Interpreting the kun test of who I am. Psychological test 'Who am I'. Need help learning a topic

Goal. Study of the content characteristics of personality identity, cognitive, emotional and evaluative components of the self-concept.

Instruction. Within 12 minutes you need to give as many answers as possible to one question relating to yourself: "Who am I?" Try to give as many answers as possible. Start each new answer on a new line. You can answer the way you want, record all the answers that come to your head, since there are no right or wrong answers in this task.

It is also important to notice what emotional reactions you have in the course of performing this task, how difficult or easy it was for you to answer this question.


Full name (initials) ______________________________________________

Gender _______________________ Age ___________________________

1. I ________________________________________________________

2. I ________________________________________________________

3. I ________________________________________________________

4. I ________________________________________________________

5. I ________________________________________________________

6. I ________________________________________________________

7. I ________________________________________________________

8. I ________________________________________________________

9. I ________________________________________________________

10. I ________________________________________________________

11. I ________________________________________________________

12. I ________________________________________________________

13. I ________________________________________________________

14. I ________________________________________________________

15. I ________________________________________________________

16. I ________________________________________________________

17. I ________________________________________________________

18. I ________________________________________________________

19. I ________________________________________________________

20. I ________________________________________________________


(After 12 minutes). Now evaluate each of your individual characteristics according to a four-digit system:

"+" - the plus sign is put if, in general, you personally given characteristic like;

"-" - a minus sign, if in general you personally do not like this characteristic;

“±” - plus-minus sign - if you like this characteristic and dislike it at the same time;

"?" - question mark - if you do not know on this moment As long as you relate exactly to the characteristic, you do not yet have a definite assessment of the answer in question.

The mark of your assessment must be placed to the left of the characteristic number. You can have grades of all types of marks, as well as only one mark or two or three.

After you have evaluated all the characteristics, summarize:

How many answers were there,

How many answers to each sign.


What is behind a person's application of the "±" score in relation to their characteristics?

The use of the plus-minus sign (“±”) speaks of a person's ability to consider this or that phenomenon from two opposite sides, speaks of the degree of his poise, of the “balance” of his position in relation to emotionally significant phenomena.

We can conditionally single out people of the emotionally polar, balanced and doubting type.

To people emotionally polar type include those who evaluate all their identification characteristics only as like or not like them, they do not use the plus-minus sign at all when evaluating them.

Such people are characterized by maximalism in assessments, fluctuations in the emotional state, about them we can say "from love to hate, one step." These are, as a rule, emotionally expressive people whose relationships with other people are highly dependent on how much they like or dislike a person.

If the number of signs "±" reaches 10-20% (of the total number of signs), then such a person can be attributed to balanced type... For them, in comparison with people of the emotionally polar type, they are characterized by greater stress resistance, they quickly resolve conflict situations, know how to maintain constructive relationships with different people: both with those that they generally like, and with those that they do not deeply sympathize with; are more tolerant of other people's shortcomings.

If the number of signs "±" exceeds 30-40% (of the total number of signs), then such a person can be attributed to doubting type... Such a number of "±" signs can be in a person experiencing a crisis in his life, and also indicate indecision as a character trait (when it is difficult for a person to make decisions, he hesitates for a long time, considering various options).

What is behind a person's use of the "?" regarding their characteristics?

The presence of the sign "?" when assessing identification characteristics, it speaks of a person's ability to endure a situation of internal uncertainty, which means that it indirectly indicates a person's ability to change, readiness for change.

This mark of evaluation is used by people quite rarely: one or two signs "?" put only 20% of the surveyed.

The presence of three or more signs "?" in self-assessment, it assumes that a person has crisis experiences.

In general, the use of the signs "±" and "?" is a favorable sign of good dynamics in the consultative process.

People who use these signs, as a rule, quickly reach the level of independent solution of their own problems.

As in the method "Who am I?" Are the features of gender identity manifested?

Sex (or gender) identity is part of the individual self-concept, which comes from the individual's knowledge of his belonging to social group men or women, along with the appreciation and emotional designation of this group membership.

Features of gender identity are manifested:

First, in how a person defines his / her gender identity;

Secondly, in what place in the list of identification characteristics is the mention of one's gender.

Gender designation can be done:



Absent altogether.

Direct sex designation - a person indicates his gender in specific words that have a certain emotional content. Hence, four forms of direct sex designation can be distinguished:

1) neutral (“man”, “woman”), 2) alienated (“male person”), 3) emotionally positive (“attractive girl”), 4) emotionally negative (“ordinary guy”).

The presence of a direct gender designation suggests that the sphere of psychosexuality in general and comparing oneself with representatives of the same gender, in particular, is an important and internally accepted topic of self-awareness.

Indirect gender designation - a person does not indicate his gender directly, but his gender is manifested through social roles (male or female) - “friend”, “girlfriend”, etc., which he considers his own, or by the endings of words (“ kind "," interesting "). Indirect methods of gender designation also have a certain emotional content.

The presence of an indirect designation of gender indicates knowledge of the specifics of a certain repertoire of sex-role behavior, which can be:

Wide (if it includes several gender roles);

Narrow (if it includes only one or two roles).

The presence of both direct and indirect variants of emotionally positive designation of one's gender indicates the formation of a positive gender identity, a possible variety of role behavior, acceptance of one's attractiveness as a representative of gender, and allows us to make a favorable forecast regarding the success of establishing and maintaining partnerships with other people.

The absence of gender designation in self-identification characteristics is stated when the writing of the entire text goes through the phrase: "I am a person who ...". The reasons for this may be the following:

Lack of a holistic understanding of sex-role behavior at a given point in time (lack of reflection, knowledge);

Avoidance of considering one's gender-role characteristics due to the traumatic nature of this topic (for example, displacing the negative result of comparing oneself with other members of the same gender);

Unformed gender identity, the presence of an identity crisis in general.

When analyzing gender identity, it is also important to consider where in the text of the answers the categories related to gender are contained: at the very beginning of the list, in the middle or at the end. This indicates the relevance and significance of gender categories in a person's self-awareness (the closer to the beginning, the greater the significance and degree of awareness of the categories of identity).

How does reflection manifest itself when performing the "Who am I?"

A person with a more developed level of reflection gives on average more answers than a person with a less developed idea of \u200b\u200bhimself (or a more “closed”).

Also, the level of reflection is indicated by the subjectively assessed by the person himself the ease or difficulty in formulating answers to the key question of the test.

As a rule, a person with a more developed level of reflection quickly and easily finds answers regarding his own individual characteristics.

A person, who does not often think about himself and his life, answers the test question with difficulty, writing down each of his answers after some thought.

We can talk about a low level of reflection when in 12 minutes a person can give only two or three answers (it is important to clarify that the person really does not know how else to answer the task, and not just stopped writing down his answers due to his secrecy) ...

A sufficiently high level of reflection is evidenced by 15 or more different answers to the question "Who am I?"

How to analyze the temporal aspect of identity?

The analysis of the temporal aspect of identity must be carried out on the basis of the premise that the success of a person's interaction with others presupposes a relative continuity of his past, present and future "I". Therefore, consideration of a person's answers to the question "Who am I?" should occur from the point of view of their belonging to the past, present or future tense (based on the analysis of verb forms).

