can be applied to different situations. Having learned to combine and interpret different meanings, you can begin to make thorough predictions for the future.

Interpretation of runes is an attempt to designate in simple words the energies behind each runic sign, in order to understand and explain the runes that fell during fortune telling, receiving answers to the questions asked. Interpretation of runes requires certain experience and skill. At first, studying the key meanings of runic symbols will help with this. This is one of the stages of entering the Northern Runic Tradition for further work with runes.

RUNE Fehu. Fehu.

Direct position of the Fehu rune.

Rune of property. The key word is happiness, prosperity, success, wealth, values, movable property. Rune of prosperity and wealth, fulfillment of desires. This is profit, success in every sense, providing for further development and multiplication of what has been achieved.

Reversed position of the Fehu rune.

The key word is loss, loss, damage, limitations, failure. The rune warns of troubles, difficulties, obstacles and possible disappointments.

Direct position of the Uruz rune.

Rune of strength. Key words – perseverance, perseverance, power, initiative, health. Uruz destroys old outdated forms, coming into our lives as a sign of strength, natural power and transformation. Where there is strength, there is no stagnation. The sign can also indicate success as a result of the action of this force.

Reversed position of the Uruz rune.

Key words – lack or absence of strength, lack of will. The appearance of this sign may indicate missed opportunities or failures and disappointments. You need to analyze the situation and yourself and figure out where and why there is an imbalance in your Power, which may turn against you.

Direct position of the Thurisaz rune.

The key word is thorn, gate, power, not an act - an action, active defense. Turisaz is a personal choice and responsibility of each person. This is reflection, a deep study of the situation, introspection, the search for the only correct solution. Having made your choice, you should act quickly, leaving fear and doubts behind.

Reversed position of the Thurisaz rune.

The key word is uncertainty, weakness, insecurity. Indicates the haste and immaturity of the decision being made and calls for caution.

Direct position of the Ansuz rune.

The key word is thought, speech, understanding, wisdom, inspiration. The Ansus rune is the receipt of gifts, someone's appearance or news from someone, the acquisition of new knowledge. The appearance of this rune recommends being sensitive and wise, paying attention to the signs. Ansus involves constant development and learning.

Reversed position of the Ansuz rune.

The key word is illusions, error, misunderstanding, disconnection. Your actions are far from wise, and your analysis of the situation may be wrong. The reverse Ansus rune can also indicate cunning and deception.

Direct position of the Raido rune.

The key word is road, path. These are various journeys and movements. This rune of development and movement at all levels of existence, successfully overcoming difficulties. Start moving, trust the changes, don't hesitate.

Reversed position of the Raido rune.

The key word is wrong path, stop, indecision, dead end. The appearance of this sign recommends attentiveness and accuracy in everything. Unexpected events and obstacles are likely to await you. In any case, you will need some effort, perhaps significant.

Direct position of the Kenaz rune.

A very powerful rune. Key words – torch, energy, passion, sexuality, transformation, embodiment of the plan. The appearance of this rune speaks of a powerful surge of energy that has matured for a certain time and began to unfold. The Kenaz rune favors any realization, changes worldview and views, but one should take into account its power and swiftness.

Reversed position of the Kenaz rune.

Key words – ashes, lack, loss of energy, wandering in the dark. The inverted meaning of Kenaz speaks of the end of a period, a process. You should accept the changes, let go of everything that is outdated and old.

The upright and inverted position of the Gebo rune is the same..

The key word is partnership, cooperation. The sign testifies to union in various manifestations. If you strive for the successful completion of a business that interests you, know that success here is associated precisely with joint, partnership activities. If you asked for advice, the advice is to strive for unity, remembering the need for freedom.

Direct position of the Wunjo rune.

The key word is joy, luck, perfection. The Vunyo rune is a symbol of joy and pleasure. In all respects it is a good and positive sign. Under the sign of Vunyo, life is arranged in the best possible way, joyful events and changes occur practically without our participation.

Reversed position of the Wunjo rune.

The key word is approaching crisis, disharmony, illusion. When the rune is inverted, try to perceive what is happening calmly and prudently, this will help overcome the crisis and turn the situation in the right direction.

The upright and inverted position of the Hagalaz rune is the same.

The rune of destruction, uncontrollable natural processes, unpredictable events, disasters and revolutions. Hagalaz destroys with its energy, forces you to abandon the usual and go in a different direction, literally starting from scratch, experiencing a feeling of loss and parting with the past. Having destroyed the old, the new comes into life and it depends on the person how he will accept it, what place he will take in the changed world.

Direct position of the Nauthis rune.

The key word is difficulties, need, necessity, poverty. The appearance of this sign indicates that the time has come for the necessary restrictions and discipline, when development (growth) is slowed down or impossible. This is a test of endurance through patience, endurance, and self-control. It is important not to despair and not give up, this period will end, and patience and work will grind everything down.