The presence of identification characteristics corresponding to different temporal regimes indicates the temporal integration of the personality.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence and expression in self-description of indicators of perspective identity (or perspective "I"), that is, identification characteristics that are associated with prospects, wishes, intentions, dreams related to various spheres of life.

The presence of goals, plans for the future is of great importance for the characteristics of the inner world of a person as a whole, reflects the temporal aspect of identity, aimed at a further life perspective, performs existential and target functions.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that a sign of psychological maturity is not just the presence of aspiration for the future, but some optimal ratio between the orientation towards the future and acceptance, satisfaction with the present.

The predominance in self-description of verb forms describing actions or experiences in the past tense indicates the presence of dissatisfaction in the present, the desire to return to the past due to its greater attractiveness or trauma (when the psychological trauma has not been processed).

The dominance of the future tense verb forms in self-description speaks of self-doubt, a person's desire to get away from the difficulties of the present moment due to insufficient realization in the present.

The prevalence of present tense verbs in self-description speaks of the activity and consciousness of a person's actions.

One of the main signs of psychological readiness for marriage is the reflection in the self-description of future family roles and functions: “I am a future mother,” “I will be a good father,” “I dream of my family,” “I will do everything for my family,” etc.

A sign of marital and marital trouble is a situation when married man or a married woman in self-descriptions does not in any way indicate their real family, marital roles and functions.

What does the analysis of the relationship between social roles and individual characteristics in identity give?

The question "Who am I?" logically connected with the characteristics of a person's own perception of himself, that is, with his image of I (or I-concept). Answering the question "Who am I?", A person indicates the social roles and characteristics-definitions with which he relates himself, identifies, i.e. he describes social statuses that are significant to him and those traits that, in his opinion, are associated with him.

Thus, the ratio of social roles and individual characteristics indicates how much a person realizes and accepts his uniqueness, as well as how important it is for him to belong to one or another group of people.

The lack of self-description of individual characteristics (indicators of reflexive, communicative, physical, material, active identities) when specifying a variety of social roles (“student”, “passer-by”, “voter”, “family member”, “Belarusian”) may indicate insufficient confidence in oneself, about the presence of fears in a person in connection with self-disclosure, a pronounced tendency to self-defense.

The absence of social roles in the presence of individual characteristics may indicate the presence of a pronounced individuality and difficulties in fulfilling the rules that come from certain social roles.

Also, the absence of social roles in identification characteristics is possible in the event of a crisis of identity or infantilism of a person.

Behind the relationship between social roles and individual characteristics is the question of the relationship between social and personal identities. At the same time, personal identity is understood as a set of characteristics that makes a person similar to himself and different from others, while social identity is interpreted in terms of group membership, belonging to a larger or smaller group of people.

Social identity prevails when a person has a high level of certainty of the "we - others" scheme and a low level of certainty of the "I - we" scheme. Personal identity prevails in people with a high level of certainty of the "I - others" scheme and a low level of certainty of the "we - others" scheme.

What does the analysis of the spheres of life represented in the identity give?

Conventionally, six main spheres of life can be distinguished, which can be represented in identification characteristics:

1) family (kinship, child-parental and marital relations, corresponding roles);

2) work (business relationships, professional roles);

3) study (the need and need for new knowledge, the ability to change);

4) leisure (structuring time, resources, interests);

5) the sphere of intimate and personal relationships (friendship and love relationships);

6) rest (resources, health).

All identification characteristics can be categorized according to the proposed areas. After that, correlate the complaints made by the client, the wording of his request with the distribution of identity characteristics by spheres: make a conclusion as to how much the sphere corresponding to the complaint is represented in the self-description, how these characteristics are assessed.

The discrepancy between the topic of the complaint and the request to the area that is presented more convex and problematic in self-description indicates a lack of deep self-understanding of the client or that the client did not immediately decide to talk about what really worries him.

What does the analysis of physical identity give?

Physical identity includes a description of your physical data, including a description of your appearance, painful manifestations, eating habits, and bad habits.

The designation of one's physical identity is directly related to the expansion of the boundaries of the conscious inner world by a person, since the boundaries between "I" and "not-I" initially run along physical boundaries own body... It is the awareness of one's body that is the leading factor in the system of human self-awareness. Expansion and enrichment of the self-image in the process of personal development is closely related to the reflection of one's own emotional experiences and bodily sensations.

What does the analysis of active identity provide?

An active identity also provides important information about a person and includes the designation of activities, hobbies, as well as self-assessment of abilities for activity, self-assessment of skills, abilities, knowledge, achievements. Identification of one's “active I” is associated with the ability to focus on oneself, restraint, balanced actions, as well as diplomacy, the ability to work with one's own anxiety, tension, maintain emotional stability, that is, it is a reflection of the totality of emotional-volitional and communicative abilities, the characteristics of existing interactions ...

What does the analysis of the psycholinguistic aspect of identity give?

Analysis of the psycholinguistic aspect of identity includes determining which parts of speech and which content aspect of self-identification are dominant in a person's self-description.

Nouns. The predominance of nouns in self-descriptions speaks of a person's need for certainty, constancy. Lack or absence of nouns - about insufficient human responsibility.

Adjectives. The predominance of adjectives in self-descriptions speaks of a person's demonstrativeness, emotionality. Lack or absence of adjectives - about the weak differentiation of a person's identity.

Verbs. The predominance of verbs in self-descriptions (especially when describing areas of activity, interests) speaks of a person's activity, independence; lack or absence of verbs in self-description - about lack of self-confidence, underestimation of their effectiveness.

Nouns and adjectives are most often used in self-descriptions.

The harmonious type of linguistic self-description is characterized by the use of approximately equal numbers of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

What is "identity valence"?

The valence of identity is understood as the predominant emotional-evaluative tone of identification characteristics in a person's self-description (this assessment is carried out by the specialist himself).

The difference in the common sign of the emotional-evaluative tone of identification characteristics determines different kinds valence identity:

ü negative - in general negative categories prevail when describing one's own identity, shortcomings and identification problems are described more (“ugly”, “irritable”, “I don't know what to say about myself”);

ü neutral - there is either a balance between positive and negative self-identifications, or no emotional tone is clearly manifested in the person's self-description (for example, there is a formal listing of roles: “son”, “student”, “athlete”, etc.);

ü positive - positive identification characteristics prevail over negative ones (“cheerful”, “kind”, “smart”);

ü overestimated - manifests itself either in the practical absence of negative self-identifications, or in answers to the question "Who am I?" superlative characteristics prevail (“I am the best”, “I am super”, etc.).

The presence of positive valence can be a sign of an adaptive state of identity, as it is associated with persistence in achieving goals, accuracy, responsibility, business orientation, social courage, activity, and self-confidence.

The other three types of valence characterize the non-adaptive state of identity. They are associated with impulsivity, inconstancy, anxiety, depression, vulnerability, self-doubt, restraint, and shyness.

How to assess the level of differentiation of identity?

As a quantitative assessment of the level of identity differentiation, a number is used that reflects the total number of identity indicators that a person used in self-identification.

The number of indicators used varies between different people most often in the range from 1 to 14.

A high level of differentiation (9-14 indicators) is associated with such personal characteristics as sociability, self-confidence, orientation towards one's inner world, a high level of social competence and self-control.

A low level of differentiation (1-3 indicators) speaks of an identity crisis, is associated with such personal characteristics as isolation, anxiety, self-doubt, difficulty in controlling oneself.

Identification characteristics analysis scale includes 24 indicators, which, when combined, form seven generalized indicators-components of identity:

I. "Social Self" includes 7 indicators:

Direct gender designation (boy, girl; woman);

Sexual role (lover, mistress; Don Juan, Amazon);

Educational and professional role-playing position (student, studying at the institute, doctor, specialist);

Family affiliation, manifested through the designation of a family role (daughter, son, brother, wife, etc.) or through an indication of family relations (I love my relatives, I have many relatives);

Ethnic-regional identity includes ethnic identity, citizenship (Russian, Tatar, citizen, Russian, etc.) and local, local identity (from Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Siberian, etc.);

World outlook identity: confessional, political affiliation (Christian, Muslim, believer);

Group affiliation: the perception of oneself as a member of a group of people (collector, member of society).

II. "Communicative I" includes 2 indicators:

Friendship or circle of friends, perception of oneself as a member of a group of friends (friend, I have many friends);

Communication or the subject of communication, features and assessment of interaction with people (I go to visit, I like to communicate with people; I can listen to people);

III. "Material Self" means various aspects:

Description of my property (I have an apartment, clothes, bicycle);

Assessment of their security, attitude to material wealth (poor, rich, wealthy, I love money);

Attitude to the external environment (I love the sea, I do not like bad weather).

IV. The "Physical Self" includes the following aspects:

Subjective description of your physical data, appearance (strong, pleasant, attractive);

A factual description of your physical data, including a description of your appearance, painful manifestations and location (blond, height, weight, age, live in a dorm);

Food addictions, bad habits.

V. "Active Self" is assessed through 2 indicators:

Classes, activities, interests, hobbies (I like to solve problems); experience (was in Bulgaria);

Self-assessment of the ability to work, self-assessment of skills, abilities, knowledge, competence, achievements, (I swim well, smart; efficient, I know English).

Vi. "Perspective Self" includes 9 indicators:

Professional perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to the educational and professional sphere (future driver, I will be a good teacher);

Family perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to marital status (I will have children, expectant mother, etc.);

Group perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to group affiliation (I plan to join a party, I want to become an athlete);

Communicative perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to friends, communication.

Material perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to the material sphere (I will receive an inheritance, earn an apartment);

Physical perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to psychophysical data (I will take care of my health, I want to be pumped up);

Activity perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to interests, hobbies, specific occupations (I will read more) and the achievement of certain results (I will perfectly learn the language);

Personal perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to personal characteristics: personal qualities, behavior, etc. (I want to be more cheerful, calm);

Assessment of aspirations (I wish a lot, aspiring person).

Vii. "Reflexive Self" includes 2 indicators:

Personal identity: personal qualities, character traits, description of an individual style of behavior (kind, sincere, sociable, persistent, sometimes harmful, sometimes impatient, etc.), personal characteristics (nickname, horoscope, name, etc.); emotional attitude towards oneself ("I am super", "cool");

Global, existential "I": statements that are global and that do not sufficiently show the differences of one person from another (a reasonable person, my essence).

Two independent indicators:

1) problematic identity (I am nothing, I do not know - who I am, I cannot answer this question);

2) situational state: the experienced state at the moment (hungry, nervous, tired, in love, upset).

"Who am I?"

Test purpose

The test is used to study
content characteristics
personality identity. The question "Who
I?" directly related to
characteristics of its own
a person's perception of himself,
that is, with his image "I" or Y-concept.

What is behind a person's application of the "±" score in relation to their characteristics?

◦ Using the plus or minus sign (“±”) indicates
human ability to consider this or that
phenomenon from two opposite sides, speaks of
the degree of his poise, about the "balance" of his
attitudes towards emotionally significant
◦ It is possible to conditionally single out people who are emotionally polar, balanced and doubting

Emotionally polar type

◦ People of the emotionally polar type are those who are all
only assess their identification characteristics
like or not like them, they are not at all
use the plus-minus sign in the evaluation.
◦ Such people are characterized by maximalism in assessments,
fluctuations in the emotional state, regarding them
we can say "from love to hate one step." What is it like
usually emotionally expressive people who have
relationships with other people are highly dependent on
how much they like or dislike the person.

Balanced type

◦ If the number of “±” characters reaches 10-20% (of the total number
signs), then such a person can be attributed to
balanced type. For them, compared to people
emotionally polar type, characterized by a large
resistance to stress, they quickly resolve conflict
situations, know how to maintain a constructive relationship with
different people: both with those that they generally like, and with
those that do not evoke deep sympathy in them;
are more tolerant of other people's shortcomings.

Doubtful type

◦ If the number of “±” characters exceeds 30-40% (of the total
number of characters), then such a person can be attributed to
to the doubting type. This number of signs "±" can
be with a person experiencing a crisis in his life, and
also testify to indecision as a trait
character (when it is difficult for a person to make decisions, he
hesitates for a long time, considering various options).

What is behind the "?"

What is behind the application of the assessment
◦ Presence of a "?" when assessing identification characteristics
speaks of a person's ability to endure a situation of internal
uncertainty, which means it indirectly indicates the ability
a person for change, readiness for change.
◦ This mark of evaluation is used by people quite rarely: one or
two characters "?" put only 20% of the surveyed.
◦ Three or more "?" in self-assessment assumes
a person having crisis experiences.
◦ People who use these signs tend to find
the level of independent solution of their own problems.

Features of manifestation of gender identity

Sex (or gender) identity is part of the individual self-concept,
which comes from the individual's knowledge of his belonging to the social
group of men or women along with appreciation and emotional designation
of this group membership.
◦ Features of gender identity are manifested:
- firstly, in how a person denotes his gender identity;
- secondly, in what place in the list of identification characteristics
there is a mention of your gender.
◦ Identification of your gender can be done:
- directly,
- indirectly
- absent altogether.

Direct gender designation

Direct sex designation - a person indicates his gender in specific
words that have a certain emotional content. From here we can distinguish
four forms of direct sex designation:
◦ Neutral (male / female - reflexive stance)
◦ Alienated ("male person" - irony, critical attitude)
◦ emotionally positive ("attractive girl", "femme fatale" - acceptance
its attractiveness)
◦ emotionally negative ("ordinary guy", "ugly girl" - internal
disadvantage, critical attitude to one's gender identity)
◦ The presence of a direct gender designation suggests that the sphere of psychosexuality in
in general and comparing oneself with members of the same gender in particular is important and
accepted internally by the theme of self-awareness.

Indirect designation

◦ Indirect gender designation - a person does not indicate his / her gender
directly, but his gender is manifested through social roles (male
or female # friend, father, son, student, student, wife, girlfriend), which he considers
their own, or by the endings of words (# kind, smart, able to do). Indirect
gender designation methods also have a certain emotional content.
◦ The presence of an indirect gender designation indicates knowledge of the specifics of a certain
a repertoire of sex-role behavior, which can be:
◦ broad (if it includes multiple sex roles)
◦ narrow (if it includes only one or two roles).