Reversed position of the Nauthis rune.

The key concept is internal evil. In an inverted position, Nautiz indicates that all difficulties and limitations are caused by the person himself. Determine the reason, understand your inner world, get rid of dogmas, admit your own mistakes, only then changes in life will be possible.

The upright and inverted position of the Isa rune is the same.

The key word is ice, freezing, stopping. The rune means stopping all processes. Isa often implies an obstacle that is not worth overcoming. She recommends peace, rest, avoidance of active actions and irritation. Observe what is happening from the outside, reflect, allow yourself to be inert, take a break to accumulate strength for the further path.

The upright and inverted position of the Jera rune is the same.

Key words – year, harvest, repetition, cycle. This is the rune of completion, harvest, evaluation of the results of previously invested efforts. Yera symbolizes the cyclical process of gradual but steady development, giving wisdom and experience.

The upright and inverted position of the Eihwaz rune is the same.

The key word is relationship, interaction, help in overcoming obstacles. The rune is complex and ambiguous; one can call it the unity and struggle of opposites, a combination of the incongruous. Rune of deep synthesis, transformation and metamorphosis. By combining logic and intuition, combining activity and passivity, the right decisions and the right directions are chosen.

Direct position of the Perth rune.

The key word is search, mystery, intuition. The rune of initiation and secret knowledge radically changes the consciousness and inner world of a person. In a practical sense, Perth means obtaining hidden information, the emergence of new people who can significantly influence both the personal and event plan, the return of lost things, and the search for objects.

Reversed position of the Perth rune.

Key words – regret about the past, unfinished situations, unwanted surprises, disappointment, mistakes.

Direct position of the Algiz rune.

The key word is protection, patronage, friendship. Favorable, good rune of passive protection, protecting and warning of danger. To this day, Algiz is often used for amulets and amulets. This rune gives calm, attention, sensitivity and flexibility, has a positive effect on a person’s environment, attracting friends and patrons into life.

Reversed position of the Algiz rune.

The inverted Algiz rune means weakness, vulnerability, lack of protection. You should be careful and attentive.

The upright and inverted positions of the Sowulo rune are the same.

The key meaning is sun, light, vitality, love, energy, self-realization. This is the rune of success, victory, strong-willed actions. It also symbolizes good health, luck, inspiration. This rune helps in completing any task, makes a person strong, confident and powerful.

Direct position of the Teiwaz rune.

The key word is victory, perseverance, courage. This is the rune of warriors, defenders, pioneers. Teyvaz reveals the process of rivalry, competitive struggle, active confrontation, and defending one's interests. Teyvaz is also the ability to take risks, take responsibility, take an active life position, and be brave.

Reversed position of the Teiwaz rune.

Key words – loss, failure, defeat, loss of energy, weak character. An inverted rune speaks of incorrect or untimely actions, the wrong direction.

Direct position of the Bercana rune.

The key word is growth, birth, fertility, increase, femininity, motherhood. This is a very soft, gentle, delicate rune, embodying the image of maternal love and protection, peace, meekness and humanism. Berkana means birth, steady growth and harmonious development.

Reversed position of the Bercana rune.

An inverted position means a slowdown, cessation of growth, an obstacle to development, poor health, both physical and emotional.

Direct position of the Ehwaz rune.

The key word is forward movement, happy changes, progress, progress, speed. Evaz is a favorable positive rune that brings fresh ideas and projects to life, opens up new horizons and prospects, and takes it to another level.

Reversed position of the Ehwaz rune.

The key word is slowdown, difficulty, obstacle, inertia, lack of initiative, unpreparedness for change.

Direct position of the Mannaz rune.

The key word is I, ego, person, personality. This is the rune of one’s own Self, personal identification. Mannaz involves inner honesty, self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-education in order to find one's place in the world.

Reversed position of the Mannaz rune.

The inverted rune Mannaz indicates internal discord, contradictions, difficulties, and pressures.

Direct position of the Laguz rune.

Key words – water, flow, penetration, emotions, intuition. The Laguz rune gives the ability to feel, the ability to be flexible and adaptive at all levels of existence, reveals talents and increases creativity. When making decisions, listen to your intuition, trust your inner voice.

Reversed position of the Laguz rune.

The key word is an incorrect assessment of the situation, mistake, deception or self-deception, illusion, obstacle.

The upright and inverted position of the Inguz rune is the same.

Key words – abundance, well-being, fertility, fecundity, realization, reward. A very strong and favorable rune. Inguz is vitality, potential, easy resolution of problems, transition to a qualitatively new level, success and good luck.

Direct position of the Otal rune.