The presence of both direct and indirect variants of emotionally positive designation of one's gender speaks of
formed positive gender identity,
possible variety of role-playing behavior, acceptance of one's
attractiveness as a representative of gender, and allows
favorable prognosis regarding the success of the establishment and
maintaining partnerships with other people.

Lack of gender designation ...

in self-identification characteristics is stated when the spelling
the whole text goes through the phrase: "I am a person who ...".
The reasons for this may be the following:
◦ lack of a holistic understanding of sex-role behavior at the moment
time (lack of reflection, knowledge);
◦ avoidance of considering your gender-role characteristics due to trauma
this topic (for example, crowding out the negative result of comparing oneself with others
members of the same gender);
◦ unformed gender identity, the presence of an identity crisis in general.
◦ When analyzing gender identity, it is also important to consider where in the text
The responses contain categories related to gender.
◦ This indicates the relevance and importance of gender categories in a person's self-awareness.

The predominance in self-description of verb forms describing
actions or experiences in the past tense, speaks of
presence in the present dissatisfaction, desire
return to the past because of its greater attractiveness or
Dominance in self-description of future verbal forms
time speaks of self-doubt, the desire of a person
get away from the difficulties of the present moment due to insufficient
realization in the present.
The predominance of self-description of present tense verbs
speaks about the activity and consciousness of human actions.

The manifestation of reflection

◦ A person with a more developed level of reflection gives on average more answers than
a person with a less developed idea of \u200b\u200bhimself (or more "closed").
◦ Also, the level of reflection is indicated by subjectively assessed by the person himself
ease or difficulty in formulating answers to the key test question.
◦ As a rule, a person with a more developed level of reflection is faster and easier
finds answers concerning his own individual characteristics.
◦ A person who does not often think about himself and his life answers the question
test with difficulty, writing down each of his answers after some thought.
◦ You can talk about a low level of reflection when in 12 minutes a person can give
only two or three answers (it is important to clarify that the person really does not know,
how else can you answer the task, and not just stop writing down your answers in
strength of their secrecy).
◦ A sufficiently high level of reflection is evidenced by 15 or more different answers to
the question "Who am I?"

Time aspect analysis

must be carried out based on the premise that the success of human interaction with
others assumes the relative continuity of his past, present and
the future "I".
Consideration of answers should be based on verb forms.
Availability of identification characteristics corresponding to different time periods
modes, speaks of the temporal integration of the personality.
Particular attention should be paid to the presence and expression of self-description
indicators of perspective identity (or perspective "I"), that is, identification
characteristics that are associated with prospects, wishes, intentions, dreams,
related to various spheres of life.
It is important to consider that a sign of psychological maturity is not just the presence
aspiration to (the future, and some optimal ratio between the orientation to
future and acceptance, satisfaction with the present.

Correlation of social roles and individual characteristics

◦ speaks about how much a person realizes and accepts his uniqueness, as well as how much
belonging to one or another group of people is important to him.
The lack of self-description of individual characteristics (indicators of reflexive,
communicative, physical, material, active identities) when specifying
many social roles ("student", "passer-by", "voter", "family member", "Russian")
may talk about lack of self-confidence, about the presence of fears in a person in connection with
self-disclosure, a pronounced tendency to self-defense.
The absence of social roles in the presence of individual characteristics can speak
about the presence of a pronounced individuality and difficulties in following the rules that
come from certain social roles.
Also, the absence of social roles in identification characteristics is possible with
identity crisis or personality infantilism.

Analysis of the spheres of life represented in id-ty

◦ Conventionally, there are six main spheres of life that can be
are presented in the identity description:
1. Family (kinship, marital, parent-child relationships)
2. Study (the need to acquire new knowledge)
3. Leisure
4 Work (professional roles)
5. Sphere of intimate-personal relationships
6. Rest (resources, health)

Physical identity analysis

Physical identity includes a description of one's
physical data, including a description of appearance, painful
manifestations, food addictions, bad habits.
The designation of one's physical identity has a direct
attitude to human expansion of the boundaries of the conscious
inner world, since the boundaries between "I" and "not-I"
initially run along the physical boundaries of their own
body. It is the awareness of your body that is the leading factor in
the system of human self-awareness. Expansion and enrichment
"I image" in the process of personal development is closely related to
reflection of one's own emotional experiences and bodily

Analysis of active identity

◦ An active identity also provides important information about
person and includes the designation of activities, hobbies, and
also self-esteem of ability to function, self-esteem
skills, abilities, knowledge, achievements. Identifying your
"Active self" is associated with the ability to focus on
self, restraint, balance of actions, as well as with
diplomacy, the ability to work with your own anxiety,
tension, maintain emotional stability, that is,
is a reflection of the totality of emotional-volitional and
communication skills, features available

Analysis of the psycho-linguistic aspect

◦ Nouns:
◦ The predominance of self-descriptions of nouns speaks of a person's need for
certainty, constancy;
◦ Lack or absence of nouns - about insufficient responsibility of a person.
◦ Adjectives:
◦ The predominance of adjectives in self-descriptions speaks of demonstrativeness, emotionality
a person;
◦ Lack or absence of adjectives - about weak differentiation of identity
◦ Verbs:
◦ The predominance of verbs in self-descriptions (especially when describing areas of activity, interests)
speaks about the activity, independence of a person; lack or lack of self-description
verbs - about lack of self-confidence, underestimation of their effectiveness.
◦ Nouns and adjectives are most commonly used in self-descriptions.

Harmonious type of linguistic
self-description is characterized by
using approximately equal
the number of nouns,
adjectives and verbs

Identity valence

◦ The valence of identity is understood as the predominant emotional-evaluative tone of identification characteristics in the self-description of a person (this
the assessment is carried out by the specialist himself).
◦ The difference in the general sign of the emotional-evaluative tone of identification
characteristics defines different types of valence identity:
-negative - the predominance of negative categories in self-description
(irritable, ugly)
-neutral - either balance or lack of a bright tone of description # enumeration
roles - son, father, wife, athlete
-increased - the prevalence of characteristics in an exaggerated tone # I'm super, I'm better

The presence of a positive valence can be a sign
adaptive state of identity, as it is associated with
persistence in achieving the goal, accuracy, responsibility,
business orientation, social courage, activity,
The other three types of valence characterize the non-adaptive
state of identity. They are associated with impulsivity.
inconsistency, anxiety, depression, vulnerability,
lack of confidence in their abilities, restraint, timidity.

Identification characteristics

◦ Social Self
- direct gender designation
- sexual role
- educational and professional position
- family affiliation
- ethnic-regional id-th (Russian, Tatar, citizen,
from Tver, Siberian)
- ideological ideology: confessional, political
- group affiliation

Communicative self

◦ Friendship or circle of friends (friend, I have many friends)
◦ Communication or the subject of communication (I like to visit,

Physical Self

◦ Subjective description of your physical characteristics (strong, neat)
◦ Actual description of his physical data, location (blond,
long nose, small legs, I live in a dorm)
◦ Food addiction, bad habits (I like to eat shrimp)

Material Self

◦ description of my property (I have a bicycle);
◦ assessment of their security, attitude to material goods (I love
◦ attitude to the external environment (I love the sea).

Active self

◦ occupations, activities, interests,
hobbies (I like to solve problems);
experience (was in Bulgaria);
◦ self-reported ability to
activities, self-assessment skills,
skills, knowledge, competence,
achievements, (I swim well,
hardworking, capable).

Reflexive Self

◦ personal identity: personal qualities, features
character, description of the individual style of behavior (kind,
sincere, sociable, persistent, sometimes harmful, sometimes
impatient, etc.), personal characteristics (nickname, horoscope,
name, etc.); emotional attitude towards myself (I am super, "cool");
◦ global, existential "I": statements that are global and
that do not sufficiently show the differences of one person from another
(Homo sapiens, my essence)

Answer 1.61%

◦ + 1. Representative of the most intelligent
races of all known
◦ + 2. Rational person
◦ + 3. Atheist
◦ + 4. A creature made of particles
◦ +/- 5. Earth Dweller
◦ + 6. Food lover
◦ + 7. Zadrot
◦ +/- 8. Bummer
◦ +9. Known as a destroyer
aliens and zombies,
◦ in narrow circles
◦ + 10. Citizen of the world

+ 11. Pacifist
+ 12. A bit racist
+ 13. Great artist
+/- 14. Hater
+/- 15. Loser
- 16. Non-frizzy
+ 17. Descendant of Alexander
- 18. Just kidding, not a descendant, I just
- 19. Just small
gear in a huge car
- 20. Spectacled man
+ 21. Advanced PC user
(grandma calls me a hacker)

Answer 2.76%

◦ + 1. I am Alexey Kaplunenko
◦ +/- 11. I am a cook (in the shower)
◦ + 2. I am personality
◦ + 12. I - dissipative
◦ + 3. I am the son of my Motherland
◦ + 4. I am the son of my parents
◦ + 5. I am a friend of my friends
◦ + 6. I am a man
◦ + 7. I'm straight
◦ + 8. I am an essentialist
◦ +/- 9. I am an introvert
◦ +/- 10. I am a student (for now)
◦ + 13. - part of the Universe and its

Answer 3.77%

◦ + 1. I am a Russian girl living in
the city of St. Petersburg.
◦? 2. A student who tries
overcome laziness and apathy in order
to start writing a diploma.
◦ - 3. I have been working since the first year.
◦ - 4. Last years two am in
a circle of misunderstanding as a side
friends and family.
◦ + 5. I am a very vulnerable person.
◦ + 6. I can compare myself with a bear,
because I don't get enough sleep, but hibernation
would be very helpful.
◦ + 7.I am a good, faithful friend, and,
often, this is not appreciated.
◦ + 8. At the moment - I'm in love.
◦ - 9. I am depression. I am sadness
◦ + 10. I have a good sense of humor.
◦ + 11. I am beauty, happiness and
◦ + 12. I am a good wife and mother in
the future.
◦ + 13. I am pride for my parents.
◦ + 14. I am happiness for my grandmother.
◦ + 15. Godmother for her
best brother ever.
◦ + 16. The future owner of his own
◦ +17. Forest path in dense thicket
the woods
◦ + 18. Creative personality.

Answer 4.66.66%

◦ + 1.girl
◦ + 2.beloved daughter
◦ + 3.Russian
◦ +/- 4.racer
◦ - 5.bookworm
◦ + 6.good companion
◦ + 7.animal lover
◦ - 8.sentimental
◦? 9.Sometimes impressionable
◦ + 10. Purposeful
◦ + 11.determined
◦ + 12. friend
◦ + 13.sister
◦ +/- 14. ideological creator
◦ + 15. home philosopher
◦ + 16. devoted to her family
◦ + 17. has an ideal in the person of his
◦ + 18. carrier of his surname
◦ - 19.innocent drinking companion
◦ + 20. having faith within herself
◦? 21.Dreaming

Answer 5.71%

◦ + 1. I'm a girl
◦ + 2.daughter
◦ + 8. dog lover (love
◦ +/- 3. student
◦ + 4. youth representative
◦ + 10 conflictologist
◦ + 5. hopefully future psychologist
◦ +11. brunette
◦ + 6.reasonable person
◦ + 12 PC user
◦ +/- 7. sweet lover
◦ - 13. latent
◦ + 14. a person with his

Answer 6.63%

+ 1. Human
+ 2. Girl
- 3. Tired
- 4. Lack of time
- 5. Lack of space
+ 6. Idea
+ 7. The desire to go to
+/- 8. Indifferent to
+ 9. I like to walk
+ 10. I love mountains
+ 11. Interested in the future

Answer 7.68.18%

◦ + 1. cheerful
◦ + 2. cute
◦ +/- 3. I like to argue
◦ +/- 4. stubborn
◦ + 5.kind
◦ + 6.faithful
◦ +/- 7. trusting
◦ + 8.emotional
◦ + 9.charismatic
◦ + 10. not stupid
◦ +/- 11. often irascible
◦ +/- 12. sometimes too much
◦ + 13.responsive
◦ - 14. often get hung up on something
◦ + 15.understanding
◦ + 16.beam
◦ + 17. purposeful
◦ - 18. I like to dramatize
◦ + 19. dreamer
◦ + 20.not greedy
◦ + 21. humane
◦ + 22. fair

Answer 8.77.8%

◦ + 1. Girl
◦ + 15. Fruit
◦ + 2. Princess
◦ + 16. Piece of love
◦ + 3. Tanned
◦ - / + 17. Harmful beef
◦ + 4. I am a book lover
◦ +18. I don't like gossip
◦ + 5. Nature
◦ - 19. Victim of the system
◦ + 6. Elf
◦ - 20. I'm afraid I'm being watched
◦ + 7. Daughter
◦ - 21. I want to be a good fellow
◦ + 8. Busya
◦ + 22. I love the sea
◦ + 9. Small
◦ + 23. Part of the world of "Harry Potter"
◦ + 10. Fresh air
◦ + 24. The one who is lucky in life
◦ + 11. Fish
◦ - 25. Could have been smarter in the past
◦ + 12. I have time for everything
◦ - 26. The one who did stupid things
◦ + 13. Friend, not a bunch of air
◦ + 27. Waiting for Sherlock
◦ + 14. I love summer

Answer 9.25%

◦? 1. I am part of society
◦? 2. I am a person
◦ +/- 3. I can be different for
each person
◦ +/- 4. I look at the subject with
different sides (opposite)
◦? 5. I don't like people
◦ + 6. I love animals
◦ + 7. I'm one-man
◦? 8. I love to lie
◦? 9. I love to manipulate
people to see him
will do (his reaction)
◦ - 10. I don't know who the real I am
◦ +/- 11. I can feel that
feels or felt the person
(more often negative emotions)
◦ + 12. I can empathize,
help a person even though
that I don't like people.