Key words – family, clan, property, inheritance, house, territory. The rune is focused on protecting the clan, family, and property. The rune promotes both the acquisition of real estate and the transmission of spiritual heritage, traditions of the clan, family.

Reversed position of the Otal rune.

Key words – loss, loss, losses, abandonment of foundations, traditions, connection with the family is interrupted.

RUNE – Dagaz. Dagaz.

The upright and inverted position of the Dagaz rune is the same.

Key words – day, breakthrough, transformation. The rune denotes rapid and decisive changes, dramatic transformations, a quantum leap. Dagaz is the rune of action, courage, and presupposes a person’s high awareness and trust in change.

Rune translated from ancient Greek means “secret”. The symbols on the runes depict important images and deities. Since ancient times, runes were used as a talisman, worn on a string around the neck, and an image was applied above the door. Each rune has an energy load.

You can tell fortunes using runes yourself. In this case, the runes are laid out from the bag one by one. If you are concerned about any question, then you can lay out the runes and tell fortunes about the situation, ask the Higher Powers to help you make the right decision. Before fortune telling, you need to meditate, relax and calm your mind. It is necessary to enter the state of Emptiness, then you will receive the correct and accurate answer. The runes will tell you how to get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses.

In the scenario, it is necessary to accurately define each rune; there are 24 signs in total, but modern symbols can have 32 runes. The prediction is made by considering the meaning of all the runes. Since runes tend to turn over and change their meaning to the opposite, they exert their influence on nearby signs. Fortune telling is performed when information is needed on career and business issues, or spiritual growth. Fortune telling will help you look at the current situation with different eyes and tell you how to change the course of events. The runes will reveal what is causing what is happening and what the consequences will be. An arakul can accurately decipher the runes. The main thing is to ask the question correctly and concentrate on the answer. The ritual is performed in solitude to obtain an accurate answer.

  1. Fehu. Direct position - preservation or acquisition of material and spiritual values. An inverted rune means alienation in personal relationships, the emergence of ambiguous situations and some obstacles.2. Uruz- obtaining a new form, completing the old and beginning a new one. Favorable changes. Fear nothing, the reversed rune means disorganization, missed opportunities and failure.

    3. Turisaz- completion of past affairs and the beginning of new ones, inverted rune - compulsion, weakness, ineffectiveness.

    4. Ansuz- receiving pleasures, unexpected luck, a gift.

    5. Raido- path, movement towards a goal, a successful trip, an inverted rune - surprise, attentiveness in everything is recommended.

    6. Kenaz- clarity, discovery of new strengths, favorable changes, inverted rune - failure, loss of job, partner or friend.

    7. Gebo. The meanings of a straight and inverted rune in fortune telling are equivalent. Denotes partnership, successful joint activities.

    8. Vunyo- joy, completion of the black streak, inverted rune - crisis, but not stagnation, but movement towards light through darkness. Something will have to be sacrificed.

    9. Hagall. The meanings of both upright and inverted positions are equivalent. A rune that means a complete break.

    10. Naud- inhibition, failure, inverted rune - internal evil, the cause of failure is inside the questioner.

    11. Isa. The meanings of the rune in the upright and inverted positions are equivalent. Stagnation, the fulfillment of hopes is postponed.

    12. Yera. The meanings of the upright and inverted position of the rune do not differ. Favorable outcome, approaching success.

    13. Perto- search, knowledge of magic, new life, inverted rune - death of the past.

    14. Eyvaz. The meanings in the upright and inverted position of the rune are equivalent. Delay, obstacles, need to be patient.

    15. Algiz- turn, new perspectives, timely action is necessary.

    16. Sowilo. The meanings of the upright and inverted position in fortune telling are equivalent. The rune of integrity and the need for rest to restore energy.

    17. Teyvaz- active period in life, important events, inverted rune - loss of energy. Take care of your inner world - the root of the problems is in you.

    18. Berkana- growth, excellent health, clear vision, inverted rune - difficulty growing. Analyze the situation, and above all yourself.

    19. Evaz- changes, changes for the better, inverted rune - obstacles due to your fault

    20. Mannaz- a time of in-depth analysis and change of one’s own “I”, it is necessary to analyze what is happening and review personal actions and hidden fears.

    21. Laguz- the need to follow intuition, an inverted rune - a warning, the danger of a breakdown. Most likely, your goal is not correct.

    22. Inguz. The meanings in both the upright and inverted position of the rune are equal. Fertility, the end of a certain period in life. Success will follow you.

    23. Odal- dying away of the old, acquisition of new relationships, inverted rune - possible loss, disrespect for old experience.

    24. Dagaz- the rune in the upright and inverted positions are the same. Breakthrough, luck and prosperity.

    25. As a rule, the 25th rune is used in fortune telling, which is also called rune of Odin- “pure fate”.

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