Answer 10.54.5%

◦ + 1. I am human
◦ + 12. I am a reader
◦ + 2. I am a person
◦? 13. Storyteller
◦ + 3. I'm a girl
◦ - 14. I'm vulnerable
◦ + 4. I'm a friend
◦ - 15. I'm kind
◦ + 5. I am a daughter
◦ + 6. I'm happy
◦ + 7. Favorite
◦ + 8. I am a citizen
◦ + 9. I am the soul
◦ + 10. I am a student
◦ +/- 11. I'm brave
◦ + 16. I am respectful
◦ +/- 17. Real
◦ +/- 18. Funny
◦ - 19. Sometimes clumsy
◦ - 20. Hot-tempered
◦ - 21. Man of mood
◦? 22. I am me

Answer 11.86%

◦ + 1. Lel (Slavic deity
love and marriage)
◦ + 2. Male
◦ +/- 3. Balabol
◦ + 4. Country guy
◦ + 5. Tourist
◦ - 6. Bummer
◦ + 7. Friendly person
◦ + 8. Romantic
◦ + 9. Teacher
◦ + 10. Brother
◦ + 11. Son
◦ + 12. Friend
◦ + 13. Russian
◦ + 14. A connoisseur of Soviet cinema
◦ + 15. Lover of clean air
◦ + 16. Fields, forests, rivers and lakes, and
mountains, mountains, mountains
◦ - 17. I'm a hungry person
◦ + 18. I am an erudite person
◦ + 19. I am a questioner
◦ + 20. Loving and beloved
◦ + 21. Animal
◦ + 22. Human

Answer 12.79%

◦ + 1. I'm a girl
◦? 2. I'm a student
◦? 3. I am a daughter
◦ + 4. I'm Freddy Krueger
◦ + 5. I am the sun
◦ + 6. I am cute and good
◦ + 7. I am a thinking creature
◦ + 8. I am a bag of meat that holds on
stardust bones
◦ + 9. I am a gray cardinal
◦ + 10. I am an observer
◦ +/- 11. I'm too smart
◦ + 12. I am a great original
◦ + 13. I am a lady
◦ + 14. I'm not from here

Answer 13.93.3%

◦ + 1. Girl
◦ + 8. Russian
◦ + 2. Human
◦ + 9. Christian
◦ + 3. Student
◦ + 10. Resident of St. Petersburg
◦ + 4. Future mother / wife
◦ + 11. Purposeful
◦ + 5. Daughter
◦ + 12. Smart
◦ + 6. Friend
◦ + 13. Beautiful
◦ +/- 7. Russian citizen
◦ + 14. Mistress (house, family)
◦ + 15. Favorite

Answer 14.66.6%

◦ + 1. I am a professional in my
◦ + 2. I am a loving girl
◦ + 3. I am the owner of the cat
◦ + 4. I am a daughter
◦ + 5. I am a responsive person
◦ + 6. I'm a dreamer
◦ +7. I am romantic
◦ +8. I am an artist"
◦ + 9. Future entrepreneur
-\u003e business woman
◦ + 10. Friendly
◦ +/- 11. Constantly working on
◦ + 12. Creator of his life
◦ +/- 13. Future caring and
loving wife and mom
◦ +/- 14. Perfectionist -
lazy person
◦ +/- 15. Restrained
shopaholic (mostly
◦ +/- 16. I can do anything ... if I want
◦ + 17. Summer, autumn, winter, spring
◦ + 18. Hot blood

Answer 15.85.7%

◦ + 1. Human
◦ + 2. The girl is beautiful
◦ - 3. A citizen of her state
◦ + 4. A loving and beloved daughter
◦ + 5. Sister older and dear
◦ +6. Senior granddaughter
◦ +7. Senior great-granddaughter
◦ +/- 8. Female student graduate
◦ + 9. Faithful friend
◦ + 10. Very creative person
◦ + 11. Lover of bohemia and
◦ + 12. Purposeful and
◦ + 13. Delicate and feminine
◦ +/- 14. Strong and vulnerable
◦ + 15. Sunbeam
◦ + 16. Dreamer
◦ + 17. In love
◦ + 18. Girl spring
◦ + 19. Miss Smile
◦ + 20. Believes in fairy tales and miracles
◦ + 21. Flower

Answer 16.95%

◦ + 1. Student
◦ + 2. Member of the student squad
◦ + 3. Counselor
◦ + 4. Girl
◦ + 5. Citizen of his country
◦ + 6. Responsible for their
◦ + 7. Educator
◦ + 8. Continuation of a kind
◦ + 9. The carrier of his goal in
◦ + 10. Future architect
◦ + 11. Adventurer
◦ + 12. Supporter of change
◦ - 13. The one who builds life n
plan, but they always
fall through
◦ + 14. Adventurer
◦ + 15. Someone's friend
◦ + 16. Child of his parents
◦ + 17. Someone's enemy
◦ + 18. The one who must achieve
something worthwhile in life
◦ + 19. Someone to be proud of in
the future
◦ + 20. Who I make myself

Answer 17.35%

◦ + 1. I am a book
◦ - 9. I'm insecure
◦ + 2. I am the world
◦ - 10. I'm hysterical
◦? 3. I am a girl
◦ - 11. I'm sad
◦ + 4. I am a hero
◦ + 12. I am responsible
◦ + 5. I am power
◦? 13.H have a friend
◦? 6. I have a daughter
◦? 14. I am the soul
◦? 7. I have an idea
◦ - 15. I am constantly wrong
◦ +/- 8. I am life
◦ - 16. I'm awkward
◦ + 17. I'm Wendy

Answer 18.85%

◦ + 1. Girl
◦ + 2. Sportswoman
◦ + 3. Girlfriend
◦ + 4. Human
◦ +/- 5. Student
◦ + 6. Future mother and wife
◦ + 7. Donut

Answer 19.50%

◦? 1. I'm looking for myself
◦ + 2. I am changing
◦ + 3. I am contradictory
◦ + 4. I'm unusual
◦ + 5. I am proud of myself and burn out
out of shame for myself
◦ + 6. I am capable of very
◦ +/- 7. I am unbalanced
◦ + 8. I am an idea generator
◦ - 9. I don't like anything
◦ +/- 10. I don't feel
hatred for anything
◦ - 11. I pretend to be the wrong one
who I really am
◦ - 12. I'm selfish
◦ - 13. I don't know what I want
◦ + 14. I am able to quickly
◦? 15. I'm aggressive
◦ + 16. I really love life
◦ + 17. I never give up
◦ +/- 18. I hate weakness in
yourself and others

The question "Who am I?" is directly related to the characteristics of a person's own perception of himself, that is, with his image of "I" or I-concept.

Instructions for the test.Within 12 minutes you need to give as many answers as possible to one question relating to yourself: "Who am I?" Try to give as many answers as possible. Start each new answer on a new line (leaving some space from the left edge of the sheet). You can answer the way you want, record all the answers that come to your head, since there are no right or wrong answers in this task. It is also important to notice what emotional reactions you have in the course of performing this task, how difficult or easy it was for you to answer this question.

Test "Who am I?" - to study the content characteristics of personality identity

When the client finishes answering, he is asked to perform the first stage of processing the results - quantitative:

“Number all the individual answers you made, characteristics. To the left of each answer, put its serial number. Now evaluate each of your individual characteristics according to a four-digit system:

"+" - the plus sign is put if, in general, you personally like this characteristic;

“-” - “minus” sign - if in general you personally do not like this characteristic;

“±” - plus-minus sign - if you like this characteristic and dislike it at the same time;

"?" - "question mark" - if you do not know at this point in time how you exactly relate to the characteristic, you do not yet have a definite assessment of the answer in question.

The mark of your assessment must be placed to the left of the characteristic number. You can have grades of all types of marks, as well as only one mark or two or three.

After you have evaluated all the characteristics, summarize:

How many answers were there,

How many answers to each sign. "

The interpretation of the test is rather complicated, therefore, I will give only the classification of identification characteristics according to seven generalized indicators-components of identity:

I. "Social Self" includes 7 indicators:

1. Direct gender designation (boy, girl; woman);

2. Sexual role (lover, mistress; Don Juan, Amazon);

3. Educational and professional role-playing position (student, studying at the institute, doctor, specialist);

4. Family affiliation, manifested through the designation of a family role (daughter, son, brother, wife, etc.) or through an indication of family relations (I love my relatives, I have many relatives);

5. Ethnic-regional identity includes ethnic identity, citizenship (Russian, Tatar, citizen, Russian, etc.) and local, local identity (from Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Siberian, etc.);

6. World outlook identity: confessional, political affiliation (Christian, Muslim, believer);

7. Group affiliation: the perception of oneself as a member of a group of people (collector, member of society).

II. "Communicative Self" includes 2 indicators:

1. Friendship or circle of friends, perception of oneself as a member of a group of friends (friend, I have many friends);

2. Communication or the subject of communication, features and assessment of interaction with people (I go to visit, I like to communicate with people; I can listen to people);

III. "Material Self" means various aspects:

Description of my property (I have an apartment, clothes, bicycle);

Assessment of their security, attitude to material wealth (poor, rich, wealthy, I love money);

Attitude to the external environment (I love the sea, I do not like bad weather).

IV. "Physical Self" includes the following aspects:

Subjective description of your physical data, appearance (strong, pleasant, attractive);

A factual description of your physical data, including a description of your appearance, painful manifestations and location (blond, height, weight, age, live in a dorm);

Food addictions, bad habits.

V. "Active Self" is assessed through 2 indicators:

1. Classes, activities, interests, hobbies (I like to solve problems); experience (was in Bulgaria);

2. Self-assessment of the ability to work, self-assessment of skills, abilities, knowledge, competence, achievements, (I swim well, smart; efficient, I know English).

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Vi. "Perspective Self" includes 9 indicators:

1. Professional perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to the educational and professional sphere (future driver, I will be a good teacher);

2. Family perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to marital status (I will have children, expectant mother, etc.);

3. Group perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to group affiliation (I plan to join a party, I want to become an athlete);

4. Communicative perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams associated with friends, communication.

5. Material perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to the material sphere (I will receive an inheritance, earn an apartment);

6. Physical perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to psychophysical data (I will take care of my health, I want to be pumped up);

7. Activity perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to interests, hobbies, specific occupations (I will read more) and the achievement of certain results (I will perfectly learn the language);

8. Personal perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to personal characteristics: personal qualities, behavior, etc. (I want to be more cheerful, calm);

9. Evaluation of aspirations (I wish a lot, aspiring person).

Vii. "Reflexive Self" includes 2 indicators:

1. Personal identity: personal qualities, character traits, description of an individual style of behavior (kind, sincere, sociable, persistent, sometimes harmful, sometimes impatient, etc.), personal characteristics (nickname, horoscope, name, etc.) ; emotional attitude towards myself (I am super, "cool");

2. Global, existential "I": statements that are global and that do not sufficiently show the differences of one person from another (a reasonable person, my essence).

Two independent indicators:

1. Problematic identity (I am nothing, I don’t know who I am, I cannot answer this question);

2. Situational state: the state of being experienced at the moment (hungry, nervous, tired, in love, upset). published.

M. Kuhn, T. McPartland (modification T. V. Rumyantseva)

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

Test purpose

The test is used to study the content characteristics of a person's identity. The question "Who am I?" is directly related to the characteristics of a person's own perception of himself, that is, with his image of "I" or I-concept.

Test instructions

“Within 12 minutes you need to give as many answers as possible to the question:“ Who am I? ”. Try to give as many answers as possible. Start each new answer on a new line (leaving some space from the left edge of the sheet). You can answer the way you want, record all the answers that come to your mind, since there are no right or wrong answers in this task.

It is also important to notice what emotional reactions you have during the performance of this task, how difficult or easy it was to answer this question. "

When you answered the question, you begin the first stage of processing the results - quantitative:

“Number all the answers-characteristics. To the left of each answer, put its serial number. Then rate each individual characteristic using a four-digit system:

... "+" - a plus sign is put if, in general, you personally like this characteristic;

... "-" - a minus sign - if in general you personally do not like this characteristic;

... “±” - “plus-minus” sign - if you both like and dislike this characteristic;

... "?" - "question mark" - if you do not know at this point in time exactly how you relate to the characteristic, you do not yet have a definite assessment of the answer in question.

The mark of your assessment must be placed to the left of the characteristic number. You can have assessments of all types of marks, and only one mark or two or three.

After evaluating all the characteristics, summarize:

How many answers were there,

How many answers to each sign. "

Processing and interpretation of test results

Self-reported identity analysis

Self-assessment represents the emotional-evaluative component of the self-concept. Self-esteem reflects the attitude towards oneself in general or towards certain aspects of one's personality and activities.

Self-esteem can be adequate and inadequate.

Adequacy self-assessment expresses the degree to which a person's ideas about themselves correspond to the objective grounds of these ideas.

The level of self-esteem expresses the degree of real, ideal or desired ideas about oneself.

Self-esteem of identity is determined as a result of the ratio of the number of "+" and "-" evaluations that were obtained when evaluating each of his answers by the subject (client) at the stage of quantitative processing.

Self-esteem counts adequate , if the ratio of positively assessed qualities to negatively assessed ("+" to "-") is 65-80% by 35-20%.

Adequate self-esteem consists in the ability to realistically realize and evaluate both one's own strengths and weaknesses, behind it is a positive attitude towards oneself, self-respect, self-acceptance, a sense of one's own worth.

Also, adequate self-esteem is expressed in the fact that a person sets himself really achievable goals and objectives that correspond to his own capabilities, is able to take responsibility for his failures and successes, is confident in himself, is capable of life self-realization.

Self-confidence allows a person to regulate the level of claims and correctly assess their own capabilities in relation to various life situations.

A person with adequate self-esteem freely and naturally behaves among people, knows how to build relationships with others, is satisfied with himself and others. Adequate self-esteem is necessary condition formation of confident sex-role behavior.

Distinguish between inadequate high self-esteem - overestimation of himself as a subject and inadequate low self-esteem - underestimation of himself as a subject.

Inadequate self-esteem testifies to a person's unrealistic assessment of himself, a decrease in criticality in relation to his actions, words, while often a person's opinion about himself differs from the opinion of others.

Self-esteem counts inadequately overpriced{!LANG-28db1cec14a66589a31904f30ba94ddc!}



Self-esteem counts {!LANG-36bc7d27ae27eaa165e8c467fb88c51e!}{!LANG-8bcc32fe16c5e7893d5b1f06e786f80e!}



{!LANG-b7209dcbb3b435cd677710f342ca22e5!} {!LANG-29303d265f5839341f5ee80ffc5d92d6!}, {!LANG-63a5b5a586b83c7b427bd378019cbde3!}


{!LANG-18c5ee5858a42645547515221fb27793!} {!LANG-95acd8f55400c5aba0e7dd54ffa49c54!}, {!LANG-3fa2a399db17ff88d5984e3807de23f8!} and {!LANG-27eb3aa6a1f5b4011f32c3116ec564e1!}.

To people emotionally polar type include those who evaluate all their identification characteristics only as like or not like them, they do not use the plus-minus sign at all when evaluating them.

Such people are characterized by maximalism in assessments, fluctuations in the emotional state, about them we can say "from love to hate, one step." These are, as a rule, emotionally expressive people whose relationships with other people are highly dependent on how much they like or dislike a person.

If the number of signs "±" reaches 10-20% (of the total number of signs), then such a person can be attributed to balanced type{!LANG-b980f20c973454fbecd8352638875af7!}

If the number of signs "±" exceeds 30-40% (of the total number of signs), then such a person can be attributed to doubting type... Such a number of "±" signs can be in a person experiencing a crisis in his life, and also indicate indecision as a character trait (when it is difficult for a person to make decisions, he hesitates for a long time, considering various options).



The presence of three or more signs "?" in self-assessment, it assumes that a person has crisis experiences.

In general, the use of the signs "±" and "?" is a favorable sign of good dynamics in the consultative process.

People who use these signs, as a rule, quickly reach the level of independent solution of their own problems.



Features of gender identity are manifested:

First, in how a person defines his / her gender identity;

Secondly, in what place in the list of identification characteristics is the mention of one's gender.

Gender designation can be done:





























. {!LANG-5f6aaa46e4b1a25dfe127c6995a64aae!}{!LANG-45a6b35e7d8595691d059510f23845f4!}

. {!LANG-005f50edeaee81ee44b7ee152458d423!}{!LANG-95d7cc2508df8cdeeb6184ae84412ebb!}

{!LANG-b5bd5452748c33320c83ec41277f4c50!} {!LANG-017186be3f42b0757ce323f42ac1b475!}











A person with a more developed level of reflection gives on average more answers than a person with a less developed idea of \u200b\u200bhimself (or a more “closed”).

Also, the level of reflection is indicated by the subjectively assessed by the person himself the ease or difficulty in formulating answers to the key question of the test.

As a rule, a person with a more developed level of reflection quickly and easily finds answers regarding his own individual characteristics.

A person, who does not often think about himself and his life, answers the test question with difficulty, writing down each of his answers after some thought.




The analysis of the temporal aspect of identity must be carried out on the basis of the premise that the success of a person's interaction with others presupposes a relative continuity of his past, present and future "I". Therefore, consideration of a person's answers to the question "Who am I?" should occur from the point of view of their belonging to the past, present or future tense (based on the analysis of verb forms).

The presence of identification characteristics corresponding to different temporal regimes indicates the temporal integration of the personality.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence and expression in self-description of indicators of perspective identity (or perspective "I"), that is, identification characteristics that are associated with prospects, wishes, intentions, dreams related to various spheres of life.

The presence of goals, plans for the future is of great importance for the characteristics of the inner world of a person as a whole, reflects the temporal aspect of identity, aimed at a further life perspective, performs existential and target functions.


The predominance in self-description of verb forms describing actions or experiences in the past tense indicates the presence of dissatisfaction in the present, the desire to return to the past due to its greater attractiveness or trauma (when the psychological trauma has not been processed).

The dominance of the future tense verb forms in self-description speaks of self-doubt, a person's desire to get away from the difficulties of the present moment due to insufficient realization in the present.

The prevalence of present tense verbs in self-description speaks of the activity and consciousness of a person's actions.






{!LANG-d3335f349e0dd55a04583e730e0348f3!} {!LANG-9d7062b7af8772ad82b085b684414c9e!}{!LANG-6caa9b0b4170e3f4546fe59ab159cfbc!}



Behind the relationship between social roles and individual characteristics is the question of the relationship between social and personal identities. At the same time, personal identity is understood as a set of characteristics that makes a person similar to himself and different from others, while social identity is interpreted in terms of group membership, belonging to a larger or smaller group of people.




Conventionally, six main spheres of life can be distinguished, which can be represented in identification characteristics:














Analysis of the psycholinguistic aspect of identity includes determining which parts of speech and which content aspect of self-identification are dominant in a person's self-description.









Nouns and adjectives are most often used in self-descriptions.

{!LANG-3c65502c14cea1319b20efcfa43c7d6e!} {!LANG-94815d1e4a4c85eaf39257ff36155488!}

{!LANG-b8175e680ee6a35c17f6b43f17b9a383!} {!LANG-ef0fdf07c3334940ffca883dfc823eaf!}{!LANG-7471c465b2af5d97ea3d49b629841963!}






{!LANG-77906eb50888f7f31ad7a4dea6fdfe25!} {!LANG-e71d5590bd30b3ca669bf3c93b01bb24!} {!LANG-ad148ae3cdbf83eaf55d5e42055a041f!}

The other three types of valence characterize the non-adaptive state of identity. They are associated with impulsivity, inconstancy, anxiety, depression, vulnerability, self-doubt, restraint, and shyness.


{!LANG-40f96be25ee661194a43aa5a52b45b70!} {!LANG-7fb826789b2028bff94ef963a7afbbe6!}{!LANG-a3bcb81707a7aac14939038fb1d963c1!}




As a quantitative assessment of the level of identity differentiation, a number is used that reflects the total number of identity indicators that a person used in self-identification.


{!LANG-7430b291408fc8783eee89a5ddc8a67d!} {!LANG-da237e47f86e9c9588948cadfc864a2d!}

{!LANG-8857d50ae61aa244bd6a2ec4b461f938!} {!LANG-430e24e83351bf5023ad5f2aa1b05216!}

Identification characteristics analysis scale


{!LANG-32f8e0bb6944a6efe8b1351b72b8facc!}. {!LANG-aa0b1b61500465ebaa4fa4a0f712f971!}{!LANG-2dedb4d3084b4f553f04c457532b1d43!}












Description of my property (I have an apartment, clothes, bicycle);

Assessment of their security, attitude to material wealth (poor, rich, wealthy, I love money);

Attitude to the external environment (I love the sea, I do not like bad weather).


Subjective description of your physical data, appearance (strong, pleasant, attractive);

A factual description of your physical data, including a description of your appearance, painful manifestations and location (blond, height, weight, age, live in a dorm);

Food addictions, bad habits.


  • {!LANG-100edc118d0a78f0c60bba36ea2dffce!}
  • {!LANG-114e803313eb5549bb64ab26d5af6732!}














Two independent indicators:



